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Satin,tat And The Art Of The True Indie Moment Blog

You look like David Bowie, but you've got nothing new to show me.
A memory of a school RE trip to the Isle of Iona. Drinking in the sleeper booth, shouting the words to The Smiths 'London' out of the window, high on anarchy. Fey anarchy at that. Years late… Read More
Gosh, hisashiburi. Writing is of the essence. I feel that words are tired and jaded recently. They need re-inventing. Dylan Thomas summed it up, succintly as always:"Somebody's boring me. I… Read More
The immense fun of making lists. I have notebooks full of them. End of year lists, though, I find quite difficult. It is hard to sum up a whole year, and I often forget things. Films of 2006… Read More
I Heart Beatniks
I was stopped at the traffic lights the other day, when the coolest couple crossed the road. They must have been in their 50s, and they were all dressed in black, with matching sunglasses an… Read More
It sold, it became prize-winning genius, but the women kept on dying. The term 'madness' undermines, yet confessional poetry written by women was anything but submissive or unhinged. A read… Read More
O O O O that Shakespeherian Rag -It's so elegantSo intelligent'What shall I do now? What shall I do?I shall rush out as I am, and walk the streetWith my hair down, so. What shall we do tomor… Read More
Yukio Mishima: Master And Servant
The first book I read by the novelist and playwright Yukio Mishima, was The Temple of the Golden Pavilion. I can assuredly say, that I have never read anything like it. The utter evil of the… Read More
Exquisite Corpse
Andre Breton et al invented the surrealist movement, a circle of writers and artists fond of disassociation and the disruption of rationality. Surrealism presented the unexpected in abundanc… Read More
Dreamscape Jigsaw
Recently I've been having the best dreams; lucid, surreal, and challenging. On waking, I just want to get back into my dream and resolve it. This reminds me of the central theme in Until the… Read More
Angela Carter is one of my favourite writers. She is famous for re-working fairy stories like 'The Bloody Chamber', but her early novels are astounding. Shadow Dance was her debut novel, wri… Read More
Hitchcock Heroines
The thrill of the masochistic identification with a Hitchcock heroine. I cannot get enough of them, ever. My all-time favourite would have to be Tippie Hedron in The Birds, in her fantastic… Read More
Subterranean Homesick Alien
Yes, this song applies to me on this most humid of days. Sometimes I just long for home. Never fear, I can always delve into my bookcase - the evidence of where I've come from. Toffee likes… Read More
"We love our audience"An old theatrical and echoey Bauhaus lyric, conjuring up shadowy walls, beer on floors and obsessed princes of darkness in the audience mirroring the band on stage.What… Read More
An obsession that just keeps getting stronger and more beautiful.........Wow! Devotchka! The Denver based divinities 'Devotchka' have got my heart. They are a self-confessed indie rock band… Read More
Looking at the top 25 list on my ipod on the way home today, I realised that 3 tracks were by The La's. It got me thinking about the days of The Stone Roses, The Charlatans, The Inspirals, H… Read More

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Satin,Tat and the Art of the True Indie Moment
