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5 important reasons of having sex as a married couple

5 Important Reasons Of Having Sex As A Married Couple

God granted sex as a gift to be enjoyed by a married pair, a man and his wife, in the Bible. Aside from recreation, there are other reasons why sex is vital and why our species was endowed with it.

As a result, we’ll go through six advantages of having sex with you today so you can see why it’s so important.

Sex lowers blood pressure and lowers the risk of having a heart attack. Because sex is a physical activity that requires vigorous movement, it reduces the odds of developing high blood pressure as well as having a heart attack.

Second, it alleviates stress and anxiety. Since time immemorial, sex has been renowned for its relaxing effect on the human body, and as a result, it significantly reduces tension and anxiety levels that you are likely to experience in life as a result of numerous obstacles.

It improves your sleep. After a couple has had sex, their bodies immediately relax, and many couples have claimed to having the finest sleep ever after having sex. As a result, it is known to improve the quality of sleep that anyone can experience.

It could be the solution if you’ve been experiencing physical pains. Sex can alleviate the numerous pains that you normally experience in your life since it produces hormones that not only relax your body but also alleviate the sensations that you normally feel.

Ejaculation has been found in studies to lessen the risk of prostate cancer in males. The more men ejaculate, the lower their risks of developing prostate cancer, thus it is critical for a guy to ejaculate as frequently as possible. Science recommends at least 21 ejaculations every week.

This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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5 important reasons of having sex as a married couple
