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Timber Wolf by Zoe Chant My rating: 5 of 5 stars I finished this book a couple of days ago. I read a fair amount of varied fiction, but I don’t usually read romances at all. I definite… Read More
I haven’t talked about this publicly yet, but we lost my brother recently. He was diagnosed with stage four recto-colon cancer about 13 months before he died. He had the best treatment… Read More
Role Playing by Cathy Yardley My rating: 5 of 5 stars What a lovely story! I heard about this book from a friend in a Slack community. I was reluctant at first because I just don’t rea… Read More
2021 Stitch-a-Long Finished
I finished this piece, the 2021 Peppermint Purple Stitch-a-Long, a few weeks ago. I didn’t get around to taking a photo until last night. The post 2021 Stitch-a-Long Finished appeared… Read More
Review: Junkyard War By Faith Hunter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars First finish of the year! And what a finish it was. This book wraps up Shining Smith’s story with a bang. The fact that it came out shortly after Faith Hunter… Read More
I’m all caught up on the 2022 Peppermint Purple Stitch-a-Long. I finished the 2021 SAL last week, but I don’t have a photo of it yet. And I just ordered the fabric for the 2023 S… Read More
I can’t recall whether or not I mentioned that I returned to college on 1 June of this year, but I did. I’m attending Western Governors University, majoring in Information Techno… Read More
Week 45
I was caught up on the 2022 Peppermint Purple Stitch-a-Long, up to last week’s block 45, anyway. As of this morning, week 46 is available, so I’ll be doing that tonight. The pos… Read More
Apparently, another of my plugins breaks something that the Mastodon-friendly plugin needs to work. I disabled the other plugin. Maybe this one will start working? Read More
Final Heir by Faith Hunter My rating: 5 of 5 stars Ok, it started a little slowly, and I had some trouble getting into the swing of the book. I stuck with it because Faith Hunter’s alw… Read More
Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. The month is about realizing how common mental health issues are, supporting each other through them, and removing the stigma about them. A few statisti… Read More
The American Chronic Pain Association site says the group has been around since 1980, but I hadn’t run across them until yesterday. I spent some time on their site and they have some r… Read More
This is a fascinating article with excellent sources. Chronic pain is terrible. A new way of understanding it may help. The past two centuries have produced a cascade of life-altering advanc… Read More
Does Anyone Remember Glyph?
I’m not one for video games, really, or games of any sort other than tabletop RPGs. But there was one game that I used to play on my iTouch, Glyph, that I still miss. It was fun and so… Read More
Those of us who suffer chronic pain face a great deal of stigma. This paper addresses that stigma.Pain, objectivity and history: understanding pain stigma Read More
In Several Colors by Jane Kenyon From Collected Poems Every morning, cup of coffee in hand, I look out at the mountain. Ordinarily, it’s blue, but today it’s the color of an eggp… Read More
Myth Dispelled –Adam Possner, M.D. The flu vaccine cannot give you the flu, I tell him. It’s dead virus, there’s nothing alive about it. It can’t make you sick. That… Read More
I continue to work on the 2021 Peppermint Purple SAL. I just finished the block for week 30. It’s good to have a second piece to work on while waiting for the blocks of the 2022 SAL! Read More
Love and Life by John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester All my past life is mine no more; The flying hours are gone, Like transitory dreams given o’er, Whose images are kept in store By memory… Read More
the earth is a living thing –Lucille Clifton From Collected Poems of Lucille Clifton is a black shambling bear ruffling its wild back and tossing mountains into the sea is a black hawk… Read More
Good Grief –KB Brookins after the 2021 Texas Winter Storm I’ll admit that I’ve never thought about frostbite. Trauma of the blood, a thing to be avoided when heat goes out… Read More
They Sit Together on the Porch by Wendell Berry From A Timbered Choir They sit together on the porch, the dark Almost fallen, the house behind them dark. Their supper done with, they have wa… Read More
The Problem –Taylor Mali From What Learning Leaves You’re the this that somebody ought to do something about.      — Jeffrey McDaniel The guy in front o… Read More
Canary –Rita Dove From Grace Notes Billie Holiday’s burned voice had as many shadows as lights, a mournful candelabra against a sleep piano, the gardenia her signature under… Read More
To Hold –Li-Young Lee From Behind My Eyes So we’re dust. In the meantime, my wife and I make the bed. Holding opposite edges of the sheet, we raise it, billowing, then pull… Read More
The Journey –Mary Oliver From Dream Work One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice— though the whol… Read More
There is a land – a Motherland of vast imaginative spaces and absolute belonging her open heart a deep well where all draw and drink freely and fully the waters of life, where we meet… Read More
Nine Spice Mix –Zeina Azzam This spice mix is featured in many of the dishes in this book, lending them a uniquely Palestinian flavor. —Reem Kassis, The Palestinian Table First t… Read More
Sunday –Cecily Parks So this is Sunday evening under the live oak behind the kitchen where the Rose of Sharon spills purple tea onto the grass, the yellow bells sound yellow alarms fr… Read More
Mr. Chairman Takes His Leave –Rosemary CatacalosAs to me, I know of nothing else but miracles.—Walt Whitman en memoria William Rashall Sinkin, 1913–2014 Whitman, you onc… Read More
April Chores by Jane Kenyon When I take the chilly tools from the shed’s darkness, I come out to a world made new by heat and light. The snake basks and dozes on a large flat stone. It… Read More
The Dark Night (XVIII) –May Sinclair Our love is woven Of a thousand strands— The cool fragrance of the first lilac At morning, The first dew on the grass, The smell of wild mint… Read More
Gratitude List –Naomi Shihab Nye Thank you for insulting me. You helped me see how much I was worth. Thank you for overlooking my humanity. In that moment I gained power. To be forgott… Read More
Blue Like That –Gerald Stern She was a darling with her roses, though what I like is lavender for I can dry it and nothing is blue like that, so here I am, in my arms a bouquet of trag… Read More
GiftsKirk Wilson I kept my life in a small room with pale blue walls and brought it back little presents from the world This is for you I would say This is for you Sometimes the gifts died i… Read More
Götterdämmerung A straw reed climbs the car antenna. Beyond the tinted glass, golden waves of grain. Golly! I can’t help exclaiming, and he smirks— my born-again natura… Read More
Death By Wind As for those who face their death by wind and call it by the weird name of forgiveness they alone have the right to marry birds, and those who stopped themselves from falling d… Read More
Yellow Glove What can a yellow glove mean in a world of motorcars and governments? I was small, like everyone. Life was a string of precautions: Don’t kiss the squirrel before you bury… Read More
What Is There Beyond Knowing What is there beyond knowing that keeps calling to me? I can’t turn in any direction but it’s there. I don’t mean the leaves’ grip and sh… Read More
Morning on the Island The lights across the water are the waking city. The water shimmers with imaginary fish. Not far from here lie the bones of conifers washed from the sea and piled by wi… Read More
I finished this week’s block on the same day for once! I’m toying with the idea of leaving the border as-is Read More
I wasn’t aware of this connection at all.The religious history of Caesarean surgery and what it means for the abortion battle Read More
Brain imaging study sheds light on the neural mechanisms underlying romantic relationship maintenance “Having an intimate romantic relationship is an important aspect of life for most… Read More
Looking for ideas for the “self care” that’s so important? Try some of these art therapy exercises Read More
Music, Music, Music
Wow. I found a draft of a post from 2008, and much of it is still relevant, so I’m updating and sharing it. I’ve been listening to more music lately, which is good. I love music… Read More
Do You Have To Finish Books You Start?
This started out as a comment on a poll over at GoodReads. I got too wordy and figured it would be better to turn it into a post. I used to refuse to quit reading after starting a book, whic… Read More
Week 9 of the 2022 Peppermint Purple Stitch-a-long is done! This week’s block was a nuisance because I was distracted. I stitched it in the wrong place first, then another wrong place… Read More
I was poking around the WordPress menus and noticed that one of the Tools was a LiveJournal Importer, so I imported the posts from my old LiveJournal (the main one, I had several). It seems… Read More
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear My rating: 4 of 5 stars The book is good except for the endless sports analogies. I should ha… Read More
2020 SAL Finished!
I finally finished the 2020 Peppermint Purple Stitch-a-long!2020 Peppermint Purple Stitch-a-longI wanted to start the 2021 SAL right away but realized that the fabric I was sent wasn’t… Read More
WE ARE MERIDIANS: BOOK ONE by S. Ghali My rating: 2 of 5 stars There I was, merrily reading along in this science fiction book. Then WHAM, S. Ghali ruined it completely. How? They depicted t… Read More

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