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Stuck for content? Try a Quiz!

Stuck For Content?  Try A Quiz!

The Year Summed Up In 13 Questions

You’ll find one of those in the pages of the Herlad or the DomPost. Not here, we just made some stuff up.

(There have been some technical issues, most of which have been solved by very helpful tech staff at WordPress – really, they replied to poorly worded help emails within minutes – but the Start button refuses to go green. It doesn’t affect the quiz but.)

NOTE: If you’re viewing this on a mobile, not only is A Certain Foreign Government harvesting your data but the quiz won’t open, Try here instead

The Great Weakly Whirled’s End Quiz

As 2021 crawls to a close, it’s time to look back, reflect on what might have been, what shouldn’t have been and just how annoying it was being told to be kind all the time.  

So we’ve put together a bit of a general knowledge test.  There are no prizes – heck, there are no real questions.  Just click wherever you think might be appropriate.

This post first appeared on Weakly Whirled News, please read the originial post: here

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Stuck for content? Try a Quiz!
