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You either perform well or you’re out – President Tinubu warns cabinet members

You Either Perform Well Or You’re Out – President Tinubu Warns Cabinet Members

President Bola Tinubu warned his cabinet members that they would be dismissed if they failed to fulfill their ministry’s specific goals.

He made this statement during the opening of the 2023 Cabinet Retreat for Ministers, Presidential Aides, Permanent Secretaries, and Top Government Functionaries at the Presidential Villa in Abuja.

Tinubu acknowledged the challenges his administration would face but emphasized the need for a clear decision and action plan from all stakeholders.

He also mentioned that he has accepted all challenges and responsibilities from his predecessor.

Tinubu stressed the importance of assembling a team of experts in his cabinet who can help the administration meet its objectives and fulfill the hopes of the people.

The President said he had directed the Special Adviser on Policy Coordination, Bala Hadiza to head the Result and Delivery Unit, through which key performance indicators of all ministerial appointees would be monitored.

He said at the end of the retreat all ministers would sign a bond of understanding to track those performing to expectation or not.

“If you are performing nothing to fear, if you miss the objectives, we review, if you have no performance you leave us, no one is an island because the buck stops on my desk,” Tinubu stated at the retreat.

Among the key priorities the Tinubu administration wants the cabinet members to focus on are food security, ending poverty, economic growth and job creation, access to capital, inclusivity: drawing on skill base, security, fairness and rule of law and anti-corruption.

This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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You either perform well or you’re out – President Tinubu warns cabinet members
