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50 Cool Game Of Thrones Facts That Every Fan Must Know!

GOT or Game of Thrones seasons are always amazing to watch. Since the the end is very near and everyone is eager to see who is going to sit on the iron throne. One of the best TV show that won most Emmy Awards in history. Now, we know about the huge fans this popular show has got but there are some hidden facts about Game of Thrones, which I am sure as a fan you will be curious to know. Without wasting much time of yours, I will begin with these Cool Game Of Thrones Facts.

Here you will find out the best game of thrones facts and unknown stuff’s you never read about your favourite character in the show.

Here are 50 Cool Facts About Game Of Thrones

50. Peter Dinklage Was Always The First Choice For Author (Martin) & Producers (Dan & David) To Play “Tyrion Lannister”. There Wasn’t Any Audition Held For Tyrion.

I don’t think after that huge popularity, Peter (as Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones) needs any introduction. He perfectly fits his character and I don’t think any other actor could take his place. You will be surprised to read this fact that there wasn’t any audition held for the character “Tyrion Lannister”. This is because both author (George Martin) and producers (David Benioff & Dan Weiss) couldn’t think of anyone else than Peter Dinklage. He was always their first choice and will always remain.

49. Even Sean Bean Was Producers’ & Author’s First Pick. However, They Still Did Auditions With A Fear If Sean Rejects His Role

Just like Peter Dinklage, even Sean Bean was always the first choice for Martin, Dan and David but they did auditions fearing if he would reject the proposal offered to him. He plays the character of “Eddard Stark” in Game of Thrones. He not only works in theaters, television and films but also gives voice-overs for computer games and commercials.

48. Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) Is A 100% Vegetarian. It Is Actually TOFU He Eats On Screen

Yes, Peter Dinklage is a vegetarian and what you see him eating on screen is not actually meat. It is tofu.

47. Nikolaj Coster Waldau, Who Plays Jaime Lannister In GOT Played A Payback Prank On His Producers Dan & David

Nikolaj, who plays the character of Jaime Lannister played a prank on GOT’s producers. Read this story. Dan Weiss & David Benioff emailed Nikolaj saying that they wanted his hairs long since that would be perfect for his character. Nikolaj thought of playing a prank on them. He mailed them back telling that he needs his character in a distinctive direction. He even sent a picture of himself with his head shaved. Both the producers were just shocked to see his reply. They immediately began looking for a person, who could make a nice wig that exactly matches Jaime’s hairstyle. Now, the wig priced around $10,000. Fortunately, before even any cash was spent Nikolaj called up and said that it was a payback prank.

46. For Game of Thrones Filming Locations, 14 Different Countries Were Researched

Producers and directors wanted some exceptional locations to make the sequels. They researched about 14 different countries. Finally, Malta & Ireland were selected. Gemma Jackson, production designer of Game of Thrones made “Winterfell”at a parking lot and added some exclusive details for the director shoot 360-degrees.

45. The Game Of Thrones Initial Tile Sequence Was The Inspiration Of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Machines

credits to HBO

Angus Wall, title designer of GOT said to Hollywood Reporter that “We wanted something different for GOT. It had to be unusual from those fantasy maps and that was the time when we came up with the idea of world in a sphere”. The map completely mirrors the feel and culture of kingdom. It is more wintery or rustic than the others. The spherical shape comes from 60’s science-fiction space station. And those interlocking cogs signify multi-family struggle for power. Every season has a fresh version as the story line progresses.

44. The 3 Middle Stark Kids’ Have A Desire To Sing For The Game Of Thrones Theme Song

Isaac Hempstead (Bran Stark), Sophie Turner (Sansa) and Maisie Williams (Arya) have this opening theme down pat in amusing voice overs.

43. Jack Gleeson (King Joffrey) Was Also In “Batman Begins”

Do you remember the wide-eyed little boy in Batman Begins? He is none other than Jack Gleeson, whom you see as King Joffrey in Game of Thrones.

42. Kit Harington (Jon Snow In Game of Thrones) Has A Different Name In Real Life

Kit Harington, who portrays the character of Jon Snow in Game of Thrones has a different name in his birth certificate. His first name is Christopher and even he wasn’t aware of this until 11 years old.

41. Kit Harington (Jon Snow) & Rose Leslie (Ygritte) Are Dating In Real Life Too

Yes, there have been some dirty rumors of the 2 dating each other both on & off screen.

40. And There Was Complete Silence Followed By Only Applause

Tim Van Patten

Tim Van Patten (Director of Game of Thrones) came for a meeting with his storyboards for GoT’s opening sequence. As soon as he was done with his presentation, he was eagerly waiting for the members’ reaction. None uttered a word. There was only applause.

39. Sean Bean (Eddard Stark) Tried Stealing Lena’s (Cersie Lannister) Sandwiches In Lunch Breaks

Oh yes, he is a sandwich thief. He once tried to steal Lena’s sandwiches during lunch break. Well, after working so much, naturally he must be hungry.

38. Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) Never Acted Before

Arya Stark is Maisie’s first ever-big role. She never acted before.

37. The Wall Showed In The Series Is Actually Inspired By The Hadrian’s Wall Of Roman Britain

George R. R. Martin (Co-executive Producer of Game of Thrones) once visited a huge wall (Hadrian’s Wall of Roman Britain) during the year 1981. Now, this wall is at United Kingdom’s Upper Denton. He always had this wall in mind. Inspired by this, he created the 700-feet huge wall made with solid ice, which you see in the sequel. This wall protects the 7 kingdoms.

He says to SF Site that – “Of course, fantasies are supposed to be filled with bright colors & has to be much bigger than what you see in real life. This is the reason why my wall is pretty much bigger, more magical & considerably longer”.

36. The Horse Heart, Which Pregnant Daenerys Eats Is A 7-Pound Gummy Bear-Like Mass

It is one of the most unforgettable moments when Daenerys eats raw heart of a horse. She does this to attest herself to Dothraki People. That was indeed an amazing scene but was disgusting though. She says that – “Dan Minahan (GOT’s director) said that it was “make or break situation” for Daenerys since she would be either denied or accepted by Dothraki”.  They promised that it will taste similar to gummy bear but it certainly didn’t! In fact, it tasted as if it was bleach. She describes that it was like dried pasta with fake blood sugar. This is one of the major point in our cool game of thrones facts.

35. Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth) Is Dating Giles Deacon (A Fashion Designer)

Gwendoline Christie, a British actress who plays the role of Brienne of Tarth is dating Giles Deacon, who is a well known fashion designer. They have been spotted many times together. Seems that they are sharing a great time.

34. Asst. Stunt Director of Game of Thrones, Buster Reeves Makes It Easy

Buster Reeves is the one who directs the entire stunt and fight scenes you see in Game of Thrones. The actors didn’t have time to learn swordplay. He makes it easy by making fighting scene more of a dance. He shows them every move in various styles. Watch this video to know more

33. Peter Dinklage & Lena Headey Were Good Friends Before Game Of Thrones. In fact, Peter Suggested Lena To His Producers For Cersei’s Role

Lena Headey and Peter Dinklage are good friends even before Game of Thrones started. In fact, peter was the one who suggested Lena for Cersei Lannister to the producers. Lena is born as well as raised at Bermuda. She is a 100% vegetarian and even an advocate of animal rights.

32. Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister) Apologizes Peter Off-screen For…

Charles Dance, who plays the character of Tywin Lannister apologizes peter constantly on the sets. The reason is that “he treats him appallingly” in character.

31. Sansa (Sophie Turner) Adopted Her Direwolf, Lady IRL (In Real Life)

Portraying the role of Sansa Stark, Sophie Turner has adopted “Lady”. She brought Lady to her home after King Joffrey & Direwolf were unnecessarily killed in the series.

During a recent interview, she said to Coventry Telegraph (English Newspaper) that – “I always wanted to own a pet dog but my parents never allowed for one and I kinda fell in love with my character’s direwolf, Lady on the sets”. This is how she adopted this and has now renamed this Northern Inuit dog as “Zunni”.

30. Natalia Tena (Osha) Is The One Who Played Tonks In Harry Potter

Seems that her role as Nymphadora Tonks in Harry Potter has worked out for playing Osha in Game of Thrones. She is not only a good British actress but also a musician. She is in the “Molotov Jukebox” band as a main vocalist.

29. Behind The Scenes, Sophie Turner (Sansa) Raps With Jack Gleeson (Joffrey)

She says — Yeah, we rap a lot when we aren’t filming. Of course, it is bad rapping but we keep trying. We make our own raps. Jack does all the raps while I give the beats.

28. Sean Bean (Eddard Stark) Has A Tattoo On His Left Shoulder “100% BLADE”

Sean Bean, who plays the role of Eddard Stark has a “100% BLADE” tattoo done on his left shoulder. He did this to honor his much loved football team “Sheffield United”, who are popularly nicknamed — “The Blades”.

27. Michelle Fairley Picks “Live Another Day” Rather Than Game Of Thrones Season 4. Will Catelyn Stark Be Seen In Season 5?

As “GOT” begins its season 4, Michelle Fairley will be exchanging Catelyn Stark for Margot, which is a recurring character in Fox mini-series (upcoming) “24: Live Another Day.” This 12-episode mini-series is to be premiered on 4 May 2014 & Michelle will be replacing Judy Davis as Margot. Michelle is currently, filming at London for “24: Live Another Day”. Without doubt, few fans will be sad to see Fairley in some other series but “GOT” season IV is well prepared for its premiere on 6 April 2014. Sources say that she may return for season 5. Only time can tell if Michelle will return in the other seasons of “Game of Thrones”.

26. Michelle Fairley (Playing Catelyn Stark in Game of Thrones) Was Hermione’s Mother In Harry Potter

Recall Harry Potter series for a moment.

Yup, Michelle Fairley was mom of Hermione Granger.

25. Game Of Thrones Was Supposed To Be A Movie

TV series Game of Thrones was supposed to be a movie. After the first book’s release, Martin was immediately approached by different producers to make it into movie saga but he said NO since many things would had to be cut if it was made as a movie. He thought making it into sequels would be much better and rest is history.

24. How Was Dothraki Language Created?

The Game of Thrones producers realized that they had the need to hire a good language creator for “Dothraki”. They hired David Peterson, a linguist for their scripts. David started with Dothraki people culture and created approximately 1700 words before even the series started. At present, there are over 3000 words.

23. Do You Know Who Theon Greyjoy Is?

I hope you know pop singer Lily Allen. Watch this video to recall. Theon Greyjoy (real name: Alfie Allen) is younger bro of Lily Allen. She also wrote an uncomfortable song on him — it is titled as “Alfie.”

22. Remember Filch In Harry Potter? He Is None Other Than Game Of Thrones “Walder Frey”?

Do you remember who played Filch in Harry Potter? It is none other than Walder Frey from Game of Thrones. His real name is David Bradley.

21. Playing The Role Of Viserys Targaryen (Harry Lloyd) Is None Other Than Charles Dickens’ Great-Great-Great Grandson

If you have watched Game of Thrones, then I am sure you will know who Viserys Targaryen is. If you aren’t aware then let me tell you that he is Charles Dickens’ great-great-great grandson. The relationship goes through his mom, Marion – descended from 7th of Dickens ten children. Henry Lloyd stays with a large family and he is pretty close with his second cousins.

20. Robb Stark Is Actually Dating “Doctor Who’s Clara Oswin Oswald” In Real Life

Dreams never come true. Hello, Jenna-Louise Coleman and Richard Madden: What happens in TARDIS stays in TRADIS. It seems that “Doctor Who” actress Coleman & “Game Of Thrones” Richard (Robb Stark) are making most of their time together. They were even spotted at London (strolling on a sunny day).

19. Martin Believes In Living A Simple Life

Even after the huge success of Game of Thrones, Martin believes in leading a very simple life. He drives old Mazda, very friendly with his fans, still has contact details on Yellow Pages, dines at some local restaurants and blogs regularly. In his childhood, he had few pet turtles, was captain of Chess team and was even editor of high school.

18. Playing The Character Of Cersei Lannister In GOT Has Not Made Headey Rich

If we talk about the popularity of Game of Thrones, it is definitely massive. It is not only well admired globally but has even made good revenue. Still, there is something surprising to know. Lena Headey, who portrays Cersei Lannister says that during her divorce, she & her son (2 years) are living off credit.

17. Game of Thrones Season 4 Spoilers – A New Character Played By Mark Gatiss As Tycho Nestoris

The Doctor Who & Sherlock Writer as well as artist Mark Gatiss will be seen in Game of Thrones Season IV with a new role “Tycho Nestoris”. Now, you may wonder who is this new character and how long will you expect him to be in GOT? Recently Mark dropped few clues about the kind of role he plays. Sadly, if you are a fan of Mark Gatiss do not be expecting much from his character. He will be seen only in 1 episode.

16. Stephen Dillane (Stannis Baratheon) Is The Dad Of Frank Dillane In Real Life

Stephen Dillane, who plays the role of Stannis Baratheon in Game of Thrones is actually father of Frank Dillane in real life. Frank was the one who portrayed young Tom Riddle in Harry Potter.

15. Kristian Narn, who plays the role “Hodor”, gentle giant in Game of Throne is a well established DJ

14. This Is How Kristian Narn (Hodor) Exactly Looks Like When He Is Out Of His Character & Beard


13. Sophie Turner (Sansa) Is A Natural Blonde

Sophie Turner, who plays the role of Sansa Stark is naturally blonde. She dyes her hairs for the show.

12. Martin Has Already Explained To Producers (Dan & David) The Way He Has Planned Rest of The Series… If He Dies Before Finishing It

We know that Game Of Thrones production is pacing faster than we thought. In fact, it is moving much faster than Martin could actually write. Martin fears if he dies before even the series ends. This is why he has planned everything as to how the rest of the series would go and even has explained to producers (Dan and David). So, they 3 know how Game of Thrones will end.

11. There Is Game of Thrones-Themed “Burlesque Show” Called Dames of Throne

Ruusall S Beattie, creative director presents “Dames of Throne – Burlesque Show” in Australia. It is an unaffiliated and ongoing parody production. “It is inspired by the people and stories of Westeros. It is sure to set fire among people’s hearts”, says The Vanguard (Entertainment venue).

10. Jack Gleeson (King Joffrey) Is Acrophobic

Off screen, King Joffrey is scared of heights. He shares this story during a recent conversation. Jack says – “There is this big rock named Skellig Rock at West Coast of Ireland, wherein monks escape from Vikings. They had built their huts on it and I went there with my family when I was young. We had to climb those rocks, which were vertical. That was the time when I realized heights actually freaked me”.

9. Gavin Jones (GOT’s Prop Maker) Took 2 Months To Build The Iron Throne

Yes, it took 2 whopping months for Gravin Jones, Game of Thrones’ Prop-Maker to construct that humongous iron throne. It is 8-feet tall. It is build from wooden frame & heated swords. You can even buy a replica of this iron throne only for $30,000!

8. Nikolaj (Jaime Lannister) Loves The 10-Minutes YouTube Video Wherein Tyrion Slaps King Joffrey

You can watch this video here

7. Martin Praises Gleeson (King Joffrey) Perfectly

Author Martin describes Gleeson (King Joffrey) as a friendly, nice and charming young man. He even sent a letter to Jack Gleeson saying – “Congratulations, for your amazing performance. Everybody hates you”.

6. Jack Gleeson (King Joffrey) Says That He Might Never Act Again After Game Of Thrones Ends

Portraying the character of King Joffrey, Jack Gleeson says that he doesn’t have any plans to act again if Game Of Thrones sequel comes to an end for him. Seems that he has enjoyed so much on the sets of GOT that he may never be able to have fun as much as he had at these series. And he says that he would prefer doing other things. Perhaps, some sort of social jobs like “helping others”. You won’t believe but he traveled Haiti for helping poor. He would happily give up his acting skills if GOT wraps up.

To a class in Dublin University, he said that “I began acting when I was just 8 & I truly loved it. But I think it became more profession and less recreation when I had acting pressure. This is when it becomes less enjoyable”. He even have plans of performing and writing for his theater group “Collapsing Horse Theater Company” based in Dublin. See the below video of his interview and answering to press.

5. Most Of The Cast Members Of Game Of Thrones Haven’t Read The Books

Yes, it is true that most of the cast members of Game of Thrones haven’t read its books. They do not want to know their characters’ future because they feel that it would affect the way they acted.

4. Emilia Clarke, Landed Into GOT’s Role Of Daenerys Targaryen By Playing Funky Chicken. Besides, She Wasn’t The First Choice For Daenerys. Tamzin Merchant Was Supposed To Play It

Emilie Clarke in Game of Thrones as Daenerys Targaryen

Tamzin Merchant (She was supposed to play Daenerys in Game of Thrones initially but her departure gave chance to Emilie Clarke)

Even you know that Emilia is a well-known British actress. She marks her initial TV role in BBC series “Doctors”. After that Game Of Thrones (GOT) was her next high jump. In GOT she plays the character of Daenerys Targaryen. Have you ever tried knowing how she got this character to play? Tamzin Merchant, who portrayed in unaired pilot episode was supposed to play Daenerys Targaryen but her departure on 29th April 2010 gave a great chance to Emilia Clarke and this is how she was confirmed to play Daenerys (21st May 2010) in GOT.

She was the part of Game Of Thrones initial cast and still remains. Well, Emilia knows why she was replaced and been asked to play Daenerys. Clarke reveals the story behind. When she was 10 years old, her dad took her to audition at the West end of London. However, she did not realize that she had to be prepared with a song along with her acting skills.  She said – “I was trying to learn a folk song about donkey in my school. I made my mind to sing it”. The jury asked if she knew any other song? She gave her best version of “Spice Girls” with complete dance moves – “This is when my music career came to an end”, she added. She realized that it was too early to get into all this. Later after good practice, she came with a bang when she performed before HBO executives. She says – “I did robot and funky chicken. I think this made the deal of GOT”.

3. Robb Stark’s Bride, Talisa Maegyr Is Charlie Chaplin’s Granddaughter

If you watched Game of Thrones then you probably know who Talisa Maegyr is. She is the new bride of Robb Stark. Her real name is Oona Chaplin, granddaughter of Charlie Chaplin in real life.

2. Maisie Williams (Arya) & Sophie Turner (Sansa) Are Best Friends In Real Life

If you have seen the sequels of Game of Thrones then you know how Arya and Sansa get with each other. They constantly fight & pick. They don’t get well but you will be surprised to read this: Off-screen, Sophie Turner (Sansa) & Maisie Williams (Arya) are best friends. The 2 met during the GOT auditions but became closer on the sets. They are like real cute sisters having fun all the time and even share same room in the hotel while filming.

Sansa & Arya On Screen

And Off Screen, they are just crazy!

1. Sibel Kekilli (Shae) Used To Be A Porn Actress!

Sibel Kekilli, who plays the role of “Shae” in Game of Thrones is actually a German actress. She was just a guest star in the first season but in 2nd and 3rd seasons, she plays an important role. Talking about her personal life now — after completing her school, she finished her apprenticeship as public administration employee at local government. She then worked for 2 years at municipal waste disposal office. Finally, in 2002 she did different jobs like saleswoman, nightclub’s manager, promoter and cleaner.

A director at Cologne shopping mall noticed her. She then made appearances in movies and became popular. Soon people came to knew that she was a porn actress before and used a stage named “Dilara”. After this public scandal, her parents broke all the relationships with her. They now don’t even contact her.

This post first appeared on Different Ways To Say Happy Birthday, please read the originial post: here

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50 Cool Game Of Thrones Facts That Every Fan Must Know!


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