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All’s Been Quiet

First off, once again I just want to say “Thank you!” to all of my Patreon backers. Your support helps the work that I do in the community, both the Indianapolis community as well as my writing community. Writers are paid on an erratic schedule and cash-flow issues are common; community organizers even moreso. Your financial support has allowed me to leverage opportunities for other creatives as well as buy me some breathing room for more time writing.

Secondly, thank you for understanding my recent slow output. I haven’t been putting stuff out on Patreon as I am still recovering from the death of my father. (For those interested in some of my comments about my father, here’s a link to the eulogy I gave at his funeral). All’s been pretty quiet as I pour myself into my writing.

Well, the lie I’ve been telling myself is that I am not running around doing a lot of community work during this season of life. Then again, I may have a different definition of “not doing much” because this profile piece in our local paper, Nuvo, came out, and even I was like “bro, you may want to take it easier.”

I will say that the Nuvo piece does highlight a lot of the work that I do in the community, which is the main thing your generous support of my Patreon allows me to do. Next up: launching Café Creative (an artist-controlled venue space) and I’m in the planning stages of next year’s Mo*Con (details coming soon).

As for this month’s round-up on Patreon we have:

AWESOME PICS – Ferb doing laundry

[Bonus Pic] Me and my nephew – quality uncle time

AWESOME BLOG POST – The Container of My Grief

AWESOME PIMPING – Wrath chapter 14 and Serpent chapter 11

[Bonus Pimping]: A sample of Bound By Sorrow

COMMUNITY REPORT – More on what I’ve been out and about doing in the community (in pictures)

I launched a Patreon because some friends wanted a way to help support the work that I do in the community. If you would like to support it (and receive updates on the work that’s being done) please feel free to join. Thank you so much!
Become a Patron!

This post first appeared on Maurice Broaddus, please read the originial post: here

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