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Should I Start With Tarot or Oracle

  • Both tarot and oracle cards are powerful tools for self-reflection and gaining insights into various aspects of life.
  • Tarot cards have a rich history dating back centuries and follow a structured system with 78 cards divided into Major Arcana and Minor Arcana, each carrying specific meanings.
  • Oracle cards, on the other hand, are more modern and diverse, with each deck having its own unique theme or focus. They offer greater flexibility in interpretation.
  • If you prefer a more structured approach and enjoy delving into symbolism and archetypes, starting with tarot might be a good choice.
  • However, if you resonate with intuitive guidance and prefer a more free-flowing experience, beginning with oracle cards could be beneficial.
  • Consider your personal preferences and interests when choosing between tarot and oracle. Reflect on whether you feel drawn to the historical depth of tarot or the creative freedom of oracle decks.
  • Both tarot and oracle can provide valuable insights, so it’s also possible to explore both simultaneously or switch between them based on your needs or mood.
  • Starting with a beginner-friendly deck is recommended for both tarot and oracle. Look for decks that come with guidebooks or online resources to help you understand the card meanings and develop your reading skills.
  • Remember that practice is key when working with either tarot or oracle. Regularly engaging with the cards will deepen your connection and enhance your ability to interpret their messages accurately.

Are you drawn to the mystique and intrigue of divination tools like Tarot cards and oracle decks? Perhaps, you’ve contemplated embarking on a spiritual journey using these powerful tools to gain insight into your life’s questions and uncertainties. But where do you begin? Should you start with tarot or oracle?

It’s a question that plagues many enthusiasts, both new and experienced. The decision between tarot and oracle can seem overwhelming, as each has its own unique characteristics, symbolism, and interpretations. But fear not! In this article, we will unravel the enigma surrounding these divination tools and help guide you towards the perfect starting point for your personal exploration.

Picture this – a dimly lit room, adorned with candles casting an ethereal glow. You find yourself surrounded by intricate cards filled with cryptic images and symbols, each holding the potential to unlock secrets locked deep within your psyche. The promise of clarity and guidance beckons you, but frustration looms amidst the allure. How do you navigate through this labyrinthine world? Which path leads to your desired destination of self-discovery?

Join us as we delve into the realms of tarot and oracle; examining their similarities, differences, and potential benefits. Discover which tool aligns best with your intuitive nature as we explore the key factors that will aid you in making an informed choice. Prepare to embark on a mystical adventure where ancient wisdom meets modern spirituality – are you ready to choose your guide?

Should I Start With Tarot or Oracle – The Quick Answer

Tarot cards have a long history dating back to the 15th century and follow a structured format with specific suits and meanings. Oracle Cards, on the other hand, have more flexibility in their origins, symbolism, and structure. They can be based on various themes and offer intuitive or inspirational messages.

Key Differences Between Tarot and Oracle Cards

Tarot cards and oracle cards are both used for divination and gaining insights into various aspects of life. However, there are some key differences between the two:

1. Origins:

Tarot cards have a long history dating back to the 15th century in Europe. They were originally created for playing card games but later gained popularity as tools for divination. The tarot deck consists of 78 cards divided into two main categories, the Major Arcana (22 cards) and the Minor Arcana (56 cards).

Oracle cards, on the other hand, have a more recent origin and are not bound by any specific tradition or set structure. They can be based on various themes such as angels, animals, fairies, or even personal affirmations. Oracle decks can vary greatly in terms of the number of cards and their meanings.

2. Symbolism:

Tarot cards are rich in symbolism and often depict archetypal figures and concepts. Each card has its own unique meaning and can be interpreted in different ways depending on the context of the reading. The images on tarot cards convey deeper spiritual and psychological messages.

Oracle cards, on the other hand, may rely less on traditional symbolism and instead focus on intuitive or inspirational messages. The artwork on oracle cards can be diverse and may incorporate various spiritual traditions or personal beliefs.

3. Structure:

Tarot decks have a defined structure with a specific number of cards organized into suits (such as Cups, Swords, Wands, Pentacles) within the Minor Arcana. Each suit represents different aspects of life or personality traits.

In contrast, oracle decks have more flexibility in their structure. They may consist of any number of cards without adhering to traditional suits or categories. Oracle decks often come with guidebooks that provide interpretations and suggested spreads, but the reader has more freedom to create their own meanings and spreads.

Overall, both tarot and oracle cards can be powerful tools for self-reflection and gaining insights into various life situations. The choice between them ultimately depends on personal preference and the specific guidance or messages one is seeking.

How Tarot Cards Aid in Personal Introspection and Self-Reflection

Tarot cards have long been used as a tool for personal introspection and self-reflection. Here are some ways in which tarot cards can aid in this process:

1. Archetypal Symbols:

Tarot cards are rich in archetypal symbols that tap into the collective unconscious. Each card represents a different aspect of human experience or personality traits. By connecting with these symbols, tarot readers can gain deeper insights into their own psyche and explore hidden aspects of themselves.


The Fool card in the tarot represents new beginnings, taking risks, and embracing uncertainty. When this card appears in a reading, it may encourage the seeker to embrace their inner childlike curiosity and embark on a new journey of self-discovery.

2. Self-Reflection Questions:

Tarot readings often involve asking specific questions about oneself or a particular situation. These questions prompt deep introspection and encourage individuals to examine their thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions.


If someone is struggling with career choices, they might ask the tarot: “What steps can I take to align my work with my passions?” This question prompts them to reflect on their desires, values, strengths, and how they can manifest them in their professional life.

3. Empowerment through Choice:

Tarot readings empower individuals by highlighting different paths or options available to them. It reminds them that they have the power to shape their own lives and make choices aligned with their values and goals.


A tarot reading might reveal multiple paths for someone seeking love, highlighting potential areas of growth or caution. This empowers the seeker to make conscious choices about what they want in a relationship and take steps towards attracting a fulfilling partnership.

By engaging with tarot cards through personal readings or working with a professional reader, individuals can gain valuable insights into themselves, make informed decisions, and navigate life’s challenges with clarity and purpose.

Guidance and Insight: How Oracle Cards Help with Life Situations

Oracle cards are known for providing guidance and insight into various life situations. Here are some ways in which oracle cards can be helpful:

1. Intuitive Messages:

Oracle cards are designed to tap into one’s intuition and provide intuitive messages that offer guidance, support, and inspiration. The images, symbols, and messages on oracle cards can resonate deeply with the reader, offering clarity or validation in different aspects of their life.


An oracle card depicting a butterfly might symbolize transformation or embracing change. If someone is going through a major life transition, drawing this card may remind them to trust the process and embrace the opportunities that come with change.

2. Affirmations and Positive Energy:

Many oracle decks incorporate affirmations or positive statements that promote self-belief, empowerment, and optimism. Drawing an oracle card can serve as a daily reminder to focus on positive thoughts and intentions.


An oracle card with the affirmation “I am worthy of love” can help someone struggling with self-worth issues shift their mindset towards self-love and acceptance. By regularly drawing this card or using it as an affirmation tool, they can reinforce positive beliefs about themselves.

3. Specific Life Situations:

Oracle cards can be used to gain insights and guidance on specific life situations such as relationships, career choices, or personal growth. Different oracle decks may focus on specific themes or areas of life, allowing individuals to seek guidance in their desired area.


If someone is facing a difficult decision in their career, they might use an oracle deck specifically designed for career guidance. Drawing a card from this deck could provide them with insights, suggestions, or new perspectives that help them make a more informed choice.

Oracle cards offer a versatile and intuitive approach to gaining guidance and insight into various life situations. They can be used for daily reflections, specific inquiries, or as tools for inspiration and personal growth.

Choosing the Right Card Deck for Developing Intuition and Psychic Abilities

Understanding the Different Types of Card Decks

There are various types of card decks available for developing intuition and psychic abilities, such as Tarot cards, Oracle cards, Lenormand cards, Angel cards, and more. Each deck has its own unique symbolism and purpose. Tarot cards typically consist of 78 cards divided into Major Arcana and Minor Arcana, while Oracle cards can have different numbers and themes depending on the deck. Understanding the differences between these decks is crucial in choosing the one that resonates with you.

Consider Your Connection to Symbolism

When selecting a card deck, it is important to consider your personal connection to the symbolism used in the deck. Different decks may resonate differently with individuals based on their cultural background or personal beliefs. Take some time to explore different card decks and see which symbols speak to you intuitively. Trust your instincts when making this decision as it will enhance your connection with the cards.

Seek Recommendations and Reviews

Reading reviews from experienced users can provide valuable insights when choosing a card deck for developing intuition and psychic abilities. Look for recommendations from trusted sources or seek advice from individuals who have experience in using card decks for similar purposes. Keep in mind that everyone’s preferences may vary, so what works well for one person may not necessarily work for another. Ultimately, it is important to select a deck that resonates with you personally.

Cultural and Spiritual Considerations for Tarot and Oracle Card Practices

Respecting Cultural Appropriation

When engaging in tarot or oracle card practices, it is important to be mindful of cultural appropriation. Some decks incorporate cultural symbols or references that may not belong to your own culture. It is crucial to use these symbols respectfully and with proper understanding. Educate yourself on the cultural significance of any symbols or practices you incorporate into your card readings to ensure they are used in an appropriate and respectful manner.

Aligning with Personal Beliefs

Consider how your personal beliefs align with the spiritual aspects of tarot and oracle card practices. Some decks may have strong ties to specific spiritual or religious traditions, while others may be more general in nature. Reflect on your own beliefs and values to determine which deck resonates with you on a deeper level. This alignment will enhance your connection and understanding of the cards, allowing for a more meaningful practice.

Ethical Considerations

In any spiritual practice, it is important to approach it ethically and responsibly. This includes respecting the privacy, autonomy, and consent of others when conducting readings. Ensure that you obtain consent before conducting readings for others and maintain confidentiality regarding any personal information shared during the session. Additionally, avoid making claims or promises that go beyond the scope of your abilities or expertise. Operating with integrity will foster trust within the community and promote a positive environment for all practitioners.

Selecting a Tarot or Oracle Deck that Aligns with Personal Energy and Intentions

Tuning into Your Intuition

When choosing a tarot or oracle deck, it is essential to tune into your intuition. Allow yourself to explore different decks physically by holding them in your hands or visualizing their energy online. Pay attention to any sensations, emotions, or intuitive nudges that arise during this process. Your intuition can guide you towards a deck that aligns energetically with your intentions and needs.

Clarifying Your Intentions

Before selecting a deck, take some time to clarify your intentions for using tarot or oracle cards. Are you seeking guidance on specific areas of life? Do you want to develop your psychic abilities? Knowing your intentions will help you choose a deck that resonates with those goals. Some decks may be designed specifically for personal growth, while others focus on relationships or spiritual development. Clarifying your intentions allows you to find a deck that supports and enhances your desired outcomes.

Exploring Deck Imagery and Themes

The imagery and themes within tarot and oracle decks play a significant role in their effectiveness. Take the time to explore the artwork, colors, and overall aesthetics of different decks. Consider which visuals resonate with you personally and align with your energy. Some individuals may be drawn to vibrant and bold imagery, while others may prefer more subtle or mystical designs. Exploring different deck options will help you find one that visually appeals to you and supports your intuitive connection.

Recommended Resources for Learning Tarot or Oracle Card Meanings

Books on Tarot or Oracle Card Interpretation

There are numerous books available that provide comprehensive interpretations of tarot or oracle cards. These books often delve into the symbolism, meanings, and possible interpretations of each card in the deck. A few highly recommended titles include “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings” by Brigit Esselmont, “The Complete Guide to Tarot” by Eden Gray, and “The Oracle: Ancient Delphi and the Science Behind Its Lost Secrets” by William J. Broad. These resources can serve as valuable references when learning the meanings of different cards.

Online Communities and Forums

Engaging with online communities and forums dedicated to tarot or oracle card practices can provide valuable insights into card meanings from experienced practitioners. Websites such as Aeclectic Tarot Forum or offer platforms for discussions, shared experiences, and guidance on interpreting various cards. Participating in these communities allows for an exchange of knowledge and perspectives, enhancing your understanding of card meanings and expanding your intuitive interpretations.

Professional Tarot or Oracle Card Readers

Seeking guidance from professional tarot or oracle card readers can provide a deeper understanding of card meanings. Many experienced readers offer classes, workshops, or one-on-one sessions where they share their expertise and insights. Taking advantage of these resources can help you gain practical knowledge and learn from their years of experience. Be sure to research reputable readers who align with your intentions and values to ensure a valuable learning experience.

Using Tarot and Oracle Cards Together: Complementary or Focused Practice?

Understanding the Differences

Tarot cards and oracle cards have distinct characteristics that influence how they are used in readings. Tarot decks typically follow a structured system with defined suits, while oracle decks offer more flexibility in terms of themes and interpretations. Understanding these differences allows you to decide whether you prefer a complementary approach, using both tarot and oracle cards together for a comprehensive reading, or a focused approach, where you exclusively use either tarot or oracle cards based on your specific needs.

Complementary Practice: Expanding Perspectives

Combining tarot and oracle cards in a complementary practice allows for a broader range of insights and perspectives. Tarot cards provide structure and depth, offering guidance on different aspects of life, while oracle cards bring additional intuitive messages or specific themes to the reading. This combined approach encourages a holistic interpretation that can enhance the overall depth of the reading.

Focused Practice: Streamlined Guidance

If you prefer a more focused practice, using either tarot or oracle cards exclusively can provide streamlined guidance on specific areas or questions. Tarot decks are often preferred for complex situations that require detailed analysis, while oracle decks excel at providing concise messages that directly address particular issues. A focused practice allows for a deeper exploration of specific aspects and prevents potential confusion that may arise from combining different systems.

Remember, the ultimate decision on whether to use tarot and oracle cards together or separately depends on your personal preference and intuitive guidance. Experimenting with different approaches will help you discover what resonates best with your unique style of reading and intuition.

In conclusion, whether to start with Tarot or Oracle cards ultimately depends on an individual’s personal preferences and beliefs. Both systems can offer valuable insights and guidance, so it is recommended to explore both options and choose the one that resonates the most with your intuition and desired approach.

Frequently Asked Questions about Should I Start With Tarot or Oracle

Should I get oracle cards or tarot cards?
If you have no experience with card reading, starting with an oracle deck may be the simplest option. However, with some practice and study, anyone can become proficient in using a Tarot deck too. If you’re unsure, we suggest trying both and seeing which one resonates with you.

When should you not do tarot?
If you are solely focused on another individual and their thoughts and actions, such as what your ex-partner is currently doing, then a tarot reading is not the solution. Tarot readings are intended to provide you with understanding and guidance about yourself, rather than other individuals.

Should I start using tarot cards?
According to her, the tarot cards have the ability to assist individuals in discovering their own personal power. Although learning the meanings of all 78 cards, including reversals, can seem overwhelming, anyone, including beginners, can begin their tarot journey. Tarot is inclusive to everyone because everyone possesses intuition.

What is the difference between oracle and tarot?
Tarot cards follow a set structure and have established meanings, while Oracle cards can have various content and any number of cards. Oracle cards carry a stronger energy and offer a deeper understanding of the current situation.

What religion do tarot cards come from?
Tarot cards are often linked with the New Age religious movement. This review of literature will give an introduction to New Age religion and explore how Tarot can offer insights into the study of the New Age movement in the present day.

Is it OK to do tarot everyday?
Regardless of your level of experience or beliefs, incorporating a daily tarot card practice can offer numerous advantages. One significant benefit is that it helps establish a routine of tapping into your intuition, which can then influence your decision-making process and bring your actions into alignment.

This post first appeared on THE TAROT NOOK | Professional Tarot Readings By Ke, please read the originial post: here

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Should I Start With Tarot or Oracle


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