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“You will tell us what” Apostle Suleman vehemently warns Daniel Regha If he persists on the justice for victims of his assassination attempt

“You Will Tell Us What” Apostle Suleman Vehemently Warns Daniel Regha If He Persists On The Justice For Victims Of His Assassination Attempt

Apostle Suleman, the general Overseer of the Omega foundation ministries, has warned popular critic, Daniel Regha, to stop pressuring him over the case of the victims killed in the assassination attempt of him last year.

The Twitter influencer out of nowhere expressed his concern on the escorts or victims who died when the pastor was on the tail of some assassins.

Daniel questioned the authorities for their long due silence while apostle Suleiman was accused of sweeping it under the carpet.

All this was in the bid for justice but apostle Suleiman was not going to succumb to the pestering anymore, as he queried Daniel to come forth and tell us why this is his 9th time talking about the issue.

The man of God also told him that one of the suspects was arrested and has confessed to being sent but Daniel has failed to ask who the perpetrator is.

In conclusion, Apostle Suleiman threatened him with an arrest if he doesn’t leave his name off his thought.

“2023 is about to end, but till today nothing has been done regarding the people k! ed during the ass ination attempt; No justice served. The police has gone silent, & Suleman seems to have moved on. Dear @APOSTLESULEMAN, I hope u realize that the victims d! d following u.”, Daniel Regha asked.

“@DanielRegha We have deliberately refused to feed your tro sor engage your insensitivity..

You have posted 9 tweets since the issue happened and it’s all documented because you seem to know what we don’t know.. The leader of the gang was caught and he confessed to being sent, you never tweeted to demand the identity of who sent at least show you really mean well for the diseased..but rather you keep interfering with security matters..

You are free to use your Landlord, Jollof rice and skits to chase clouts as usual but keep the Apostle out of your idleness..One more tweet about this, you wil be invited by those on the matter to tell them what you know and we dont.”

This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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“You will tell us what” Apostle Suleman vehemently warns Daniel Regha If he persists on the justice for victims of his assassination attempt
