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“You are just 14″– Fans react to new video of Emmanuella in school sportswear driving a truck (Video)

“You Are Just 14″– Fans React To New Video Of Emmanuella In School Sportswear Driving A Truck (Video)

Nigeria’s beloved young comedian, Emanuella, stirred up a storm online with a recent video capturing her in the driver’s seat of a truck.

The 13-year-old comedic sensation was displayed in a green school sportswear, gripping the steering wheel, giving the camera a glance before hitting the road in her truck.

The video displayed her driving skills like a pro as she navigated the car on her way, presumably heading to school, leaving many impressed with her behind-the-wheel prowess.

Emmanuella captivated her fans, awakening to the sight of her in a school uniform confidently controlling a truck at her youthful age. Speculations arose about her age, with many asserting she hadn’t reached 18.

Concerns were voiced over potential encounters with road safety officers, while a playful wave of cheeky comments adorned the discussions about her unconventional drive.

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This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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“You are just 14″– Fans react to new video of Emmanuella in school sportswear driving a truck (Video)
