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”I’ve gone under the knife 3 times, I’m rich” Bobrisky reveals why he’s different from Jay Boogie

”I’ve Gone Under The Knife 3 Times, I’m Rich” Bobrisky Reveals Why He’s Different From Jay Boogie

Bobrisky has once again made news. This time, it’s his vehement response to the backlash he received for defending Jay Boogie, another transgender person who recently suffered major medical issues as a result of BBL surgery.

The story began when Jay boogie underwent a disastrous BBL surgery. Jay Boogie’s kidneys were harmed as a result of this tragedy, and recent reports from numerous news and Instagram sources indicate that he now urgently requires a kidney transplant.

The incident has triggered a flood of social media reactions, with many drawing comparisons between Jay boogie’s experience and Bobrisky’s well-documented past with cosmetic operations.

Bobrisky, who isn’t afraid of controversy, resorted to social media to respond to people who have been attacking him. He stated that while he had seen comments implying that he would soon face the same fate as Jay Boogie, he firmly denied such predictions. Bobrisky stressed the high degree of care he receives in his statement, noting that he does not use “Olodo doctors” for his surgery. He boasted that he only sees the greatest surgeons, a decision he attributed to his other name, “Luxury.”

Further elaborating on his stance, Bobrisky highlighted his affluent lifestyle. He confidently declared that he had undergone surgery three times, underscoring his financial capability to afford such procedures. In direct contrast to Jay Boogie, who is currently seeking financial assistance for his kidney transplant, Bobrisky made it clear that he does not need the funds of Nigerians for his medical expenses.

Bobrisky also took the opportunity to showcase his wealth, stating that he owns multiple properties in Lekki, considered one of Lagos’s most prestigious locations.

This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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”I’ve gone under the knife 3 times, I’m rich” Bobrisky reveals why he’s different from Jay Boogie
