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Exclusive Interview With “Luna Solana”

Exclusive Interview With “Luna Solana”

Today we’re going to share an exclusive interview of one of the very talented artists Luna Solana with all of you. So, without wasting the time let’s get started.

Read Luna Solana’s Interview

Q: First of all we want to say welcome to you.
Thank you for your time

Q: What made you want to start creating music?
Multiple things made me want to start creating music. I think I’ve always felt like music is something I’m just supposed to do though. I’ve loved singing ever since I was a little kid who didn’t know how to “properly” sing yet. Some of the people who were closest to me actually made fun of my voice back then though, but I loved singing so much that my only goal was to work toward becoming an incredible singer anyway. I also wanted to create music because it just runs in the family. My mom’s side was very accomplished artistically speaking, and unfortunately, my dreams seem to be more in the direction of a road less traveled, instead of going to some college or university and playing it safe. I always passionately hated school, so I dropped out because I’m stubborn and refused to take in information anymore unless it was related to music lol. The education system was dumbing me down and severely hurting my health, so I stopped participating or doing any homework. I was done with all of it. I went from A’s and B’s in every class, to straight D’s and F’s. Except for my choir classes, I always aced choir. My grandfather was also pretty famous in Spain for being a self-taught flamenco guitarist, often compared to some of flamenco’s greatest legends, like Andrés Segovia and Sabicas. My mom always told me that he went to school for one day in his whole life, knew it wasn’t for him, dedicated the rest of his life to flamenco and never went back. He was a “rags to riches” kind of story, and I want music to carry me from rags to riches too.

Q: Who was your inspiration for music?
I have so many musical inspirations, but just to name a few off the top of my head, I’m gonna say Elohim, Lights, and more recently, Rosalía. Fleetwood Mac and Supertramp are also huge ones, thanks to my mom. She played them around the house a lot while I was growing up.

Q: What is the name of your new debut song and can you tell us about it?
My debut song is called “Fake Love” and I wrote it in late 2019, just before the pandemic threw everyone into lockdown. At the time, I was going through some heartbreak and working through a lot of sadness/anger for being led on by someone for nearly a year. So I cut them off, grabbed my notebook and started writing about almost-relationships. Situationships. Being tired of being the cool girl who doesn’t give a shit. Tired of “going with the flow and seeing where it goes.” I was not gonna wait around for someone to get their shit together, and I was done with feeling ridiculous for wanting to define a relationship. I was losing patience for men who say they like strong women, only to break them down when she isn’t playing the romance game in a way that benefits him first. I was coming to learn that a lot of men don’t actually like strong women as much as they like to say they do, they just like knowing they might be able to get away with not putting in as much work as they should to maintain a connection.

Q: Say something about your musical journey?
I don’t know what to say about my musical journey other than the love I have for music being all I need. It’s the thing I live for and I dream of quitting my job one day to make a living singing instead.

Q: Who helped you most in your journey?
My vocal coach, Ellen Smith. I’ve been working with her since 2017 and she’s incredible. My school choir teachers were also a huge help of course, along with my family, and my friend/fellow artist, James Zero.

Q: Who gave you pieces of advice and what were they?
I’ve been given lots of advice but I think the advice that stuck most, was from my older brother, who’s been making music for over a decade now. He told me “you’re gonna hate everything you make at first, but that just means you have great taste with a skill set that doesn’t match up to it yet, so keep creating until you actually like what you make.”

Q: What do you do nowadays?
I’ve mostly just been working my day job non-stop it seems. I’m either working or singing. I’ve been pretty frustrated lately with my life outside of music, but I know it’s only temporary and life just delays our plans sometimes.

Q: What is the next project that you’re working on?
I’ve had another project in the works for almost a year now, but with covid and a combination of other circumstances, it’s still taking a while before I start to see it as bare fruit. Lots of delays but I know the time will be right when the time actually comes. I don’t want to say too much, but it’s a project I’m supposed to be working on with an artist from a band I’ve been a fan of since about 2014.

Q: What is your message to your fans?
If there’s anything life has taught me so far, is that light cannot exist without dark. Walkthrough life with an open heart and a commitment to being your most authentic self. We all need to get better at learning how to get better and I think that starts with meeting our shadow side with compassion, and a willingness to embody the best version of ourselves, every chance we get.

Q: Any messages for new artists?
This one goes for me too but..… just release it. Release the song already. Stop overthinking it and just release it lol.

The post Exclusive Interview With “Luna Solana” appeared first on Music & Entertainment - MuzEnt.

This post first appeared on Music & Entertainment - MuzEnt, please read the originial post: here

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Exclusive Interview With “Luna Solana”
