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“No one deserves to die because of how they chose to live their life” Bobrisky defends Jay boogie

“No One Deserves To Die Because Of How They Chose To Live Their Life” Bobrisky Defends Jay Boogie

In the middle of a major health crisis, Bobrisky has stepped into the spotlight to protect Jay boogie.

Jay Boogie made headlines recently owing to a troubling medical scenario. He had a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure, which resulted in serious problems damaging his kidneys.

Jay Boogie is now receiving kidney dialysis as a result of the situation. His pals on social media recently announced that both of his kidneys had failed and that he urgently requires a kidney transplant. This revelation has elicited both positive and negative responses.

Amid the debate, actress Sonia Ogiri voiced her unfavorable thoughts. Jayboogie, she claimed, brought this on himself by opting for the BBL surgery. Bobrisky, on the other hand, was ready to defend Jay boogie.

Bobrisky took to Instagram to directly address Sonia Ogiri. He highlighted in his reply that it is possible to make a fair point without revealing someone’s name, noting that Ogiri had noted it in her response. Bobrisky wasn’t shy about criticizing Ogiri’s writing as lackluster and urged her to improve.

He stated that no one deserves to suffer or risk death as a result of their lifestyle choices. He discloses that individuals who want to aid Jay boogie should feel free to do so, and those who don’t should avoid passing judgment on those who do.

This comment is in response to Ogiri’s criticism of those who offered financial support for Jay boogie’s kidney transplant.

“Soniaogiri do you know you can make ur valid point without mentioning my name? But if person wan chop ki for head the head must surely scratch am. Your write-up ain’t brilliant at all. You need to do better next time. Love and kindness have no boundaries.

I will say dis over and over again. No one deserves to die over how he or she chooses to live his or her life. Regardless people who will still want to help her/him will stand up for him/her regardless. You are only in a position to control how u give ur own money, not how others want to spend theirs.“

This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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“No one deserves to die because of how they chose to live their life” Bobrisky defends Jay boogie
