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“I give him a high score for his accent” – Reality Star Uriel defends Hermes’ British accent

“I Give Him A High Score For His Accent” – Reality Star Uriel Defends Hermes’ British Accent

Reality star Uriel has defended fellow reality star Hermes, pledging her support despite criticism of his accent. Uriel, who is from the United Kingdom, commented on Hermes’ accent and gave him a thumbs up.

Uriel commented that after hearing Hermes’ accent several times, she would grade it highly. She admired Hermes and his active attitude as a British woman herself. She apologized in a message to Hermes for the horrible experience he had the night before.

Reality TV star Uriel has come to the defense of fellow reality TV star Hermes, offering her support amidst criticism of his accent. Uriel, who hails from the UK, shared her perspective on Hermes’ accent, giving him a positive assessment.

Uriel stated that having heard Hermes’ accent on numerous occasions, she would rate it highly. As a British woman herself, she expressed admiration for Hermes and his energetic personality. In a message to Hermes, she conveyed her apologies for the unpleasant experience he faced the previous night.

“As a Core British woman I actually give Hermes

A high scor eFor his accent.

Love it Love him Love his energy

Very audible. Sorry about last night boo”

The controversy surrounding Hermes began when he called out GTB Bank for an embarrassing incident at their event. According to his account, when he arrived at the bank for the event, security personnel initially refused him entry due to his unconventional attire.

He expressed his shock and disappointment that he continues to face discrimination based on his clothing choices, especially since his style is distinct from traditional fashion norms. Hermes went on to explain that the bank’s employees observed his ordeal without intervening, making the situation even more distressing. Although he was eventually allowed in, he found it difficult to cope with the harassment he had experienced.

However, the focus on Hermes’ video took an unexpected turn as some individuals began to critique his accent. They questioned why he used a UK accent despite not having visited the UK, and urged him to speak in a more conventional manner.

Amidst the backlash, Uriel stepped in to support Hermes, praising his accent and expressing her fondness for his energy. Hermes himself addressed the questions about his accent, acknowledging that while it might not be original, he had deliberately learned to speak in this manner. He affirmed his pride in his unique accent and expressed indifference to the opinions of those who criticized it.

This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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“I give him a high score for his accent” – Reality Star Uriel defends Hermes’ British accent
