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Week #36 Check-in

Week #36 Check-in

It's the end of Week 36!

Have a Labor Day picnic to celebrate accomplishing your writing goals this week or for month 8.

 Whether you're a weekly  or  monthly  (or anything in between) W1S1 participant, it's time to brag! Have you faced any challenges? Make any breakthroughs? 

If you've managed to write a story and submit a story, here's your chance to tell the world. If you've had something W1S1-related accepted, tell us so we can add you to the Write1Sub1 Hall of Fame. But if life has interfered with your writing and every reply has been a rejection, let us know that too so we can commiserate. We're all in this together.

Please report ONLY accepted/published stories that you wrote as part of your participation in W1S1 (2011-2015).

(Please note that reports will not immediately appear, as they must be verified/processed by the moderator.) 

While W1S1 continues to encourage all avenues for publication, we want to especially highlight those stories and markets that help to put tea in a writer's cup. 

Even if you have no acceptance or publication news to report, please update us on your week's progress in the comments. Successes and failures, triumphs and disasters, brilliant ideas and insane dreams: we want to read all about them.

This post first appeared on Write 1 Sub 1, please read the originial post: here

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Week #36 Check-in
