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PhytoLogica Review: Full Spectrum Hemp Products You Will Love!

PhytoLogica Review: Full Spectrum Hemp Products You Will Love!

Deciding to buy full spectrum hemp products is one of the smartest choices you can make for your health in my opinion.  If you are going to buy full spectrum hemp products, you want to maximize the value you are getting by buying from a reputable company such as PhytoLogica!

I recently tried 3 different PhytoLogica products, so keep reading below to see my review of these PhytoLogica products!

The 3 products that I tried were:

  • Full Spectrum Hemp Tincture
  • Full Spectrum Hemp Softgels
  • Full Spectrum Hemp Balm

As stated on their packaging, PhytoLogica produces Pharmaceutical Grade Hemp Extract based products, grown and manufactured in the USA.

All these products are free from solvents, pesticides, heavy metals and GMO’s!

One of the many benefits for using the PhytoLogica products is that they contain the full plant profile, so customers know that they are getting a full spectrum of terpenoids, essential fatty acids, Phytocannabinoids, and phytonutrients from the plant itself!

Hemp oil or CBD oil is good on its own, but it is greatly enhanced when you keep the full spectrum of nutrients from the plant with it.

Although the PhytoLogica products have been rigorously tested by 3rd party labs, it is still impossible to make any factual medical claims about what it can do for you.

However, I can say from experience that these products work for pain management, pain relief, and dealing with the daily stress of life.

Want to learn more about these PhytoLogica products?

Keep reading below!

Full Spectrum Hemp Softgels: Water-Soluble Nano Emulsion Technology for Maximum Absorption

There are a lot of reasons that I love this product, namely that I strongly feel the effect of these hemp softgels within 20 or 30 minutes of using.

Particularly, my favorite time to use these particular full spectrum hemp Softgels is directly upon waking up.

Recently I have been doing a lot of training at 5:30 am, and simply waking up with a pre-workout energy drink doesn’t do it for me anymore.

My new wake-up remedy is one of the PhytoLogica Full Spectrum Hemp Softgels, and just one cup of tea or coffee.

The reason that I have switched to this is because I have learned that CBD provides such a relief from pain upon waking, and it also has a mild stimulating effect in the morning (for me at least).

Astoundingly, CBD has helped me use less caffeine each day!

It is a unique concept, but it sure does work for me!

One of the reasons that I specifically like to use these Softgels from PhytoLogica is that their Phytocannabinoid Hemp Extract Softgels are created with a patent pending water-soluble liquid, which contains 7 Phytocannabinoids and over 40 naturally present terpenes!

This product contains 10 mg or 25 mg of Phytocannabinoids per dose, and is designed to have maximum absorption, and optimum bioavailability.

There are a lot of other CBD products which boast more CBD per dosage, but the bioavailability of these Softgels set them apart!

The patent-pending water-soluble formulation is a Nano-particulate delivery system of micro-emulsions. The emulsion droplets range from 10-100 nm in size (1 nanometer = 1/1,000,000 millimeter), maximizing the surface area for in-vivo absorption.

The resulting bioavailability is approximately 400% higher than Phytocannabinoids delivered in oil, leading to enhanced biological response.

To break that down in to simpler terms, this technology is special because other CBD Softgels, capsules, or other CBD products must first pass through the digestive system, before it becomes beneficial for the human body.

This process, however, leads to a very poor bioavailability and absorption rate.

The PhytoLogica products on the other hand use this amazing Nano-microemulsion technology which is fast acting and has a very high absorption rate.

Even more, these Softgels are the first “full spectrum,” zero THC, with 95% CBD product on the market!

This is not an isolate product, but a product which takes advantage of the synergy of the whole cannabis plant.

I can honestly say that you do feel the relieving effects of these Softgels much more quickly than fat soluble products.

Even at only the 10mg dosage, I am a true fan of the PhytoLogica Full Spectrum Hemp Softgels!

PhytoLogica Full Spectrum Hemp Tincture: Relieve, Restore, Revive

If you want to fully understand what sets the PhytoLogica Full Spectrum Hemp Tincture apart from other CBD or Hemp oil tinctures, you first need to understand their process.

PhytoLogica uses only organically grown hemp, grown in the USA.

It is extracted through their proprietary process involving Supercritical CO2 extraction, with continuous cold enclosed processing to protect all the molecules of the full plant profile.

Similar to myself, they believe in the synergy of the whole plant.

Harsh processing methods can degrade the quality of the product, which is why their process produces a superior product overall.

Compared to other brands who produce a similar product, their product comes out with the highest quality, and in the purest and most natural form.

There is no solvent residue or any toxic elements in this product!

Just an amazing Full Spectrum Hemp Tincture containing 80-95% CBD, and all of the other Phytocannabinoids and terpenes intact.

Not all hemp is created equal, and it’s very important the processing is done right to protect the full scope of the plant profile.

Personally, I only tried their 350mg tincture, and I was blown away with its effectiveness!

They also have higher potencies that go up to 3000 mg in a 30 ml tincture bottle, and I can’t even imagine how well this must work!

Although normally the main reason I am using CBD or full-spectrum hemp in general is pain management, I was surprised at how effective this tincture was at controlling constant motor tics.

Normally CBD tincture products take a while for me to feel the effects of, but this one was different.

Only about 10 or 15 minutes after using this I felt a sudden but powerful sense of calm, and my tics started to become less severe.  I can say that this feeling lasted for about 2 hours, which is great for me.

Along with the full spectrum hemp, this product also contains:

  • Grape Seed Oil
  • Hemp Seed Oil
  • Peppermint Oil
  • Stevia

I used their all-natural mint flavor, which is calming and enjoyable itself.

I love the flavor of this tincture, and it love its effects even more!

PhytoLogica Full Spectrum Hemp Balm: High Potency Topical Relief

In terms of topical pain relief products, this stuff clearly works!

Their Balm is a high potency topical for pain relief that has 500 mg of CBD in only a 1 oz jar!

Meaning, a little bit of this balm goes a long way.

I can tell you from experience, it works tremendously for anywhere you need pain relief.

Most balms have much smaller amounts of CBD and are isolate based as well.

Due to this, you are not going to get nearly the same amount of pain relief from them as you do from this pain relief product.

Along with this, many other balms or topical rubs are mixed with much more carrier oils or lotions, diluting the effectiveness and potency of the CBD.

Other companies make a “cheaper” version, and you get less for the money you pay.

Along with CBD, this product also contains:

  • Medium Chain Triglycerides
  • Beeswax
  • Lavender Oil
  • Eucalyptus Oil

My first thought after reading this is that I was thrilled it did not contain menthol, and it did contain lavender oil.

Lavender oil is probably my single favorite oil, and I use it myself before sleep every night.

Although the cooling effect of menthol can be helpful in some regards, I find it annoying a lot of times.

This combination of ingredients is legitimately outstanding, and you can notice a difference after the first use!

I have been using this product on my back each night, and I can honestly say it makes a difference with how I feel when I wake up.

This is excellent for spot-specific pain such as knees and elbows as well.

In my opinion, PhytoLogica has created an outstanding topical pain relief product!

Concluding Thoughts

I was impressed with using these products from PhytoLogica because it is clear their manufacturing sets these CBD products apart.

The Nano-technology makes their Full Spectrum Hemp Softgels work quicker and stronger than comparative CBD capsules.

Along with this, I was equally as impressed with their Full Spectrum Hemp Tincture.  It has a very nice taste, and the effectiveness is top-level.

If you have any specific parts of your body with disproportionate amounts of pain, I highly suggest you use their Full Spectrum Hemp Balm!

Overall, the PhytoLogica Full Spectrum Hemp products are as good as it gets!

The post PhytoLogica Review: Full Spectrum Hemp Products You Will Love! appeared first on Adam Kemp Fitness.

This post first appeared on Health & Fitness Tips | Adam Kemp Fitness, please read the originial post: here

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PhytoLogica Review: Full Spectrum Hemp Products You Will Love!
