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Lawrenceruss | Photography And The Other Arts In Relation To Society And The Soul. Blog

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Photography and the other arts in relation to society and the soul.
In the last few months, I went through one of those dark nights of the soul.  Old anxieties and fears, and new anxieties and fears, disturbed my days and kept me from sleeping.  In… Read More
The Music Of The Spheres
Sun Ra Performing Recently, my wife and I watched a 1980 documentary about the avant-garde composer and musician, and idiosyncratic, self-styled visionary, Sun Ra — Sun Ra:  A… Read More
“At the Parking Lot on Center Street, 6” by Lawrence Russ As many of you no doubt also have, I’ve had difficulty getting back on my feet and putting things back together… Read More
A Pre-Christmas Christmas Card
“The Friend Who Dies So His Friends Can Live (Golgotha and the Tomb)” by Lawrence RussA few days ago, I wrote an e-mail to one of my best friends, Rich Armstrong, about a new pho… Read More
Dear Readers, I’m sorry to be so late with this “next” post.  But you all know that sometimes we seem to be having even more difficulties than we usually do. And somet… Read More
“Marion under the Moon” Lawrence RussAll of the people who know me pretty well know that I adore my wife, Marion. It’s a central fact of my person and my life.  You yo… Read More
Shahib, Chess Master of McLevy Green – by Lawrence RussMy earlier sets of clues had to do, you might say, with the nature of reality, of being. This set has a different emphasis, thoug… Read More
It Is Always At Your Doorstep
“Crocuses and Primroses” by Paul Strand The artist’s worldis limitless. It can be found anywhere,far from where he livesor a few feet away. It is always on his doorstep. &n… Read More
Angels Of Love And Sorrow
I didn’t know, when I started my three-post “Keith Carter and the Cloud of Mercy,” how many new reasons we would have now, in this pandemic, to pray for mercy. Our perilous… Read More
Connecticut Supreme Court, Hall of Governors, and State Library (Hartford, CT)This time, I haven’t drawn from religious or mystical texts, or parables or poetry or painting, for my clu… Read More
I’ve written posts before about the inspirations or events that come to us, without our having planned or willed them, to spur or add force to artistic works (you don’t need to… Read More
I’ve written posts before about the inspirations or events that come to us, without our having planned or willed them, to spur or add force to artistic works (you don’t need to… Read More
“Uncertain Strongman” by Lawrence RussAs I’ve said, a part of what I plan to do for you in these posts is to give you what I’ve called clues, aiming to bring you clos… Read More
“. . . there is only one thing valuable in art and that is the bit that cannot be explained.  To explain away the mystery of a great painting – if such a feat were possible… Read More
Tomas Transtromer, the Swedish poet and psychotherapist, won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2011.  Transtromer, who died in 2015, wrote this poem after the assassination of President… Read More
The Poetic Image
“When people look at my pictures I want them to feel the way they do when they want to read a line of a poem twice.” Robert Frank Read More
I’ve titled this image “Prominence.” Every word has an infinite number of meanings that depend, in part, on the context of its usage and the capacities of the one who rece… Read More
My Farewell To President Obama
With President Obama’s imminent departure from office in mind, I thought of a photograph that I’d taken back in 2003, before I’d ever heard the name “Barack”:&n… Read More
At Home In The Secret
Photographers, or artists of any kind, are probably more aware than most people are of fortuitous coincidings, of happy or regrettable appearances and disappearances:  “I could ki… Read More
Alligator Intellect
Nan-ch’uan Threatening to Chop the Kitten in Two, by Sengai [The ink painting above, by Sengai, pictures a scene from the famous Zen koan in which the Zen teacher, Nan-ch’uan, te… Read More
Irony:  don’t let yourself be controlled by it, particularly when you are not actually writing.  In the moments when you are are, try to use it as one more means of getting a… Read More
The Frailty Of Judges And Critics
“Michael Jackson and Bubbles” by Jeff Koons Ever since caveman-times, no doubt, people have tended to huddle around communal fires for warmth, for mutual comfort, for survival.&n… Read More

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