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Neo’s fans blesses him with a cash gift worth N3.5million, sneakers, designer clothes and money cakes (Video)

Neo’s Fans Blesses Him With A Cash Gift Worth N3.5million, Sneakers, Designer Clothes And Money Cakes (Video)

Reality TV star, Neo, joins the list of blessed former contestants whose fans graces with sorts of cash gifts and other expensive items.

As we dwell in the season of gifts amongst fans of former big brother contestants, Neo becomes the latest to be gifted with alot of items like money cake and others.

We recall that Vee’s ex lover, Neo, was one of the few who participated in the recently concluded Bbnaija season, themed Allstars.

And as it’s a custom, the contestants who have managed to win the hearts of some viewers, gets to be blessed with alot of gifts depending on the demography, size or how financial capable the fanbase maybe.

Neo who featured in the video gets to receive money cakes, N3.5million of cash, sneakers and other designers.

Watch the video below:

This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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Neo’s fans blesses him with a cash gift worth N3.5million, sneakers, designer clothes and money cakes (Video)
