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Stuart Wills Blog Blog

This website has been created by Stuart Wills to share idea's and thoughts on his business as a New Zealand mortgage broker and share parts of his life too.
The Experts At Home Loans For Nurses
The Experts At Home Loans For Nurses Nurses and people that work in the medical industry often struggle to get home loans (mortgages) with banks. It’s not because they don’t de… Read More
Buying Your First Home In 2024
Buying Your First Home in 2024 Buying your first home in 2024: Is it Worth the effort or should you wait? Is it worth making the effort to buy in 2024, or should you wait and save until you… Read More
Buying A Home With Friends Or Family
Buying A Home With Friends or Family In many countries it’s common to see people buying a home with friends or family and it’s starting to become more common in New Zealand now… Read More
What Makes A Good Home Loan?
What Makes A Good Home Loan? One of the key roles for a good mortgage adviser is to provide people on what makes a good home loan. There are other things that advisers do like arranging the… Read More
4-Steps For First Home Partner First home buyers are seeing Kainga Ora’s First Home Partner as a good way to get into a first home, but we’re hearing many people that find the p… Read More
Are You Feeling Poorer? A lot of Kiwis are saying that they are feeling poorer as inflation bites, and the fact is we have had our purchasing power reduced – quite significantly too!… Read More
How Shared Home Ownership Works Shared home ownership has become more popular in New Zealand but there is still a lot of people that have not considered it as an option for them, and maybe… Read More
Westpac Offers Greater Choices Now Westpac are offering a “Greater Choices” home loan that allows you to borrow up to $50,000 interest free for five years to help you create a w… Read More
A New Option Of Shared Home Ownership We’re about to announce a new option of shared home ownership, and it may suit people that like the concept but are not eligible for Kainga Ora&r… Read More
Is The Window Closing? Are you an aspiring first home buyer or potential property investor and wondering when is the right time to buy? If you are then you are not alone – as mortgage… Read More
Before You Refix Your ANZ Mortgage As mortgage advisers we have helped people refix their mortgages over the years, ands it does not matter if that mortgage was arranged directly with the b… Read More
Small Business Finance Made Easy Why do the main banks make small business finance so hard? Businesses of all sizes big and small need access to finance at times and unfortunately in New Ze… Read More
What Is The Best Mortgage Type To Have One of the key roles for a mortgage adviser is to provide people on what is the best mortgage type to have. Of course the other key roles include arra… Read More
What Is A Revolving Credit Mortgage? A revolving credit mortgage works like a large overdraft or credit card, and mortgage advisers will often use a revolving credit as part of the overall… Read More
Blink Affordable Home Security Systems Blink helps bring you affordable home security that’s innovative, and easy-to-use. They are smart home security devices using video cameras link… Read More
Are You Sitting On The Fence Still?
Are You Sitting On The Fence Still? Too often Kiwis will accept poor performance and just go with the flow. But we shouldn’t really do that. The KiwiSaver providers that have had poor… Read More
When Should I Switch My KiwiSaver? When I was not happy with my KiwiSaver fund manager and the way it was invested in then I knew I could switch my KiwiSaver … and I did. It’s e… Read More
Find Unbiased Power Tool Reviews Online
Where do you go if you want to find unbiased power tool reviews? If you plan to buy some power tools then you will want to read some reviews, but you also want to know that the reviews are n… Read More
Test The post Test appeared first on Mortgage Managers. Source: North West Mortgages The post Test appeared first on Stuart Wills Blog Read More
Lenders Main Focus Now Is Your Income
Lenders Main Focus Now Is Your Income The banks and lenders are concerned about stability or employment and income with impacts from COVID-19 and now lenders main focus is income and stabili… Read More
Updates On Mortgage Holidays
Updates On Mortgage Holidays We have created this post to provide you the latest information and updates on mortgage holidays announced by the Government. They have said “the package… Read More
Get Your Indoor Kitchen Composter
Get Your Indoor Kitchen Composter So we want to all do our bit to reduce waste and look after our environment, so why don’t we all get an indoor kitchen composter. Your indoor kitchen… Read More

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Stuart Wills Blog
