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OAP Dotun’s ex-wife and Dbanj’s sister, Taiwo found guilty of contempt, risk jail term

OAP Dotun’s Ex-wife And Dbanj’s Sister, Taiwo Found Guilty Of Contempt, Risk Jail Term

Dotun Kayode and his ex-wife, Taiwo Oyebanjo, who is also the sister of popular music star, Dapo DBanj Oyebanjo, have reportedly been found guilty of contempt today.

Taiwo Oyebanjo, who filed a divorce petition in Abuja, was found guilty of contempt of court today and may be imprisoned.

A High Court in Dukpa, Abuja, found Taiwo Oyebanjo guilty of violating a court order affecting the couple’s children’s shared custody.

It should be noted that in suit No. GWD/ PET/25/21, the court gave Dotun and his estranged wife shared custody of the children after Dotun requested it in April 2022 and both parties originally consented.

Taiwo has been denying her estranged spouse access to their children since December 2022, despite a court order. As a result, Dotun sought legal recourse, which sparked a full-fledged and furious social media dispute between the pair recently.

The court ruled and found Taiwo guilty of disobeying the order of Court, declaring that her refusal to allow Dotun Kayode access and custody of the Children in December 2022 was a disobedience to the Order of the Court and ordering that she pay the sum of N200,000 within 30 days or risk jail term until the fine is paid.

Following the delivery of the decision against Dotun’s estranged wife, her lawyers requested to withdraw their representation on her behalf, but the matter was adjourned to the 11th of December for trial.

This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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OAP Dotun’s ex-wife and Dbanj’s sister, Taiwo found guilty of contempt, risk jail term
