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Exclusive Interview with Risen from the ‘Mortal Vail’ band


Today we are back again with another exclusive interview of Risen. So, let’s get started.

Read Risen’s Interview

Q: First of all we want to say welcome to you.
Hello there, it’s a pleasure to talk with you.

Q: Let’s get right to it, your band’s name, “Mortal Vail.” What does that exactly mean?
Ahhh the age-old question. What exactly does it mean?
Generally speaking, exactly how it sounds. Mortal, basically, the pat who is subject to die. Taken from Latin 14th century. And Vail, also from Latin 14th. “To fall”, or “to let fall.” I generally refer to it as, “That thin Vail that when lifted, reveals what awaits beyond.”

Q: Why did you choose that as the band’s name?
I wanted something that was timeless in meaning. An idea is so big it could continually be built upon.

Q: Your first release, also called Mortal Vail. Can you tell me about that?
It was the first release, which yes is an album, but also a sort of compilation. As in, all of the songs we had basically put together we felt at that time, we’re some that I had written in other manifestations of Mortal Vail years prior and they were just then seeing the light of day.

Also to answer your question yes. The first album is called Mortal VaiL, mortal Vail. It’s self-titled. We felt your first album should be raw and self-titled to give the audience an idea of who you are and your ideas.

Q: So, with just hearing it for the first time and seeing the artwork. From the c.d. It’s a bit obscure on what the exact meaning is. Can you tell me about that?
Yes. So first, the dark opera is meant to be listened to on a nice stereo or earphones. If possible at night when relaxing. It’s meant to meditate upon and read the lyrics that are either provided from our jewel case version or off Apple Music’s feature. With the opening track “The Birth of darkness & Tragedy,” you can hear breathing and a heartbeat falling asleep.” Then you are led on a dark urban nightmare, oh, the dark opera was almost titled, “the dream,” at the end, the main character wakes. It’s composed of chapters, that are wrapped in a crypto text. Hidden metaphors to reveal true meanings. There are nine tracks. Based on Nicola Tesla’s three, six, and nine theories. The arrangements of. The acts themselves. Criticized for being raw, well that’s exactly what a true black metal album is. That mixed with symphonic atmospheric landscapes mixed with what I am… Is a pure form, for what it is.

Q: Are there any tracks on there that you enjoy playing more than others?
The self-titled can be listened to individually, but was meant to be listened to as one. So the model isn’t broken, so to speak.

Q: So what has Mortal Vail been writing about lately? Is your new material the same content and your self-titled Release?
That’s a good one. Ok, so the first collection of chapters was based on this character. Which each listener is compelled to associate themselves with the lyrics. And then you will relate much better and if you read along with the lyrics it just magically happens like that. It’s like your viewing and associating these ideas to yourself because it is very down too harsh under some of the rawer elements of compositional layering.
The new stuff has the same relatable quality, as in most ideas are put forth in metaphor and has many facets and rooms inside the cathedral.

Q: Are these subjects you do research as a hobby or just with the creative side of writing?
Oh yes these are very much subjects I’ve been into since day one. I figure if you’re going to paint a painting, you better know the subject matter and materials so that your narrative is understood for the right ones to look at.

Q: So in your research, you’ve probably read some interesting
Yes. I’ve read lots of books on my journey. Mostly Horror, ancient grimoires. Dark fantasy, some none fiction. In that area archeology, physics. Fine Art. I also do Oil Paintings.

Q: Let us know something about your future projects?
Our new album will be called, “Obscure Reflections of Dawn.”
Thank you for your time, you are much appreciated.

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This post first appeared on Music & Entertainment - MuzEnt, please read the originial post: here

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Exclusive Interview with Risen from the ‘Mortal Vail’ band
