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Dinks Finance | A Personal Finance Blog By And For Blog

A personal finance blog by and for couples
Hi All, I’ve been thinking about this post for a while, but haven’t had a chance to get everything down on paper. There’s been a lot of discussion in the popular media rece… Read More
How Many Stocks Should You Own?
Hello All, If you’re interested in personal finance, you’ve probably thought about stocks. Naturally, when you thinks about stocks, you think about how to avoiding loosing money… Read More
Buy An Oil Well?
I was reading Loral Langemeier a few years back. She’s a big advocate of direct investing in business opportunities like self storage, rental real estate and oil wells. The idea of bu… Read More
The Pros And Cons Of Buying Silver
Its Memorial Day Monday and I’m banging away in my home office here in Portland, Oregon.  Earlier this month, I picked up some silver on Amazon, I ended up buying a few grams of… Read More
Free Summer Activities For Couples
My husband and I plan to travel internationally in a few months, so we’re trying to spend as little as possible this summer. Then, we can use all the money we usually spend on recreat… Read More
Should You Put Bills On Autopay?
My husband and I have combined finances, and I’m the budgeter/bill-payer in the family. Recently, we sat down for our budget meeting, and he asked why I don’t put bills on autop… Read More
Why We Stopped Following Dave Ramsey
Fifteen to twenty years ago, my husband and I were newly married and living in a large city. I was working full-time but earning a low salary, and my husband was in graduate school. We live… Read More
The Best Present To Give To Parents
My mom comes from a large family; she is the 8th in a family of nine children. Her oldest brother, my uncle, used to tell his childhood stories when we went to family parties. I loved heari… Read More
How Soon Is Too Soon To Move In?
Sixty to seventy years ago, couples had a rather strict path from the first date, to courtship, to marriage. Thankfully, social standards have relaxed, and couples can determine their relat… Read More
How To Avoid Eating Out When At Work
When I worked a traditional job, I would bring my lunch to work. However, often that lunch sat in the refrigerator while I went out to lunch instead. What happened? Why did I spend money on… Read More
Wednesday Money Round Up
All, I am blissfully in the middle of getting ready for my annual hunting trip in Eastern Oregon.  So, today’s posting is a quick roundup of some fun apps that are working for me… Read More
Why I Subscribe To EMeals
My husband and I make almost all of our meals from scratch. We rarely go out to eat and only rely on convenience foods such as frozen burritos or chicken nuggets once or twice a week. The r… Read More
Get A Financial Education
Hi All, Ignorance is a major barrier that holds people back from making good financial decisions.  The U.S. is a tremendously prosperous and well educated country, but most Americans do… Read More
Tuesday Shopping Tips
All, Inflation is rearing its ugly head all over the US. Since money supply issues and interest rates are usually outside the bounds of what most people can influence, I thought I’d s… Read More
Folks, Everyone needs to eat, but eating doesn’t have to break the bank.  One of the easiest expenses to reduce is the amount you spend on food.  Reducing your grocery bill m… Read More
Why Only One Of Us Works Full-Time
My husband and I have been married for more than 20 years, but we’ve never both worked full-time. Instead, only one of us works full-time, and the other works part-time. Although that… Read More
“Remember, that money is of the prolific, generating nature. Money can beget money, and its offspring can beget more, and so on. Five shillings turned is six, turned again it is seven… Read More
Nielsen Opinion Rewards Delivers
Hello Dinks, I came home this afternoon to a pleasant surprise. I’d received an old fashioned letter with five bucks in it. The five bucks was from a survey I’d done for Nielsen… Read More
Shrinkflation, Now With Less Farfalle
Hi All, So – every time I go shopping, I’m reminded that the US is living through a period of high inflation. I went to my local Kroger last week, and picked a few boxed of Kroge… Read More
Here is a pro tip for you: tracking your finances works. This is because what gets measured, gets managed. If you want to improve your investing returns, track how your investments are doin… Read More
Like a lot of you, I’m full time employed, but I’m still cash constrained.  So, I’ve been looking for ways to that are truly passive to supplement my income.  Th… Read More
Its Sunday – so it’s time for a round up. Here are a couple of articles that struck me this week, and so here is our Sunday Round Up. If you’re not familiar Nick Maggiulli… Read More
Those who want to invest in precious metals most commonly look to gold and silver. However, palladium is another, lesser-known option. Used in the car industry, specifically for catalytic c… Read More
“The Knotted Gun” by Fredrik Reutersward.As you probably know, Americans love guns. Since the dawn of our country firearms have played prominent roles in politics and society. Cu… Read More
The more time you spend on the planet, the more you realize that even smart money is fallible. Here is a graphic that is making the rounds on the web. Its a stock recommendation issued by Go… Read More
It’s definitely summer here in Portland, Oregon.  Last weekend was the hottest on record. The temperature hit 116. It was so hot in fact, that the multivitamins in my apartment me… Read More
Don’t Forget About Bonds
People – don’t forget about bonds! Everyone is going nuts over cryptocurrency and the stock market, but bonds have been a viable investing vehicle since 2400 B.C. (here). And, c… Read More
How To Rent Out A Timeshare
Time shares can be a great way to take a vacation to the same destination every year and know that you will have comfortable accommodations.  However, sometimes you’re not able to… Read More
If you’re like us DINKs, you’re probably wondering how to improve your financial bottom line. The recent covid related economic slowdown has torpedoed some people budgets, so som… Read More
I was chatting with a friend the other day, and her sister messaged her on Skype. Her sister was curious as to about how much she should be spending on common household expenses. Well, I was… Read More
Don’t Forget The Basics
Everyone is looking for a fast buck in the stock market these days, but they forget there just isn’t any substitute for following good basic advice.  So here is a list of persona… Read More
Personal Finance Advice From 1758
In 1758, Benjamin Franklin, the original blogger, wrote an essay called The Way To Wealth.  The essay is basically a collection of advice and adages from 25 years of Franklin’s Po… Read More

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DINKS Finance | A personal finance blog by and for
