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Your Feb. 27 Weekly Horoscope Predicts an Exciting Reawakening Ahead


The universe has something exciting in the works, but despite the rush of anticipation that may come along with it, the sun's journey through mystical Pisces until March 20 is urging us to rest, retreat, and tune into the divine frequencies that surround us. Whether it be the soundtrack of your favorite fantasy trilogy or the poetry book you just haven't gotten around to starting, it's time to surrender your burdens and trust your inspiration. As you can probably imagine, your weekly horoscope for Feb. 27 through March 5 is loaded with pivotal planetary transits, so let's get right to it.

On Feb. 27, the moon will meet with Mars, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn in the morning, and this boss-like synergy could turn out to be a sweet pick-me-up, especially before a busy work week. Is there anything specific you'd like to master or put more work into? The moon will slip into freedom-loving Aquarius and join forces with Mercury the following day. Contemplating next steps? Leaning on your friends and extended network for support is always a good idea when the moon's in Aquarius, but Luna's square to Uranus will likely challenge you to venture outside of your comfort zone.

Fast forward to this week's magical new moon in Pisces on March 2, as it will sit alongside this mutable water sign's traditional ruler, Jupiter, adding a serendipitous layer of hope, compassion, and infinite possibility to this day. Now, the irony of the new moon in Pisces is that, new moons presenting us with a "new beginning," the energy of Pisces is about completion and surrender. However, this is precisely why we're being encouraged to release something - so we can step into the reality we've been manifesting. Listen to music, journal your dreams, or take longer baths. Just be gentle with yourself during this time and, more importantly, make sure you're getting enough rest.

With all that being said, the week comes to a close with the sun conjunct Jupiter in Pisces on March 5, and it really doesn't get more auspicious than that. In fact, it's been 12 years since the sun joined forces with Jupiter in Pisces, so think back to that period of your life for reference of the potential effects. Highly optimistic and swirling with generosity, the combination of these two planets will not only inspire us to follow our dreams, but also invigorate us with energy and positivity.

Wondering what this week has in store for you, specifically? Read on for your weekly horoscope for Feb. 27-March 5, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a greater look at your year overall, read your 2022 horoscope.

Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 27, 2022

Taking the time to relax and unwind is easier said than done, Aries, at least toward the beginning of the week before the moon concludes its journey through Capricorn. You'll not only be feeling more determined, but also incredibly passionate, to succeed, given the moon's close proximity to your Mars (your planetary ruler), Venus, and Pluto as it lights up your 10th house of authority. Keep your eyes on the prize, and focus on your goals. The moon will join savvy Mercury in Aquarius on Feb. 28, bringing buzz and traction to your 11th house of community. Luna's square to Uranus is bringing you the freedom you crave, financially or via spontaneous collaborations, but it will likely require you to step outside of your comfort zone.

On March 2, the sun will collide with the new moon in Pisces via your secretive 12th house of closure and dreams. The new moon will conjunct lucky Jupiter, too, which will help you expand in order to reap the blessings you deserve. Make sure you take a moment to reflect on the emotions and outdated energies in your life that need to be released so you can finally welcome in the new. Keep in mind, Mars continues to travel alongside its divine counterpart, Venus, and the lovers of the cosmos will join forces with powerhouse Pluto on March 3. Despite whether you're single or already taken, this spicy synergy will add some intensity to themes surrounding romance, stability, and your money-making abilities. Finally, the sun's reunion with lucky Jupiter on March 5 reminds you to dream big.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 27, 2022

It's a new dawn and you can feel it in your bones, Taurus. The week of Feb. 27 kicks off with the moon glimmering through Capricorn and your expansive ninth house of adventure, wisdom, and unknown territory. You've probably been planning for the future and looking for ways to create a firm foundation for yourself, whether through traveling or an entrepreneurial venture. The moon will also join Venus (your planetary ruler), Mars, and Pluto in Capricorn, which will likely inspire you with confidence and determination. This could be especially interesting for those of you romantically connected to someone who's at a distance from you. If this new journey revolves around your professional life, the moon's square to rebellious Uranus on Feb. 28 will more than likely ruffle some feathers, but trust that this shakeup is all for the best.

The moon will then join forces with Mercury and Saturn via your 10th house of authority, which can really only mean one thing: it's time to get down to business. If you've been indecisive with your career direction or perhaps slacking on your due diligence, it's time to face the music. On a much brighter note, the new moon in Pisces on March 2 will bring lunar magic and new beginnings to your 11th house of community. Sitting alongside bountiful Jupiter, this lunation ushers in expansion and abundance for your social spaces and to themes surrounding your dreams. On March 3, Venus will join Pluto in a spicy conjunction via your exotic ninth house of passion, intensity, and taboo, shedding light on themes surrounding your belief systems and long-term goals. You can't unsee what you already know to be true; stop denying your personal faith.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 27, 2022

Things tend to get difficult before they can get better, so hang in there, Gemini. Before the moon leaves Capricorn and your intimate eighth house of sex and shared resources on Feb. 27, it will join forces with Mars, Venus, and Pluto. This may prompt to either invest in or back out of a connection cold turkey. On Feb. 28, the moon will meet with Saturn and your planetary ruler, Mercury, via your expansive ninth house of adventure, wisdom, and unknown territory, bringing greater emphasis to themes surrounding your long-term goals and worldly pursuits. Thinking about going back to school? Some of you may decide to embark on an entrepreneurial journey of sorts, even if it's solely virtual for the time being.

The moon's square to rebellious Uranus, however, could create friction between some unconscious fears and the opportunities that await you. It's time to break free from whatever's keeping you stagnant. Fortunately, the new moon in Pisces on March 2 may trigger some motion in the form of new beginnings to your bossy 10th house of ambition, authority, public persona, and reputation in the world. The best part? This lunation will sit alongside lucky Jupiter, bringing abundance, expansion, and serendipitous opportunities your way. You will, however, be encouraged to release what's no longer serving you in the process, and Venus's conjunction to Pluto on March 3 could very well serve as a catalyst for this decision. You'll be glad you did once the sun joins Jupiter in your career sector on March 5. You manifested this portal of new life, and it's time to walk through it.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 27, 2022

You can do anything with a positive mindset and the right group of people by your side, Cancer. Although, if your significant other(s) seem more demanding toward the beginning of the week, it's all thanks to the moon conjunct Mars, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn in your relationship sector, as this aspect will likely intensify the dynamic. Whether personally or professionally, some of you may decide to make things official, even if that means keeping this decision to yourself for the time being. On Feb. 28, the moon moves into freedom-loving Aquarius, but it will square off with rebel Uranus in the process. Needless to say, exploring your options is easier said than done if you have prior commitments to tend to, so be mindful of collaborations that aren't serving you.

A mystical new moon in Pisces on March 2 will bring new beginnings to everything from your belief systems to your worldly pursuits. Have the courage to dream big and follow your intuition. Venus will conjunct probing Pluto the following day, bringing the shadowy aspects of your relationship patterns to the surface. Be it romantically or financially, something is being brought to your attention. This could have something to do with your professional life, as the moon will enter Aries and your career-oriented 10th house on March 4. A lucky sun-Jupiter conjunction on March 5, however, will simultaneously urge you to step outside of your comfort zone, specifically when it comes to your hopes, wishes, and dreams.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 27, 2022

It's time to set firm boundaries, Leo, especially when it comes to outside influences. The week of Feb. 27 begins with the moon sitting alongside Mars, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn via your responsible sixth house of daily rituals, due diligence, and acts of service. If your work week isn't incredibly demanding, then you're probably just doing a whole lot of adulting. The moon enters Aquarius the following day, activating your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, but it will simultaneously square off with rebel Uranus in the process. The same way it's important to have healthy boundaries, it's important to balance your relationship with authority and structure as opposed to being a reckless rebel.

On March 2, the new moon in Pisces will touch down on your intimate eighth house of mergers, shared resources, and soul bonds. New collaboration on the horizon? Mercury will also be sitting alongside Saturn in your partnership sector, so it's important that you triple check the fine print before committing to any sort of contract. Otherwise, make sure you communicate clearly and thoroughly with your significant other. The moon's shift into warrior-like Aries on March 4 will propel you forward and supercharge you with confidence with regard to your future. Where are you off to next? Wherever you have your eyes set, rest assured the week ends on a magical note, as the sun (your celestial ruler) joins forces with bountiful Jupiter in Pisces on March 5. Don't be afraid to test your luck.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 27, 2022

Your intimate partnerships are a reflection of your authenticity, or lack thereof, Virgo. Whether romantically or creatively, it's time to follow your heart and stay true to the things that inspire you. The week kicks off with the moon sitting alongside Mars, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn, activating your fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression. Chances are, you're either working tirelessly to master a creative talent or you're making things more official with a love interest. Things could start to get busier upon the moon's shift into Aquarius on Feb. 28, as it will ignite your responsible sixth house of daily routines and clash with rebel Uranus in the process. Finish what you started before you start focusing on future plans, but more importantly, don't jump to conclusions.

Luckily, the new moon in Pisces on March 2 will bring blessings and expansion to your committed seventh house of agreements while sitting alongside lucky Jupiter. The universe is bringing you in union with soulmates and potential prospects - personal or professional - who will raise your vibration. However, before stepping into this new chapter of your life, Venus conjunct Pluto will challenge you to confront the shadow side of your love language, heart's desires, and self-expression. Do you need to make something clearer? Does a significant partnership need work? The sun's conjunction to bountiful Jupiter on March 5 could be serendipitous and beneficial, but keep in mind, there will be no room for toxic ego.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 27, 2022

Get your ducks in a row so you can finally come out of your shell, Libra. The week of Feb. 27 begins with the moon traveling alongside Mars, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn and your domestic fourth house of home and emotional foundations. If you're not hanging out with the parental units, then you're probably getting some housework done. The following day on Feb. 28, the moon will slip into Aquarius and your romantic fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure, encouraging you to express yourself and tap into your unique authenticity. But there's a catch. The moon will simultaneously clash with rebellious Uranus via your intimate eighth house of mergers and shared resources, creating tension between submitting to your heart's desires and staying true to your prior commitments.

On a much brighter note, this week's magical new moon in Pisces will bring new beginnings to your responsible sixth house of daily duties, health habits, and acts of service, which will only continue to support your happiness and peace of mind. You could be starting a new meditation practice or switching up your schedule to create more time for the things you love. Your connection to spirit is being highlighted under this new moon, so feel free to find an outlet of expression where you can tune into a higher power. The moon will then enter Aries - your relationship sector - on March 4, leaving you craving more freedom in your one-on-one partnerships. And as the sun joins lucky Jupiter in a serendipitous conjunction on March 5, it's clear the time has come to make yourself a priority.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 27, 2022

What starts off as "just an idea" could lead to something successful in due time, Scorpio. This is especially significant to consider this week, so don't sleep on your hopes and dreams. For starters, the moon will conjunct Mars, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn on Feb. 27, bringing passionate momentum to your third house of communication, thought process, and immediate surroundings. This dynamic synergy will be sure to spice things up in your local community and interpersonal exchanges, triggering a ripple effect for you personally or professionally. Given that both of your celestial rulers (Mars and Pluto) are in the mix, be sure to steer away from power plays and toxic one-uppers. The moon slips into freedom-loving Aquarius and your fourth house of home and innermost feelings on Feb. 28 while simultaneously clashing with Uranus via your relationship sector. Many of you could be needing a lot more space than usual, and this may or may not sit well with others.

Feeling creative? By midweek, if you're not tapping into your artistic side, then maybe you're falling in love. The new moon in Pisces on March 2 will ignite your flamboyant fifth house of love, passion projects, and self-expression, all the while sitting alongside lucky Jupiter. It sounds cheesy, but your heart will be full under this lunar magic, especially those of you consciously choosing to follow your divine calling. Granted, Venus will also conjunct your modern ruler, Pluto, on March 3, which will urge you to revisit the darker aspects of your financial security and reputation in the world, perhaps surrounding a conversation that's been long overdue or a sudden revelation you have about a significant other. As the sun conjuncts Jupiter on March 5, be sure to prioritize your happiness.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 27, 2022

Count your blessings, Sagittarius. The week of Feb. 27 begins with the moon glimmering alongside Mars, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn, emphasizing themes surrounding your financial and professional investments and your general sense of security. Pat yourself on the back and take a moment to reflect on how far you've come. The moon enters freedom-loving Aquarius on Feb. 28, activating your curious third house of communication and immediate surroundings. Because the moon also sits in a challenging square to Uranus, however, beware of biting off more than you can chew, especially for those of you dealing with daily distractions on a regular basis. Silence your notifications.

Just in time to retreat and come back home to yourself, there will be a mystical new moon in Pisces on March 2, bringing fertility and new beginnings to your emotionally driven fourth house of home, family matters, living spaces, and innermost feelings. This lunation sits alongside your lucky planetary ruler, Jupiter, so rest assured the universe is assisting in your healing and expansion just as much as you are. Given that Venus will also conjunct Pluto on March 3, this leap of faith and new beginning could very well revolve around a relocation of sorts, although you may feel you're being challenged to confront your spending habits. Fortunately, the week ends on a pretty fabulous note with the sun conjunct Jupiter in Pisces, so regardless, don't lose hope. Keep pushing forward.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 27, 2022

The spotlight's on you, but there's no need for stage fright, Capricorn. As you may know, the moon governs your committed seventh house of relationships, but it will be sitting alongside Mars, Venus, and Pluto in your sign on Feb. 27. Despite your magnetic charm, you could be quite demanding at this time (understandable given the astro-weather), so be mindful of your expectations. On Feb. 28, the moon will enter Aquarius and ignite your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems, although it will simultaneously face off with rebel Uranus in the process. Keep your balance when it comes to romance or creativity, and don't let the unexpected take you off your path, especially when it comes to knowing your self-worth.

A magical new moon will ignite your third house of communication on March 2, while making a conjunction to lucky Jupiter in Pisces. Dabbling in the arts lately? Maybe you're into writing poetry or singing your heart out when no one's around. Despite your innate pragmatism, this lunation is encouraging you to dream big and, more importantly, place your trust in the hands of the universe. On March 3, Venus will join forces with powerhouse Pluto in your sign, which means you're being challenged to take a closer look at your shadow side, specifically with your values, committed partnerships, and professional life. Don't let this confrontation deter you, though. Everything is a work in progress, and while there's no such thing as perfect, the sun's conjunction with expansive Jupiter on March 5 reminds you that anything's possible. It's all about perspective.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 27, 2022

If you're feeling introspective this week, take some time to retreat and recharge your energy, Aquarius. The week of Feb. 27 begins with the moon sitting with Mars, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn via your 12th house of closure, dreams, surrender, and hidden agendas. Chances are, you're taking some time to lay low or even work behind the scenes. The moon enters your sign on Feb. 28, where it will join forces with chatty Mercury and disciplined Saturn, so one thing's for sure: you mean business. How quickly and effectively you get moving, however, depends on the moon's square to your modern ruler, Uranus, as you're simultaneously feeling the urge to break free from something. Take a deep breath, and keep focusing on your long-term goals. Cultivating balance is key at this time.

A new moon in Pisces will touch down on your second house of comfort, finances, wealth, and values on March 2, with a serendipitous conjunction to lucky Jupiter to boot. Whether you're exploring an individual source of income stemming from your spirit gifts or mulling over an intuitive decision about a financial investment, this lunation is here to help you expand in more ways than one. It will, however, require discipline and determination on your end, especially while Mercury sits alongside serious Saturn in your sign. If you don't take yourself seriously, why would anyone else? Venus will conjunct Pluto on March 3, and this will continue to shed light on the darker aspects of your sacrifices surrounding your relationships and finances. Remember when I said to recharge? When the sun conjuncts Jupiter on March 5, don't be afraid to tap into your divine frequency for guidance and support.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 27, 2022

You have so much to look forward to, Pisces. The week starts off on a positive note, as the moon - celestial ruler of your fifth house of love, celebration, and self-expression - will be traveling alongside Mars, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn via your socially conscious 11th house on Feb. 27. There's no better time than now to celebrate your personal or professional wins, or perhaps even mingle among your professional network. The moon will slip into Aquarius via your sleepy 12th house of closure, dreams, and all things behind the scenes on Feb. 28, so after a long night of schmoozing over cocktails, you may want to take a personal day.

Luna's tricky square to Uranus on Feb. 28, however, could create some friction between your desire to retreat and some unexpected matters that arise in the workplace. A numinous new moon in your sign on March 2 will adorn your auric field with expansion, healing, and high vibrational energy. Be sure to set intentions, even if it's behind closed doors. After all, Mercury will be sitting together with Saturn in your 12th house of solitude and unconscious patterns, so chances are, you're more tuned in to spirit now than ever. Serious Saturn may be the reason you think otherwise, but trust that you're being guided by something greater to something greater. On an even more magical note, the sun will meet with bountiful Jupiter in your sign on March 5 for the first time in 12 years. Feeling lucky? Make a wish, because it really doesn't get more divine than this.

This post first appeared on POPSUGAR, please read the originial post: here

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Your Feb. 27 Weekly Horoscope Predicts an Exciting Reawakening Ahead
