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“All of you asking me for money this period, has no conscience”, AY Makun asserts in new post

“All Of You Asking Me For Money This Period, Has No Conscience”, AY Makun Asserts In New Post

Nigerian comedian, AY Makun, has something to say about those that begged him for Christmas money.

AY Makun made this rare statement on his Instagram story, telling fans to come off his back in the request of his money.

We reported in this year, how his mansion was gutted with fire and the damage it tolled on his family.

This major reason maybe why he’s weary of giving money to anyone. Despite his challenges, he still has some people pestering him to gift him for Christmas.

He has thereby come out of the air to make it public that he’s not giving money out and anyone who still pest him, either lacks conscience or the fear of God.

“I am just tempted to say everybody asking me for money this period does not have conscience or lacks the fear of God.


This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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“All of you asking me for money this period, has no conscience”, AY Makun asserts in new post
