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Dagashi Kashi #8


Tou tells some ghost stories at Kokonotsu's house while they are copped up in the storm. It was quite funny because the only one who scared was Saya-shi. Don't worry Saya-shi, everything will be fine as long as you have Super Scary Ghost Story Gum. If ghots appear, feed them with the gum and they will leave you.

Well... well... a guy wants to be popular and he bought 2 cup-and-balls "Kendama" in Shikada Candy Shop. He said this thing is very popular in the city these days. He tried to play it and... failed miserably... ngoahahaha. Talking about Kendama, you might check this zoomadanke . They are so good playing Kendama.

Overall the eighth episode of Dagashi Kashi was good, but a bit plain in my opinion. Let's hope next episode will be more interesting and fun. See you on my next post.

Next episode: Episode 9. Pop Rocks and chocolate Doo

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Dagashi Kashi #8
