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Arcadia Pod’s Top Ten Kansas City Area Professional Wrestling Feuds of 2023 – #7

Arcadia Pod’s Top Ten Kansas City Area Professional Wrestling Feuds Of 2023 – #7

Once again, my intro from a few days ago:

“This year, I’m trying something different on my blog – I’m going through my local professional wrestling coverage and doing a countdown of the ten (well 11 actually) Kansas City area professional wrestling feuds that I felt deserved some recognition. Since late last year, I have attended nearly THIRTY wrestling shows with my son, and have been blessed to have been there for some of the best professional wrestling I’ve seen in my entire life. As a passionate fan of professional wrestling, delving into the vastly underrated well of local talent and feuds has been a great experience.”

The Countdown so far:

  • HM – The Tonys Vs Storm Dior (TSW)
  • 10. Bert Candy VS Private Practice (NBW)
  • 9. Luke Langley’s Revenge Tour (CSW)
  • 8. Shooter Shylynn VS Aminah Belmont (Trailblazer)

Make sure to drop me some comments on either social media or this very post about anything I may have missed, because….well this sums it up better than I can explain here:

Please don’t be offended if I have seemingly ignored something from a show I have never been to. I sadly don’t get to attend KCXW much at all, for example, so I can’t speak on any shows from them, but that’s something I hope to change. The same goes for a lot of companies in Central Kansas that occasionally come over here (HCW comes to mind). As companies get more of a digital footprint, perhaps this will change as I can keep up with their product online at my leisure. I mostly follow three companies because I don’t really have time to go to every show that comes through; occasionally, I’ll dabble in something like World League Wrestling, but it’s very rare. With that in mind, hopefully everyone enjoys this, and maybe I can see other lists like this from other fans!

Number seven is once again Trailblazer Championship Wrestling, this time we’re looking at the warpath that one of the most deranged wrestlers in the area caused at nearly every show of the year.

Note: I may have copied some of the text from older articles, I give myself permission to plagiarize from myself.

7. Max Sterling VS The Trailblazer Roster (Trailblazer)

In Trailblazer Championship Wrestling, 2023 was characterized by the unrelenting assault on the Trailblazer roster by none other than “Madman” Max Sterling. Going toe-to-toe with a wrestler that basically does not care if he wins or loses as long as he’s hurting people is not something anyone should have to deal with, but unfortunately many did in 2023. Sterling’s assault spilled into other feuds a bit, especially anything involving his sometimes protégé, Salum Gust, but I personally found it interesting that Sterling was nowhere to be seen in the matches of his various lackeys but seemed to often demand their assistance in his. I even asked one of the many victims of his nonsense, Bobby Joe Black, and he had this to say about how strong Sterling’s bonds were with his “friends”:

“First of all, I don’t think Salum has friends, probably why he’s so mad, but if you are talking about “The Madman” Max Sterling, Johnnie Jo and I have had our talks in our war room about what to do.”

Full interview can be read HERE

While I’m sure trouble was brewing in 2022, I was not there for any of that, so it seemed like 2023 was the flashpoint for Sterling’s crusade to create chaos all over the roster. It all started back at Bunkhouse Brawl, when Sterling faced off against “Astonishing” Austin Mulitalo. I could have made this whole thing about the feud between those two men, but I feel like the actions of Sterling surpassed that into an all-out company-wide war.

Flanked by Salum Gust, the two all-but ensured a dirty win, especially considering some of his less-than-favorable means to attain such goals. You see, Max always carries around a skull-shaped kettlebell and a huge chain, and you better believe he uses them to his advantage. If he loses the match because of a DQ, that does not seem to really matter as long as he gets the last laugh.

At Tornado Alley, Max went the extra mile to cause mayhem in the first degree in his match against Moses the Deliverer. Max and Moses fought a rather competitive match, a fact that obviously made Max angry. Pretty soon Salum Gust was involved, and weapons were being swung around like we were at an old ECW show. This was the last straw, and many guys in the Trailblazer locker room spilled out to even the odds. From that point on, Max and Salum had trouble doing anything they wanted due to push back from the rest of the roster.

“Astonishing” Austin Mulitalo came back to Ottawa, Kansas on July 22nd with one thing on his mind – reclaiming the glory that should have been his. Of course, Mulitalo had wrestled elsewhere in the four months since their last encounter, but his loss against Sterling was likely nagging against him.

Honestly, neither Sterling nor Salum Gust had their heads in the game here. They wasted time trying to intimidate a tired Bobby Joe Black who was resting by the entranceway and resorted to attempting to use weapons as usual. Austin, however, has been training for a long time for pretty much anything Sterling threw at him, and was able to decisively get the win once and for all. Sterling was likely still reeling from getting beaten down during a Lumberjack Match earlier in the night, a subject for a future entry in this series.

With two losing efforts and a fairly unified front with most of the roster stepping up against the cheap attacks and unnecessary beatdowns, Austin Mulitalo was able to defeat Max Sterling, sending him packing back to Eerie Indiana. I’m sure The Madman will be back in 2024, and I’m sure he will have concocted another plan to control the power structure of Trailblazer, so everyone better be ready!

That’s it for this installment of this series, check back again soon to see who’s next! To keep up with this series, click HERE.

For more pro wrestling content, Click HERE.

For More about Trailblazer Championship Wrestling, check out their website HERE, Facebook Page HERE, their Twitter page HERE, or YouTube HERE. Trailblazer is on Cagematch HERE. If you are a fan, make sure to drop likes, and reviews, or join their social media pages! For More Pro Wrestling Content, Click HERE.

The post Arcadia Pod’s Top Ten Kansas City Area Professional Wrestling Feuds of 2023 – #7 appeared first on Arcadia Pod.

This post first appeared on An American View Of British Science Fiction | A Lo, please read the originial post: here

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Arcadia Pod’s Top Ten Kansas City Area Professional Wrestling Feuds of 2023 – #7
