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“God will judge you for how you treat your partner” – Solomon Buchi

“God Will Judge You For How You Treat Your Partner” – Solomon Buchi

Solomon Buchi, a well-known media personality, recently emphasized the importance of how people treat their partners in the eyes of God. In a tweet, he shared his strong belief that God will ultimately judge individuals based on their treatment of their partners.

Buchi expressed his view that individuals should first recognize themselves as children of God before assuming the roles of husband or wife in relationships. He firmly advocated for treating one’s partner with care, respect, and utmost value, instead of regarding them as mere possessions.

Furthermore, Buchi emphasized that individuals should treat their partners as if they were serving and tending to them on behalf of God. He stressed the significance of reflecting the compassion and love that one would expect from a divine presence.

Solomon Buchi wrote: “God will judge you for how you treat your partner. They are first God’s children, before they are your husband/wife. You don’t own them, you’re taking care of them for God. Do it well. Do it like God will like it done.

“Before marriage, people make babies by going close to the opposite sex Imao, but in marriage, you’ll plan, you’ll eat healthy, reduce this and that, exercise, and it dawns on you that making babies in marriage can become a chore.

“If I never had to work again in life. I’ll love a big family! Probably 6 kids. But there’s work that takes time, so we’d do half of that. Lol.”


This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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“God will judge you for how you treat your partner” – Solomon Buchi
