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Cartomancy vs Tarot

  • Cartomancy and Tarot are both forms of divination that use cards to gain insight into the past, present, and future.
  • Cartomancy is a broader term that encompasses various card reading practices, while Tarot is a specific type of cartomancy that uses a deck of 78 cards.
  • Tarot cards have a rich symbolism and are often associated with spiritual or esoteric practices, whereas cartomancy can be more flexible and adaptable to different belief systems.
  • Both Cartomancy and Tarot readings involve interpreting the cards’ meanings based on their position in a spread and their relationship to each other.
  • While Tarot readings typically follow a structured layout with specific card positions, cartomancy readings can be more intuitive and free-form.
  • The interpretations in both Cartomancy and Tarot rely on the reader’s knowledge, intuition, and ability to connect with the cards’ energy.
  • Cartomancy can utilize different types of decks such as playing cards or oracle cards, offering a wider range of options for readers and seekers.
  • Tarot decks have a standardized set of symbols and archetypes that provide a consistent framework for interpretation across different readings.
  • Both Cartomancy and Tarot can provide guidance, insights, and self-reflection, but ultimately the accuracy and effectiveness depend on the reader’s skill level and the seeker’s openness to receiving messages from the cards.

Are you seeking guidance and insights into your future? Curiosity about the mystical realms has led many individuals to turn to ancient practices such as Cartomancy and Tarot reading. But which method is more accurate? Which holds the key to unlocking the secrets of your destiny?

In this article, we delve deep into the realm of divination and explore the differences between cartomancy and tarot. Prepare to be intrigued as we unravel the mysteries of these age-old practices, revealing their unique characteristics and distinct approaches to fortune-telling.

Have you ever wondered if there is a hidden path that could lead you to success, love, or fulfillment? Do you find yourself searching for answers in an uncertain world, yearning for a glimpse into what lies ahead? If so, join us on this journey as we compare cartomancy and tarot – two fascinating tools that offer glimpses into the future through symbols, archetypes, and intuition.

Discover how these ancient arts can empower you to navigate life’s complexities with greater clarity. Uncover the secrets they hold, as we unravel the tangled threads of fate together. Let’s embark on a captivating exploration of cartomancy versus tarot – an adventure that will leave you mesmerized and yearning for more.

Cartomancy vs Tarot – The Quick Answer

Cartomancy and tarot, although both using Playing Cards for divination, differ in their usage. Cartomancy focuses on interpreting the individual cards based on their traditional meanings and positions in a spread. Tarot, on the other hand, incorporates a larger deck with additional trump cards called Major Arcana, allowing for more complex symbolism and storytelling in readings.

1. The Historical Origin of Cartomancy and Tarot

Cartomancy, the practice of divination through playing cards, has a long and rich history that dates back centuries. It is believed to have originated in the 14th century in Europe, where playing cards were first introduced from the Islamic world. These early decks of cards were primarily used for gaming purposes but soon gained popularity as a tool for fortune-telling.

Tarot, on the other hand, has a slightly more mysterious origin. The origins of tarot cards can be traced back to the 15th century in Italy, where they were initially used for playing card games. However, it wasn’t until the late 18th century that tarot started being associated with divination and occult practices.

Origin of Cartomancy

The exact origins of cartomancy are not well-documented, but it is believed to have emerged in Europe during the medieval period. Playing cards were already popular in various parts of Europe by this time, and people began using them for divination purposes.

Origin of Tarot

Tarot cards were originally created as a deck of playing cards known as “tarocchi” in Italy during the Renaissance period. The early tarot decks consisted of four suits similar to modern playing cards but also included additional trump cards known as Major Arcana.

Key Points:

– Cartomancy originated in Europe in the 14th century.
– Tarot emerged in Italy during the 15th century.
– Playing cards were initially used for gaming before being associated with divination and occult practices.
– Tarot decks featured additional trump cards called Major Arcana.


1. Dummett, Michael. “The Game of Tarot: From Ferrara to Salt Lake City.” Duckworth, 1980.
2. Parlett, David. “The Oxford Guide to Card Games.” Oxford University Press, 1990.

2. The Difference in Playing Card Usage between Cartomancy and Tarot

While both cartomancy and tarot use playing cards as a tool for divination, there are some key differences in their usage and interpretation.

In cartomancy, the focus is primarily on the individual cards themselves and their symbolism within the specific context of the reading. Each card holds its own meaning and significance, and the reader interprets them accordingly. The interpretations can vary depending on the question asked or the layout of the cards.

Tarot, on the other hand, utilizes a specific deck of tarot cards that consists of both Major Arcana (trump cards) and Minor Arcana (suit cards). The entire deck is used during readings, with each card having its own symbolic meaning. Tarot readings often involve more complex spreads or layouts that involve multiple cards being drawn and interpreted together.


– Focuses on individual card meanings.
– Interpretations vary based on context.
– Can be done with a regular deck of playing cards or specialty cartomancy decks.


– Utilizes a specific deck of tarot cards.
– Incorporates both Major Arcana and Minor Arcana.
– Readings often involve complex spreads with multiple cards.

Key Points:

– Cartomancy focuses on individual card meanings while tarot incorporates a whole deck.
– Tarot readings often involve more complex spreads than cartomancy readings.
– Both practices rely on symbolism and interpretation for divination purposes.


1. Huson, Paul. “Mystical Origins of the Tarot: From Ancient Roots to Modern Usage.” Destiny Books, 2004.
2. Rulofson, Carol. “Cartomancy: Fortune Telling with Playing Cards.” Schiffer Publishing, 2008.

3. Is Cartomancy a Subset or Variation of Tarot Reading?

The Relationship between Cartomancy and Tarot

Cartomancy and tarot reading are closely related practices, but they can be considered as separate methods of divination. Cartomancy is a broader term that encompasses various forms of fortune-telling using playing cards or other types of cards, while tarot reading specifically refers to the interpretation of tarot cards.

Distinctions between Cartomancy and Tarot

Although both cartomancy and tarot involve the use of cards for divination, there are some key differences between them. One significant distinction lies in the deck used. While cartomancers often work with regular playing cards, tarot readers use a specific deck called the tarot deck, which consists of 78 cards divided into major and minor arcana.

Another difference is in the symbolism and interpretation. The traditional tarot deck has a rich symbolic system with archetypal images that convey deeper meanings. In contrast, cartomancy relies more on numerology and card combinations to derive interpretations.

In summary, while cartomancy can be seen as a subset or variation of tarot reading due to their common use of cards for divination, they differ in terms of the specific decks used and the approaches to symbolism and interpretation.

4. Similarities and Differences in Symbolism and Interpretation between Cartomancy and Tarot

Symbolism in Cartomancy

In cartomancy, each card holds its own significance based on its number, suit, color, or combination with other cards. For example, hearts generally represent emotions or relationships, diamonds signify wealth or material matters, clubs indicate work or achievements, while spades suggest challenges or difficulties.

Symbolism in Tarot

Tarot cards, on the other hand, have a more intricate system of symbolism. The major arcana cards depict archetypal figures and life lessons, while the minor arcana cards represent everyday situations and influences. Each card in the tarot deck carries its own symbolic meaning, often associated with elements such as earth, air, fire, and water.

Interpretation Differences

While both cartomancy and tarot involve interpreting symbols on cards, the depth and complexity of interpretation can vary. Tarot readings often delve into deeper psychological or spiritual insights due to the extensive symbolism contained within the cards. Cartomancy interpretations tend to be more straightforward and focused on immediate circumstances or events.

In conclusion, both cartomancy and tarot rely on symbolism for interpretation, but tarot has a more elaborate system of symbolism compared to cartomancy. Tarot readings tend to offer deeper insights into one’s psyche or spiritual journey, while cartomancy provides more practical guidance for everyday situations.

5. Evolution of Meanings and Interpretations in Cartomancy and Tarot over Time

Over time, the meanings and interpretations associated with cartomancy and tarot have evolved as they have been influenced by various cultures, practitioners, and societal changes.

Historical Influences on Cartomancy

Cartomancy can trace its roots back to ancient China where playing cards were first used for divination purposes. As playing cards spread throughout Europe during the Middle Ages, different regions developed their own systems of interpretation based on cultural beliefs and practices. For example, in France during the 18th century, cartomancers began associating specific meanings with each card based on numerology and astrological principles.

The Development of Tarot Symbolism

The tarot deck as we know it today originated in Renaissance Italy and was primarily used for gaming. It was not until the late 18th century that tarot cards began to be associated with divination. Over time, tarot readers and occultists developed a system of symbolism and interpretation that incorporated elements from various mystical traditions, such as astrology, Kabbalah, and alchemy.

Modern Influences on Cartomancy and Tarot

In contemporary practice, both cartomancy and tarot have been influenced by new interpretations, cultural shifts, and advancements in psychology. Psychologists like Carl Jung explored the archetypal nature of tarot symbols, contributing to the psychological depth of tarot readings. Additionally, increased accessibility through books, online resources, and communities has allowed for the exchange of ideas and the evolution of meanings within both practices.

In summary, the meanings and interpretations in cartomancy and tarot have evolved over time due to historical influences, cultural developments, and contributions from practitioners. As new perspectives emerge and societal changes occur, these divinatory practices continue to adapt and expand their understanding of symbolism to meet the needs of modern seekers.

6. Unique Spreads or Layouts in Cartomancy or Tarot

Distinctive Spreads in Cartomancy

Cartomancy offers a variety of unique spreads or layouts that can be used for divinatory purposes. Here are a few examples:

1. Three-Card Spread: This simple yet versatile spread consists of three cards representing past, present, and future situations or influences.
2. Nine-Square Spread: In this spread, nine cards are arranged in a 3×3 grid formation. Each position represents different aspects of a person’s life or specific questions they seek answers for.
3. Celtic Cross Spread: Widely used in cartomancy as well as tarot reading, this elaborate layout involves ten cards arranged in a cross-like pattern. It provides insights into the past, present, and future, along with factors influencing the situation and potential outcomes.

Distinctive Spreads in Tarot

Tarot readings also have their own unique spreads that offer specific perspectives on different aspects of life or inquiries. Some notable tarot spreads include:

1. One-Card Spread: This minimalist spread involves drawing a single card to gain quick insights or guidance on a specific question or situation.
2. Relationship Spread: Designed to explore the dynamics between individuals, this spread utilizes multiple cards to provide insights into the strengths, challenges, and potential outcomes of a relationship.
3. Tree of Life Spread: Derived from Kabbalistic teachings, this complex spread maps out ten cards in a pattern resembling the Tree of Life formation. It delves into various aspects of one’s life journey, including spiritual growth and personal development.

In both cartomancy and tarot reading, spreads serve as frameworks for organizing the interpretation process and exploring different facets of an inquiry. The choice of spread depends on the practitioner’s preference, client’s needs, or the specific questions being addressed.

7. Popularity Comparison: Cartomancy vs. Tarot in Contemporary Practice

The Popularity of Cartomancy

Cartomancy continues to maintain its popularity as a method of divination due to several factors. Being accessible through standard playing cards makes it easier for individuals to engage in personal readings without requiring specialized decks like tarot cards. Furthermore, cartomancy offers practical guidance for everyday situations and is often favored by those seeking quick answers or immediate advice.

The Popularity of Tarot

Tarot has experienced a surge in popularity over recent decades due to increased mainstream exposure and interest in spirituality and self-discovery. The rich symbolism and psychological depth associated with tarot cards appeal to individuals seeking profound insights and guidance for personal growth. Tarot decks are widely available, and numerous books, websites, and communities offer resources for learning and practicing tarot reading.

Overall Comparison

While both cartomancy and tarot have their own dedicated practitioners and followers, tarot tends to enjoy a larger presence in contemporary practice. Its intricate symbolism, broader range of interpretations, and associations with spiritual exploration have contributed to its widespread popularity. However, it is important to note that the preferences for either cartomancy or tarot can vary among individuals based on their needs, beliefs, or personal inclinations.

8. Integration of Cartomancy and Tarot into a Single Method of Divination

The integration of cartomancy and tarot into a single method of divination offers an opportunity to combine the strengths of both practices while creating a more versatile approach to readings.

Benefits of Integration

By integrating cartomancy and tarot, readers can leverage the straightforward nature of cartomancy’s card meanings and combinations alongside the deeper symbolism found in tarot. This allows for a holistic interpretation that considers practical aspects as well as psychological or spiritual insights.

Combined Spreads

One way to integrate these practices is by using combined spreads that incorporate both playing cards and tarot cards. For example:

1. Four-Elements Spread: This spread combines four playing cards representing the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) with four tarot cards associated with corresponding aspects (physical realm, mental realm, creative realm, emotional realm). It provides a comprehensive understanding of different areas in one’s life.
2. Crossroads Spread: In this spread, playing cards represent immediate choices or influences at a crossroads while tarot cards offer guidance on long-term consequences or potential paths forward. It helps individuals make informed decisions and navigate important life choices.

Personalized Approaches

Integrating cartomancy and tarot also allows for personalized approaches based on the reader’s expertise and the client’s preferences. Practitioners can develop their own unique methods, combining elements of both practices to suit their intuition and the specific needs of the individual seeking guidance.

In conclusion, the integration of cartomancy and tarot provides an opportunity to enhance divination practices by combining practicality with depth. By utilizing both playing cards and tarot cards, practitioners can offer comprehensive readings that address immediate circumstances while delving into deeper symbolism, resulting in a more nuanced understanding of the querent’s situation.

In conclusion, while cartomancy and tarot both involve divination methods using cards, the key difference lies in their origins and the specific types of cards used. Cartomancy encompasses a broader range of card reading practices, including playing cards and oracle cards, while tarot focuses specifically on a deck of 78 cards with symbolic imagery. Ultimately, individuals seeking guidance or insight can choose either cartomancy or tarot based on personal preference and the level of symbolism they desire in their readings.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cartomancy vs Tarot

Is cartomancy tarot?
Tarot card reading is the most popular form of cartomancy in English-speaking countries. These countries mainly use tarot cards for this practice.

How accurate is tarot card reading?
Tarot card readings are not a precise science and they are not intended to provide straightforward yes or no answers. It is best to view a Tarot card reading as a way to understand the different aspects and circumstances surrounding a specific life situation that you are inquiring about.

What is the Joker equivalent in tarot?
The Joker is often likened to the Fool in Tarot or Tarock decks, as they have similar appearances and functions in gameplay. In central Europe, the Fool, also known as Sküs, is the most powerful trump card, while in other regions, it is considered an “excuse” (L’Excuse) that can be played at any time to avoid playing a card of the same suit, but cannot win.

Is tarot a trick?
Tarot is a trick-taking game that has been played for centuries, with the trump cards serving as a clear indication of its nature. Although there may be some minor variations, the rules of the game have likely remained largely unchanged since the 15th century.

Are tarot cards used for games?
Due to the unfounded beliefs of de Gébelin and other occultists, the use of tarot cards has expanded to include cartomancy, divination, and gaming. However, modern fortune-tellers typically utilize specifically designed tarot decks for their practices, rather than the decks used for games.

What are the different types of cartomancy decks?
There are three primary types of tarot cards: Rider-Waite-Smith, Thoth, and Marseille.

This post first appeared on THE TAROT NOOK | Professional Tarot Readings By Ke, please read the originial post: here

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Cartomancy vs Tarot


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