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“That’s why i buy my stuffs abroad”, KimOprah weighs in amidst numerous fake goods sold in Nigeria

“That’s Why I Buy My Stuffs Abroad”, KimOprah Weighs In Amidst Numerous Fake Goods Sold In Nigeria

Nigeria’s reality TV star, Kim Oprah, pours out amidst the ongoing revelation of numerous fake goods bought by Nigerians.

Yesterday 18,December 2023, unleashed the tons of exposure of several fake goods sold by Nigerian vendors.

This revelation occurred after Netizens dug up differential pictures of fake and original products.

It paved way for more and more disclosure as the day passed.

As this happened, KimOprah on the other hand, cited that she has known long before it is no longer a secret.

According to the reality TV star, she buys her products from abroad and when she she buys, it’s in bulk till the next time she will bring in another set of goods.

Currently, it’s deleted cause of its demeaning interpretation but users grabbed the shot.

See below:

This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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“That’s why i buy my stuffs abroad”, KimOprah weighs in amidst numerous fake goods sold in Nigeria
