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“Go To Your Wife’s Work Place To See If Your Children Resemble Anyone She Works With” – Nigerian Lawyer Advises Men

“Go To Your Wife’s Work Place To See If Your Children Resemble Anyone She Works With” – Nigerian Lawyer Advises Men

Ebikebuna Augustine Alizu, a Bayelsa lawyer, has shared some advice with men.

He advised men to visit their wives’ workplace to see if their children resemble anyone there.
“Dear Kings, In 2024, once in a while, make it a habit to go to your wife’s work place to see if your children resemble anyone she works with.

“You’re welcome,” he wrote on Saturday.

This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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“Go To Your Wife’s Work Place To See If Your Children Resemble Anyone She Works With” – Nigerian Lawyer Advises Men
