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Supreme Court Faces Historic Low in the Number of Justices – CJN

Supreme Court Faces Historic Low In The Number Of Justices – CJN

Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Olukayode Ariwoola, has highlighted the unprecedented shortage of justices faced by the Supreme Court of Nigeria.

He pointed out that the court currently only has 10 justices available to handle the large number of pending cases, which is the lowest number in the court’s contemporary history.

Justice Ariwoola assured that steps are being taken to appoint a significant number of new justices to the Supreme Court.

He expressed his deep emotions and profound admiration for Justice Musa Dattijo Mohammed, who recently retired at the age of 70.

Justice Ariwoola emphasized that they were honoring a judicial icon known for exceptional qualities and an impressive legal career that went beyond the boundaries of the legal profession.

Justice Musa Dattijo Muhammad was hailed as an embodiment of legal expertise, a prominent figure in the temple of justice, and an iconic contributor to the advancement of the legal profession. Throughout his years of service in various levels of Nigerian courts, he left a legacy of unblemished and indisputable judicial decisions.

His lordship’s contributions to the Nigerian judiciary, particularly his unwavering commitment and exceptional performance at the Supreme Court, secured him a distinguished place in the annals of legal history.

As the second-in-command in the Supreme Court’s hierarchy, Justice Dattijo provided invaluable support and guidance to the CJN, displaying qualities of hard work, industry, discipline, and high moral standards.

The CJN acknowledged the tremendous assistance and encouragement he received from Justice Dattijo in effectively navigating the complex waters of court administration. The retiring justice’s legacy as a dedicated and accomplished jurist remains a source of inspiration for the legal community.

This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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Supreme Court Faces Historic Low in the Number of Justices – CJN
