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Wumi Toriola laments as she refunds over 3 million to her business partners

Wumi Toriola Laments As She Refunds Over 3 Million To Her Business Partners

Wumi Toriola, a Nollywood actress and single mother of two, has expressed regret after refunding $3 million to her business partners due to a failed contract.

In a now-deleted Instagram post, the Yoruba actress revealed that she had to refund $3 million this month due to a minor illness.

She stated that January, February, and March are still there, but she still believes in the classic adage “Health is Wealth.”

Wumi also admitted to being in pain, telling those who looked up to her to seek help elsewhere.

This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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Wumi Toriola laments as she refunds over 3 million to her business partners
