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Osimhen rescinds decision to take legal action against Napoli

Osimhen Rescinds Decision To Take Legal Action Against Napoli

After initially announcing his intention to take legal action against Napoli, Victor Osimhen’s agent Roberto Calenda has now reversed his decision.

This comes after Napoli posted two TikTok videos that angered Osimhen – the first making fun of his penalty miss against Bologna, and the second likening him to a coconut.

Napoli responded to the controversy with an official statement, but it received widespread criticism for not including an apology.

However, according to Gazzetta dello Sport, Calenda has decided not to sue Napoli following the release of their statement.

Osimhen’s contract with Napoli expires in June 2025, and a renewal seems highly unlikely, increasing the possibility of his departure within the next year.

So far this season, the 24-year-old has scored four goals in six league matches for Napoli.

Meanwhile, former Super Eagles coach Sunday Oliseh has urged Victor Osimhen to leave Serie A champions Napoli.

Reacting to the issue, Oliseh wrote on his X handle:”Forever proud to be Nigerian; One must show personality, work hard & refuse to be intimidated. let Racists and ingrates talk! That’s why they are eternal losers who secretly wish they were created like you! Osimhen needs to leave Napoli as soon as yesterday!!.“

This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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Osimhen rescinds decision to take legal action against Napoli
