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“Girls who do not bleach their skin deserve credit alerts” Singer DonCarta tells Nigerian men

“Girls Who Do Not Bleach Their Skin Deserve Credit Alerts” Singer DonCarta Tells Nigerian Men

DonCarta, a rising Nigerian artist, is making headlines not only for his music but also for a recent statement he made about the type of women who, in his perspective, deserve all the love and financial rewards.

DonCarter professed his admiration for natural beauty and melanin-rich skin in a candid Twitter revelation, claiming that Nigerian women who embrace their natural complexion without resorting to skin bleaching deserve to receive credit alerts – a phrase commonly used to denote financial transactions or monetary rewards.

“It’s all about melanin,” the singer emphasized, firmly advocating for dark melanin skin over any other skin color. This bold declaration has ignited a lively debate on social media and among netizens who have varying opinions on the matter.

The reactions to Don Carter’s statement have been swift and diverse. Some netizens have praised the singer for celebrating the beauty of natural, unaltered skin.

However, others have argued that beauty is subjective and that promoting one type of beauty over another can perpetuate harmful beauty ideals.

This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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“Girls who do not bleach their skin deserve credit alerts” Singer DonCarta tells Nigerian men
