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“How my baby daddy charmed me to have sex with him” Actress Ashabi Olorisha recounts (Video)

“How My Baby Daddy Charmed Me To Have Sex With Him” Actress Ashabi Olorisha Recounts (Video)

Ashabi Olorisha, a Yoruba Nollywood actress, recently shared the story of how she ended up having sex with the father of her son.

Speaking on Biola Bayo’s Talk Show, Talk to B, she explained that they were initially just friends, as she was already in a committed relationship at the time.

However, due to their strong bond, he would often visit her.

One day, without fully understanding how it happened, they ended up being intimate and she later discovered that she had become pregnant as a result.

“I was in a relationship, but my baby father charmed me to have s3x with me (And u conceived my only child, after years of waiting)”.

“My son’s father was just my friend, he didn’t toast me. We were just friends and I had my own boyfriend, who was a Major in the Army, and there was another man who my family wanted me to marry because he is from Ikorodu.

The first time I slept with my friend, I got pregnant. I didn’t even know what led us to get intimate, cause my mother didn’t like him because of his tr!be”.

Ashabi, who now resides in the US, became emotional as she discussed the challenges her son faced in the UK due to not having the necessary papers.

She revealed that he was living with his cousin, whose husband, a Muslim, created a hostile environment for him while attempting to impose his religious beliefs onto him.

“My son suffered because I was in the US, I didn’t have papers, my son was also in the UK and he didn’t have papers and he was leaving with my cousin.

My son is a Christian and my cousin wanted to get married to a Muslim, who told my son to remove the cross he was always wearing and to start praying with them on the mat”.

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This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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“How my baby daddy charmed me to have sex with him” Actress Ashabi Olorisha recounts (Video)
