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The Finest Playa Mujeres Wedding, Jasmine and Alejandro

The Finest Playa Mujeres Wedding,  Jasmine And Alejandro

It was just one of those good old fashioned, beautiful, happy, super fun weddings in Mexico- the kind of party that can only happen at a warm, sunny, destination far from home. With the most perfectly lovely bride and groom and their very happy French, Spanish and English speaking Canadian tribe, this wedding at the Finest in CanCun’s Playa Mujeres was our sweet spot, the kind of weddings we really can’t help but love to shoot and definitely wouldn’t ever object to being invited to as a guest. Jasmine mentioned to me that she took inspiration for her beach wedding from one of our favorite past weddings, having seen the photos here on the blog during her research. This was reason enough to make me feel the need to come out of blogger hiding long enough to share this wonderful destination celebration and to hopefully inspire another Mexico destination couple as fabulous as Jazz and Alejo.

This post first appeared on Blog - Elizabeth Medina Photography, please read the originial post: here

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The Finest Playa Mujeres Wedding, Jasmine and Alejandro
