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Issues and answers: My plan for the world

Issues and answers: Part 15

Written by: Lee Sonogan

“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt, Looking Forward

These ideas is just an opinion. The ideals and actions to create a better world will be a difficult task. Values/traditions will need to be changes and improved. Only then we can publicly see the changes in world growth, sustainability, order and much more. If I had the power to change the world, I would change many things and take some risks. To achieve a world for all and grow together, we need to attempt changes in how we live. I have a plan that I belive can work, if everyone got on board. Theses rules of mine describe methods and processes that could help improve the world into the future. Here they are below:

(Disclaimer – This is just a compilation of ideas and is not an absolute political system. It is a list of pros and cons that has a summarization for the issues and answers at the end.)

1. Accepting world change for the people and creating growth with sustainability


  • Although wealth has always ‘bought’ political office, it was at the beginning of the nineteenth century that financial interests began in earnest to play the leading role in inappropriate decision-making.

  • Politicians use every means of deception to consolidate.

  • The existing state of affairs, especially regarding Social or political issues exists to maintain the status quo.

  • Governments enact many different laws in an attempt to control society. However, we find no evidence of a deliberate plan by any government to design a sustainable and workable social system to improve the lives of everyone rather than the few holding high positions in the established order.

  • Many people assume that government leaders bring about change with a concern for the well-being of the citizenry, but nothing could be further from the truth.

  • Machines and processes that replace people and remove their means of making a living, natural conditions of drought, flood storm, and earthquakes, manmade disasters of economic, oscillations, or some outside threat from hostile nations. A lot of these issues can be fixed with scientific and logical methods to prevent harm.

  • The next stage of evolution must surely be the merging of biological systems with man-made systems.

  • Throughout history, social affairs have either been pre-arranged, or have eventually worked out to benefit a power elite and Money interests.

  • People attempt to make change in protests all the time. Most of it is ineffective and create more division then unity in change.

  • Most people do not know what they’re talking about on both sides.

  • The right and left of most government groups are mostly the same.


  • Decisions and choices need to influence world action and progress.

  • Even if the world never unites as one, we need to create new way of thinking that influences people positively worldwide.

  • The real forces responsible for change have to do with external events or biosocial pressures that physically alter the environment and established social arrangements.

  • In the new social design outlined in this article, scientific and analytical principles can be applied not only to industry and construction, but also to the personal and Human components of society.

  • Primary importance to the redesign of a culture is: For whom is the culture designed? What ends are to be served? Who will benefit everyone or a few?

  • What do we really have to lose in trying new ideas that tackle the main issues at its core?

  • Only can happen by a nationally or worldly change of the social and political system that we call the ‘norm’.

  • The first step of peace is a new system that creates an environment that avoids destruction and violence and empowers people to be there best.

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favour.”
— Elon Musk

2. Creating peace and delegating power.

“An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


  • Human systems fail, obviously, to serve the needs of humanity. This is true across the entire spectrum of human administration: the church, the government, the military, and the banks.

  • In the past most social designs were unsuccessful for the majority because their designers were unable to transcend the limits of their own environmental conditioning.

  • We tend to bring our past into the present and project it into the future. Today, the laws that govern society are not based on truly comprehensive and scientific studies.

  • Our approach to dealing with an increase in crime is to build more prisons, rather than alter the conditions responsible for socially offensive behaviour in the first place.

  • The opposite of peace is war. A state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country is never good. World wars and civil wars only make things worse.

  • A method designed to control human behaviour is early indoctrination towards a given set of values, such as patriotism, propaganda in the national interest, or nationalism.

  • Another safeguard used by and for politicians is the pushing of the concepts of personal responsibility; that we are all responsible for our own shortcomings, failures, and misfortunes. In fact, in accordance with natural laws that govern all activities, most of our actions are determined by the circumstances that surround us.

  • Many so-called free choices are greatly influenced by the culture and values of our times.

  • This calls for constant monitoring of the populace because the laws are continuously violated. Such problems are often caused hunger poverty, war, oppression, and scarcity, but the answer lies in removing the conditions that are responsible for these problems.

  • There is so much economic deprivation and insecurity, even in the most affluent nations, that no matter what laws are enacted, the problems persist.

  • Eliminating leaders and groups only creates more civil wars.


  • Civilized human beings can get along fine as long as we do not intend to attack each other in a physical way.

  • Communication is a key part in creating peace and understanding.

  • Empathy and  a cultural of respect is needed to stop the war and violence from arising.

  • Most people believe that to set things right, all we need is to replace incompetent and corrupt officials in government with decent men and women of high moral character.

  • Citizenry is ‘programmed’ to support an existing government, and unaware that other options are available for peace.

  • The need to protect human rights results from having a scarcity-oriented society. This can be seen if you think about such elements as air and water. Although both are necessary for well-being and survival, there are no laws regulating how many breaths are taken per hour, because we have an abundance at this time.

  • We need to make an effort to teach people how to resolve conflict without the use of physical force. The discovery of scientific principles enables us to validate and test many proposals. If someone claims that a particular structural element can support a specific number of pounds per square inch, the claim can be tested and either substantiated or negated based upon the test results. It is precisely this process of testing which enables us to design and construct bridges, buildings, ships, aircraft, and all other mechanical wonders.

  • Here is a list of near-absolutes which are close enough to being absolutes that they should be treated as such: All men and women are created equal (in a political sense). The basic physical needs of all people are essentially the same: continuous sources of air, water, food, shelter, space, heat and light. The basic social and mental needs of all people are: being treated with respect, privacy, social communication, education, and understanding of life. The moral rules for coexistence: harm no one, cooperate, help each other, and respect the laws. Some crimes are more serious than others.  There is a hierarchy of laws.  Wisdom consists of knowing which law is superior. The majority has the right to make the rules as long as the rules are not harmful to the minority.

  • Outgrowing political governance, whether at the local, national, or supranational levels, as a means of social management is needed. Leaders continues use of violence is only adding more fuel to the fire. We need less government in the world and more public decisions.

“Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man’s sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.

3. All information on resources, political decisions, private interests and more need to be made public and if important, give the decisions to the public in government or who is in charge.

“The truth is rarely pure and never simple.”
― Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest


  • Recently fake news on mainstream tv has been an interesting topic. Statistics are not always one hundred percent. With a new system used worldwide, we could ensure that people are not cheating the system and use the database to store the truth.

  • Information about other corporate practices often is not known. In order for industries to maintain their competitive edge, they cannot share their processes, production techniques, or business plans. Even if they did, a railway strike could stop their shipping.

  • Politics has grown into a live drama sitcom. The more important topics and issues are pushed aside to a bunch of bullshit. Or low-frequency politics.

  • Relying on a political party to the right thing is not going to happen. With the power of information, we would have the power to obliterate the two-party system.

  • We need to limit the few to benefit rest first because privatism dominates the worlds decisions. Privatism is good, but some things are important enough to share to the public. One change in changing privatisms decisions is to limit the profits of the highest owners. Most of them don’t need what they have and make bad influences to the world with money.

  • There is strong evidence such as wikileaks that there is private decisions being made by people around the world that the people do not know about.


  • We need the truth. Maybe then people would be interested in world decisions.

  • We need one scientific method that distributes absolute information on many things. A reference/evidence of how the world actually works. With such methods of information gathering, it will be a unified one and shared amongst the world as a public right.

  • Predictability is one scientific method that we should use to improve effectiabilty and efficiency in all areas.

  • With more information out there, people will have need more opinions/power on the decisions being made. The technology that any realty singing tv show has could be used for decisions for public votes on certain decisions.

  • Existing technologies are rapidly exceeding the human capacity to absorb and process information. The human mind is far too slow simplistic to handle the upcoming information surge. We have neither the training nor the capability to handle the trillions of bits information per second necessary to efficiently manage the new advances.

  • It is the publics right to know the absolute truth of all government levels. If the world demanded this technology to be enforced, then we would have the right information to make public votes. The past generations of withholders with power and money can not continue any longer.

4. Limiting the profits of the highest earners around the world.

“We are generally treated based on how much or little we have, earn, or know—or seem to have, earn, or know.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana


  • The 1%, the tens of thousands of people who can afford their dreams and desires. Some do give some away, while some keep accumulating more money. On the same note, some people get rich by deserving it and then by not deserving it. Capitalist does give opportunity, but to only those specific people and the people around them.

  • Currently the current present of America, Donald Trump sent 59 tomerhawk missiles at the country Syria. Each one of those missles cost $500,000 each, so an estimated $29 million dollars in an instant. There are many examples of that in the last sixty years.

  • Then there’s private interests… There is more funding going to private interests then public interests. Military expensives, mansions, corruption, influence, arrogance and so much more is the norm in today’s society. Private interest groups exist for the betterment of their immediate members. Many times, private interest groups have their basis in what is usually termed big business, or large-scale, important financial or commercial activity. Apart from things like manufacturing and commercial activity, private interest groups can also represent certain occupations.

  • $13.6 trillion is a rough amount in what we spend on the military. Half a trillion is more than a enough to rise a countrys poverty line to the average in one go with that money. Think of the money that could be used for the would if everyone’s military fund went to growth and sustainability instead.

  • For one example of many countrys, America is in debt of over $17 trillion.

  • There are many snobby rich kids who contribute to less and are more prone to mental health issues.


  • If we have minimum wage, we need maximum wage. Maximum wage could potentially reduced the negative effects of inflation of a currency or economy. Could also reduce devalution of a currency by limiting the amount any member of the populace can earn. Plus many more examples sucg as Scaled taxation where the highest earners pay more tax.

  • Value of money should not be business as usually. A world value should be to have the worlds highest earners donate a decent sized percent of there earnings for the benefit off all. It should be enforced by every single person on the planet. The limiting includes that government spending as well.

  •  To eliminate poverty and stimulate growth on a world scale, the top earners of the world need to be accumulating way less money. inequalities will always continues unless we limit what people can earn. Some people work their whole lifes to earn it and some get it on luck. You gotta think the majority of them are not interested in poverty or growth.

  • It is time to manage the class structure of society. The monetary system binds us to it. The only means of making positive economic growth is to share more of the money around while still allowing some free trade. When private interests turn to world interests, we have the potential to make the greatest change in human structure and an early step to growth. Don’t think communism or socialism, think world and society improvement.

“Money is the universal, self-constituted value of all things. Hence it has robbed the whole world… of its proper value. Money is the alienated essence of man’s labour and life, and this alien essence dominates him as he worships it.”
― Karl Marx, On the Jewish Question

5. Equally distributed resources with a economy open to free trade.

“Good government should maintain the balance where every individual may have a place if he will take it, where every individual may find safety if he wishes it, where every individual may attain such power as his ability permits, consistent with his assuming the accompanying responsibility.”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt, Looking Forward


  • In truth, laws are the by-product of insufficiency. When population size exceeds available resources, values and behaviours change. With scarce resources management and allocation are stringent. A set of laws evolves which corresponds to these changed conditions.

  • Tracking a culture’s evolution reveals the events and environmental influences that determined its values, habits, outlooks, beliefs, and social conduct. For example, if an outbreak of disease reduced the male population by 80%, laws governing sexual behaviour and marriage would undergo vast changes. We long to be free of flawed corrupt human thinking and emotions which have made a graveyard of half of the world.

  • We need to equally distribute to everyone that needs it and still allow nations or communities to trade. Free trade in current times is the most effect method of preventing war. Certainly not the united nations and there peacekeepers. The united nations is a good idea, but it is not effective in creating peace.

  • Free trade is a policy formed between two or more nations that permits the unlimited import or export of goods or services between partner nations. However, not all trade is free trade. When nations don’t have free trade agreements, which are treaties that outline the parameters of trade between trade partners, tariffs are imposed on goods and services. Tariffs are taxes that nations impose on imports. Tariffs increase the cost of goods, which is passed on to consumers.

  • Critics of free trade point out that the cons of free trade outweigh the benefits. Several cons of free trade are Increased unemployment, Stagnating wages and Distribution of wealth.


  • We need a system that takes care of the needs of resources and still be open to quality consumerism. Regarding the world’s resources as a common heritage. Also eliminating poverty. I still can not accept that one-third of the planet is used for food to feed live stock. That fact there says that we have the resources for every single person on the planet. There are ways to share our natural resources, but we just don’t do it.

  • Products and goods need to be sold locally more than other places. Companys gain more profits for selling items miles away from them when it could be more cost-effective providing local businesses. Growth in our country towns need to consider this as our population expands. This will not only provide the necessities of life, but also challenges that stimulate the mind, while emphasizing individuality rather than uniformity in all areas.

  • Too keep up with the demand, we need to invest in all healthy alternative energy as soon as possible. Currently we have sun and wind power with the Tesla from Space x powering an entire island with 100% renewable energy. We can do more than that.

  • Our most capable computers can store and sort through the data necessary to arrive at equitable and sustainable analyses and decisions about the development and distribution of resources on a global scale. If AI is a dominate force in the future then a large system that contains all resource related information is a must.

  • Politicians always say that there going to eliminate the unemployment percentage. Capitalistism influenced countrys can never do that untill the equality of everyone is more balanced than it is.

  • A bit of both provides for all kinds of people. Sharing while still keeping things at a value will make people get what they need and give you opportunity in something you want. Balancing a economy will be difficult but very possible. As long as we continue to make growth and expand more positive systems out there than our consumerism will sustain a strong economy world-wide.

    “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”
    ― Mahatma Gandhi

6. Limited heath care and free education.

“Knowing how to think empowers you far beyond those who know only what to think.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson


  • Out of picket payments push 100 million people into poverty every year.

  • In 2010, 79 countrys devoted less than ten percent of government expenditure to health. Only eight of the worlds 49 poorest countrys have any change of financing a set of basic services with their own domestic resources by 2015.

  • Globally, 20-40 percent of resources spent on health are waisted. Education and information influences as how we think. But is not encouraged in modern-day society. One concerns of this is because of the money factor.

  • Most public schools equals standardised tests, same structure for everybody, lack of interest be teachers and students, social pressures and so much more. The education system need to be changed. When you get out of High school and ready for a job, you have two choices. Work or education. Anything else makes you some sort of outcast. The current education system influences that.

  • More services are going to be needed to sustain the increasing population of the Earth. Currently we try with free services. The basic low payment a fortnight and some health benefits.

  • Imagine the brain power we would gain if people in poverty had the opportunity for education with limited freedom.

  • As we discover more and new medicine, they are becoming expensive to people who really need it.


  • Quality of life should be most important. Mentally and physically, people will seek out to improve their life. If more things were available in society, would we be content with our life?

  • Universal coverage ensures that all people can use health and educational services without financial hardship. All people should have access to health and educational services they need. The most effective way to provide universal coverage is to share the costs across the population or each nation. All countrys are continually seeking more funds for education and health care.

  • If I could design the perfect educational system, it would be how to benefit the individual not most people doing the same thing. Public schools are known for standardised tests, homework, irrelevant structure, inappropriate grading and so much more.  My suggestion is breaking high schools into two separate types of schools. One with students knowing what they want to do in the future. Then the other one with students with no guarantee what they are doing in the future. Each of these two types of high schools should be different in their methods, but overall reach the same goal and be connected to each other.

  • Then university’s would be much more. All of them would be linked and share the best teaching methods and equipment. Scores of tests should be less important to get in. With this type of opportunity, there needs to be limits as well. Limits for people who drop out of studys. Maybe a rule of two drops outs then a time suspension of opportunity. If we invest in high schools and lower, more students would be interested in taking this opportunity.

  • Some ideas/values to add to the school systems: Transcending the artificial boundaries that separate people. Focusing on interpersonal skills to improve relationships. Treating students more like adults if they have proved responsible Empowering students to embrace their potential.

  • Having more available health care would encourage more people to take care of themselfs in a better quality.

  • It would highly benefit the people who are disabled or sick and improve their quality to cooperate in the world.

7. Universal wage


  • Most existing means-tested anti-poverty schemes exclude people because of their complexity, or because people don’t even know how to apply or whether they qualify. With a basic income, people currently excluded from benefit allowances will automatically have their rights guaranteed.

  • A huge number of unpaid activities are currently not recognized as economic contributions. Yet, our economy increasingly relies on these free contributions. A Basic Income would recognise and reward theses activities.

  • Money can be one of the biggest causes of mental health in the world. Then welfare systems and free money is given out to the poorest of us all ready.  In a capitalist type world you need to be constantly productive to make a decent living. A universal wage will change the humans class structure and actually improve consumerism and the economy.

  • If we are so civilised society, empowering the human with logical choices is better than the few who work within the limits of business as usually. The public mindset could be a very powerful thing if they were given the tools to make the right decisions.


  • Now this issue is debated all over the world. Some European countrys have universal wage and are some of the most growing and successful countrys out there. If these smaller countrys can do it, we can to. On a larger scale it is much harder and complex.

  • A basic income can help you do other work and reconsider old choices: It will enable you to retrain, safe in the knowledge that you’ll have enough money to maintain a decent standard of living while you do. It will therefore help each of us to decide what it is we truly want to do. With the insurance of having unconditional basic income as a safety net, workers can challenge their employers if they find their conditions of work unfair or degrading.

  • Because a basic income scheme is one of the most simple tax / benefits models, it will reduce all the bureaucracy surrounding the welfare state thus making it less complex and costly, while being fairer. A basic income is also a means for sharing out the wealth produced by a society to all people thereby reducing the growing inequalities across the world.

  • With a basic income, people will have the option to reduce their working hours without sacrificing their income. They will therefore be able to spend more time doing other things they find meaningful. At the macroeconomic level, this will induce a better distribution of jobs because people reducing their hours will increase the jobs opportunities for those currently excluded from the labor market.

  • Your worth and value is more than the imaginary money you have. Universal wage will also benefit the free trade and social distribution of resources. People would have the funds to spend and achieve there goals that could be more important than mundane jobs.

8. Choices on logical and scientific methods/processes.

“Logic is the necessary product of intelligence and sincerity. It cannot be learned. It is the child of a clear head and a good heart.”
― Robert G. Ingersoll, The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 3 (of 12) Dresden Edition-Lectures


  • I do not see that me voting makes a difference in the political elections. Most two-party system political organisations mostly just maintain the status quo. So my third-party vote makes no difference. I pay not much attention to Australian politics, causes politics is bullshit. There live debates are childish and there decisions are somewhat private. Similar to most countrys around the world. Politicians are impossible to trust and barely make out any promises that they make before their elected.

  • We rely on fossil fuels and electricity to live our life. Those methods effect the world in positive and negative way. Now is the time to explore newer and clean renewable energy sources. We already have solar and wind power. Solar power is more effective than wind power as the wind turbines need to be out in the middle of no where. speaking of Solar power, one of Elon Musks invention of solar power is completely powering the island Hawaii with 100% renewable power. Theres still so much more that can be implemented.

  • Do you really want to buy a new model of a device every year? Repairs are overpriced and those company’s make heaps of people. Lets make products that are made to last.

  • When a nation creates laws to regulate human behaviour, the majority of legislators are unaware of the factors responsible for the need in the first place. All nature is subservient to natural law. Natural laws dominate all living systems. Without nature’s water, sun, or nutrients, plants and animals would die. In an environment of scarcity, hunger, and poverty, human behaviour must adapt accordingly.


  • Power and choices by the people in charge today are made by either three reasons. It goes with there ideologically, emotion choices and influences of other partys. Arriving at methodologies through careful research rather than random opinions, we can make better choices. Enhancing communication so that our language is more relevant to the physical conditions of the world around us is important to get the correct information out there. More tests in the social sciences need to be done.

  • I do see why we are not using the ocean more. Stations on the ocean can use the power of Tidal power to create energy with the right equipment.  Then theres geothermal energy, free energy, biomass (Energy from plants), hydrogen energy and much, much more.

  • Complex issues need to be decided on more utopian then dystopian. Absolute utopianism is impossible, but it is where we need to head in to become the next stage of a civilization. If we are not tipping it in that favour, then what are we doing?

  • Irrelevance of ideas is cancer to this world. Logic dictates that science is the closest thing to make in impact in a world ruled by every single ideologically you can think of. The future is going to be a much different place in the next 15-25 years. By then we need to be different. Technology will be the dominate force in a over populated world. Use of this technology will be needed to sustain us otherwise more of the world will turn into more third world countrys or worse. Logic dictates that our future must liberate us or it will spiral the world into a science fiction dystopian world.

9. The future: Technology and the changes to more socialism type methods.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
― R. Buckminster Fuller


  • It is not automated technology or machines we should be wary of, but rather the abuse and misuse of technology by selfish interests. We can build rockets to explore outer space and enhance the quality of life on Earth, or we can use them to destroy other nations. It is people who decide what ends inanimate machines will serve. The aim of this social design is to apply advanced technology to produce abundance and improve the quality of life for all. To reach decisions, intelligent people acquire information from appropriate sources and behave accordingly. Unfortunately, in pursuing advantage, humans acquire and route information for personal and corporate gain.

  • Humans, not machines, use nerve gas and missiles to destroy. Even automobile accidents are mostly caused by human beings, rather than by mechanical failures, and most mechanical failures can be traced back to human error.

  • Who will program these automated machines? They could be used to monitor people and used to gather information.

  • The ultimate machine question. Will they turn on us? will they evolve beyond us?


  • Technology is the fasted growing development of human innovation and creativity. With the potential of the future, mostly everything will be possible. As everything seems to stay the same, technology grows. The capablitys of it will change the world in all types of sciences and engineering. Space X and Nasa are testing new and newer equipment daily. Such known methods/process will add to the increase of what we can/could achieve. The practability uses are potential endless.

  • To maximize reliability and minimize failure, all computers can be programmed with a degree of flexibility and the ability to shut down in case of failure of one of their parts.

  • Cities would require less material, save time and energy, and yet be flexible. They would allow for innovative changes while maintaining the highest quality possible but still fitting in with the local ecology, both human and environmental. Utilizing technology in this way would enable a global society to achieve social advancement and worldwide reconstruction in the shortest time possible.

  • Reclaiming and restoring the environment to as nearly a natural condition as possible.  Redesigning cities, transportation systems, and agricultural and industrial plants so that they are energy-efficient, clean, and serve the needs of all people.

  • In the event of a regional or national emergency, special information and already developed plans for known types of catastrophes would be available, just as military contingency plans are today. Decisions would be made on the basis of a comprehensive resource survey and the availability of energy or existing technology as opposed to the advantage to be gained by any nation or select group of people. This resource survey would determine the carrying capacity of each geographical region of the global environment.

  • Although future technical changes are far beyond anything we can imagine today, the most profound effects would not be in the new technologies themselves, but rather in how we conduct our lives and manage our social institutions. As we move toward a cybernated world, most people will no longer be needed to manage and operate this emerging civilization. The world’s fragmented social systems will be supported by a network of computerized centers and operations.

10. Order and justice

“Either we learn to live together in full cooperation or we will cause our own extinction.”
― Jacque Fresco, The Best That Money Can’t Buy


  • The industrial revolutions did more than move the centers of population from small farms to large cities. It changed how we relate to our communities. World War II changed the roles of women. Droughts and wars in Africa today are moving whole populations from their ancestral tribal lands into cities, destroying entire cultures almost overnight.

  • Violence is in our genetics and is influenced in people without there needs being met.

  • Loop holes allow lawyers to get their clients off easier. Criminals not learning the their lessons and rebelution.

  • Innocent people being put in jail with serious other criminals. Lack of criminal justice and logic.

  • With meaningless in the barely average lifes we live, we are influenced greatly to taboo and creative things.

  • Competition and division is contagious and has negative effects to the world.

  • Disorder in many complex issues relevent and irrelevant.

  • Influences of anarchy, pointless crime and aggressiveness


  • Maybe we can keep order if we make it were world law in the United nations that there is no army’s except one world army that solves all conflicts and has people from everywhere in the world. The army must have full responsiblity of their actions to provide peace. Unlike modern Peacekeeper with full immortality.

  • Concerning ‘who’ will govern, the more appropriate question is how will be people be governed? People do not have to be governed and do not require leaders unless they are ignorant, captive, wage slaves, or subject to a dictator. If the free enterprise system does not include job security, medical care, and the other necessities that secure the population as a whole, a wide range of conflict and unmanageable human behaviours results, no matter what laws are passed.

  • No one will decide who gets what. Perhaps the closet analogy within our present culture would be the public library, where anyone has access to a book of his or her choice. Goods and services could be made available in a similar manner across the entire economy.

  • This newer vision of globalization empowers each and every person on the planet to be all that they can be, without living in abject subjugation to a corporate governing body. The question is, can we grow beyond that someone has to make our decisions for us?

  • Laws are, at best, attempts to placate or control a population, and they work only sporadically. When we enforce a law of this plan for the average human, it will become a natural law too him or her. Justice for what is right will be built in like muscle memory. The young will be taught the truth in school where it will build some unity.

“Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one”
― John Lennon, Imagine

11. Happiness and sustainability

“Every man had his personal habits, passions, and impulses toward goodness, beauty, and truth.”
― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace


  • Having faith in false gods with negative effects.

  • People born in violence and war.

  • Lack of meaning and purpose.

  • People obliviousness of lifes greatness and joy.

  • The fact of amount of suicides world-wide.

  • Most of the world uses chemicals to deal with everyday life.

  • Mental health issues are only growing in numbers.

  • Focusing too much on happiness may be doing you more harm than good in the long run. Researchers out of the University of California, Berkeley found that a constant pursuit of happiness can even start to feel lonely. In a blog post on Psychology Today, psychologist Douglas Kenrick explained why getting caught up in chasing happiness can ultimately lead to dissatisfaction. If we create an environment that naturally gives happiness than human satisfaction would be off the charts.


  • Emotion of the average person can cause many positive/negative actions a day. To make a world work with all different kinds of cultures working together, we need to empower each other. Dem feelings need to be under control. Emotional decisions are always end up bad. People need to understand that destructiveness and violence is encouraged by stimulant of more violence and destructive ness. Through our love of one a another, we can sustain and influence and happiness.

  • The world can only achieve growth and sustainability with each individual having enough resources and freedoms to life a happy and content life. Those who feel they have a strong grasp on their purpose in life claim to also experience high levels of happiness. Although its understandable to be unsure of life’s future, those who do what they love each and every day tend to be happier than their counterparts. Saying that, achieving personal purpose is hard to do.

  • Connecting yourself to happy people will make you happier too, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal. The research uncovered that if a close friend is happy, it increases the likelihood that you’ll feel happier by 15 percent. Even being near people who you don’t know very well — or ‘third-degree friends’ — will increase your chance for joy by 6 percent.

  • Results from a 2013 Harris Poll revealed that life satisfaction is higher for older adults than young adults. Nearly 50 percent of Americans over the age of 65 are very happy, compared to just 31 percent of those ages 18-24. An examination published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology linked happiness with work to overall happiness and life satisfaction. Another study conducted by the University of Aberdeen revealed that job fulfillment was ranked as one of the most critical factors to overall well-being and happiness.

  • ‘Although we naturally dwell on the negative, there are ways to wire your brain to focus on the joy. According to Rick Hanson, author of Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science Of Contentment, Calm and Confidence, all it takes is spending more time lingering on the positive in order to train your brain to naturally focus on happy moments over time. “Lingering on the positive improves the encoding of passing mental states into lasting neural traits,” said Hanson to HuffPost Healthy Living. “That’s the key here: we’re trying to get the good stuff into us. And that means turning our passing positive experiences into lasting emotional memories.”

  • If we influence happiness through our methods of life. The environment will create more positive experiences for you. For some people it will need greater influence and encouragement.

12. Conclusion

“We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

All parts of this article are important. All the issues are there and have an answer to it. There are no absolutes that can work for the world. The fusion of all I have written and more is an answer. This article is just a beginning point. If the world starting doing at least half of these ideas, then I would be one happy man. Everyone else, I assume would feel the same. Conforming to something is not always good. People need to be aware that there’s so much more out there that could change us for the better. Us working in more unity and taking some risks is the next evolution of humanity.

Earth and the life on it must be seen as constituting a single system. This centralized whole system could be connected to research labs and universities so that all data is monitored and updated constantly. Most of the technology to allow such infrastructure management is currently available. Instead of company’s working with allies for profit, we need all people to directly contribute to everything.

The assumption that the human being is the final product of evolution is based upon narrow self-centered projection. The human being is not a separate self-sufficient entity: we are integrated into and dependent on nature to survive. It is arrogant and unrealistic for us to believe that man is the final product of evolution. Neil deGrasse Tyson said “In the beginning, nearly fourteen billion years ago, all the space and all the matter and all the energy of the known universe was contained in a volume less than one-trillionth the size of the period that ends this sentence,”.

This fact alone suggests that anythings potentially possible to happen. As the elements in the cosmos expanded and grew new stars full hydrogen and helium. Same conditions on the planet could be happening on other hydrogen exo-planets. Theory’s are endless as life as we know it could have started on Mars. Thousands of tons of rock from Mars rains down on Earth every year. The world knows so much and then so little about the reality of space and time.

I guess my overall point is that why can’t we try something different? A new attitude is needed beyond national values and be open to the ideas of the young. Implementing and testing new social ideas is a must. The norm and its rationalization is irrelevant compared to science and logic. At any point we can start achieving such success when we want to. If it was possible 60 years ago and more possible today. A utopia is believable if a plan for the world like this is successful and manages to sustain all its ideas and values at its core.

“Better the occasional faults of a government that lives in a spirit of charity than the consistent omissions of a government frozen in the ice of its own indifference.”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt

There it is all layed out. The information that i provided you is just a design. Like any great design, you start slow and develop it on the way. Hope it made sense and got you thinking how you wish the world to be. This was inspired by Jacque Frescos work. Sorry about all this taking a little while.

“Or in other words, why does disorder increase in the same direction of time as that in which the universe expands?”
― Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time

This post first appeared on Ungroovygords | Articles, Reviews, Lists And So Much More You Should See, please read the originial post: here

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Issues and answers: My plan for the world


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