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Media Ignore Trump's Well Wishes To Alleged Underage Sex Trafficker And Instead Try To Enhance His Image, A Common Theme When Media Has To Deal With Republicans

1. Media Uselessness Example: Ignoring Historical Context To Explain The Trump VS Lincoln Poll Of Republicans
2. War Based Money Con: Chuck Todd Of Meet The Press Promoted Pro-Iran War Views By Hosting A Lobbyist/Briber Without Disclosing That He Was Doing That And Helped The Guys Company's Stock Go Up!
3. BREAKING: Corporate Media Is Helping The GOP With Their Lies On Iran The Way They Did With Iraq
4. Why Do News Outlets Bring On Non-Scientists To Argue Against Science?

Comedians and a media watchdog slam the media for its sheer psychotic incompetence.

Seth Meyers slams the psychotic media as well:

Trump Holds Coronavirus Briefing, Threatens to Send More Secret Police: A Closer Look
Seth takes a closer look at President Trump trying to convince Americans he suddenly cares about the pandemic he’s been ignoring for months.

Media News media hail Trump for “changing his tone” on coronavirus — againThis just keeps on happening

News media are falling yet again into a predictable trap, commending President Donald Trump for a supposed “new tone” at his July 21 press briefing on the coronavirus pandemic, and saying he seems to be taking the crisis more seriously.
This is the same press briefing at which Trump said of the case of accused sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell, “I wish her well.”
Media Matters has previously cautioned the media against accepting a supposed “new tone” from Trump on the coronavirus — all the way back in early April, when an initial wave of such praise occurred after Trump warned of a “very, very painful” period ahead at his March 31 briefing. (At the time, this blunt admission came after Trump had previously insisted for months that the outbreak was “totally under control.”)
Indeed, the predictions of a Trump pivot have been going on as long as his presidency, and they keep on coming up no matter how often these prognostications fall through.
Even before the latest press conference on July 21 was actually held, ABC News tweeted this message Tuesday afternoon:
In fact, ABC's Rick Klein has repeatedly praised Trump over the years for changing his “tone.”
Here's how some other media outlets reacted to Trump's appearance:
  • CBS News: Breaking down President Trump's shift in tone about the coronavirus
  • Bloomberg: Trump Reboots Virus Briefings With Warning and a Shift in Tone
  • Yahoo News: Trump addresses his change of tone in coronavirus response
  • The Washington Post: Pandemic likely to ‘get worse before it gets better,’ Trump says in somber return to coronavirus briefing
Even if the articles give more context, headlines such as these are problematic because many people don’t click past them, and the news media’s capacity for handling Trump’s lies and obfuscations in headlines has clearly been a running problem.
Comedy Central’s The Daily Show posted this clips reel showing TV news shows lauding Trump’s supposed “new tone,” from such diverse sources as CBS News, NBC News, Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, and the local ABC News broadcast in New York City.
The Columbia Journalism Review explained the problem in more analytical terms (emphasis original):
One interpretation of the tone obsession is that it reflects a broader, stubbornly amoral approach to political coverage—a warped, superficial fixation on strategy, polling, and style. A kinder interpretation is that it reflects wishful thinking—a persistent desire to believe that maybe, this time, the president really does grasp the severity of the situation, and might act on it. There’s probably some truth in both. Either way, we urgently need a change of course. Actions speak louder than words. They are certainly a much better way of judging a president.

Here media tries to pretend that leaders such as Mitch McConnell are being moral rather than the complete opposite, again, improving GOP image in the public's eye. When it comes to the GOP, the media are more than willing to coverup the truth or moderate it proving they are not real journalists. Just media relation specialists helping terrorists and white supremacists succeed whenever and wherever possible.

Mainstream news outlets keep running stories about performative GOP opposition to TrumpAs Republican lawmakers look ahead to a potential post-Trump future, they’re keeping a safe distance publicly

In June 2016, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) appeared on CNBC’s Squawk Box to discuss Republicans’ imminent nomination of then-candidate Donald Trump. There, he sought to calm the nerves of Trump-skeptical members of his party.
“I do think that the Constitution and the traditions of this county constrain all of us -- those of us in Congress and those of us in the White House -- from some of our impulses, shall I say, that we’d like to pursue,” said McConnell about concerns that a Trump presidency would resemble the chaos of his candidacy.
Three and a half years into Trump’s presidency, and it’s clear that congressional Republicans haven’t been the moderating force McConnell promised that day on CNBC. Far from McConnell’s assurance that Trump’s “not going to change the platform of the Republican Party, the views of the Republican Party,” the party has fallen in line behind Trump’s leadership. McConnell, for his part, has voted with Trump's agenda 94.2% of the time. Even Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), who distanced herself from Trump following the 2016 release of Trump’s infamous Access Hollywood tape, has come around on the Republican standard-bearer, voting with him 95% of the time.
Whether it’s voting to confirm Trump’s questionably qualified and often extremist judicial appointments or clearing the way for acquittal in his impeachment case, Republicans have made very clear that they are his party now. Trump’s presidency is the product of his Republican enablers.
And that’s precisely why it’s so confusing to see article after article in mainstream media outlets reporting on the comments whenever Republican lawmakers do criticize him, however toothlessly. Those critiques often come when it’s politically expedient for the politicians to make them. For instance, as Trump’s poll numbers decline amid the chaos brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and civil unrest, congressional Republicans appear more willing to break ranks with him. 
These lawmakers want to have it both ways. While continuing to buoy the president’s agenda with their votes and legislation, they have taken to publicly opposing aspects they find politically risky without actually using their power as elected officials to rein in anything they truly see as being out of bounds. News outlets, then, need to take more care in their coverage of these claims, examining the depth of the critiques.

Outlets like The Washington Post and The New York Times hype the “chorus of Republicans” who push back ever so gently on Trump’s rhetoric and agenda.

In January 2019, The New York Times published a piece about McConnell’s “rebuke” of Trump’s foreign policy goals, noting that “the disconnect between President Trump and the Republican establishment on foreign policy has rarely been as stark.” Though several Republicans criticized Trump’s plans to pull troops from Syria and Afghanistan, they did next to nothing to actually prevent him from actually doing it. In October, the House of Representatives passed a nonbinding resolution condemning his Syria policy, but that was the extent of their actions

An article in Navy Times said that such nonbinding resolutions let members of Congress “seem like they’re holding the president accountable without actually doing so.” If Congress actually wanted to act as a check on Trump’s foreign policy decisions, the article notes, its members could have held hearings or restricted military funding. They did neither.
Following Trump’s claim that there was blame to go around on “both sides” of a white supremacist rally where anti-racist protester Heather Heyer was murdered, The Washington Post wrote of the “chorus of Republicans” who “expressed alarm over Trump’s words and their potential cost with voters.” While Republicans may have “expressed alarm” about Trump’s embrace of white nationalists, any concerns they had didn’t rise to the level of actually doing anything about it. 
More recently, mainstream news outlets have provided space for Republicans who may feel wary about Trump’s dwindling reelection prospects to separate themselves from him on his much-maligned response to the COVID-19 pandemic that has resulted in more than 140,000 American deaths to date. The Washington Post adopted the “chorus of Republicans” angle for a May article about Trump’s reluctance to promote wearing face masks.

“Fearing Political Peril, Republicans Edge Away From Trump on Pandemic Response,” reads a May 2 headline in The New  York Times. In the piece, Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) said, “You have to sort of thread the needle. I’ve been careful. I said, ‘Let’s look to the future,’ versus ‘Why didn’t we do this a few months ago?’ I’m not interested in pointing the finger of blame. I want to correct the issues.” At the heart of Upton’s comment is an implicit refusal to hold the president accountable for failures. To suggest that this was Upton truly trying to “edge away” from Trump is an overly generous interpretation of what Upton actually said.
Over the weekend, a New York Times article claimed that Republicans had started to “break ranks” with Trump on his response to the pandemic, citing a “quiet but widening breach” between lawmakers and the president

McConnell, the Times wrote, “broke with Mr. Trump on nearly every major issue related to the virus” in recent comments.
While it’s true that there is some dissent coming from congressional Republicans regarding the pandemic, news outlets have a responsibility to highlight how transparently self-serving it is.
For instance, after Trump had protesters violently dispersed outside the White House in early June, the Times ran a piece about some Republicans’ supposed rejection of Trump’s “harsh response to unrest.

Whatever their objections may be, they haven’t taken any action to prevent him from continuing the use of unidentified federal law enforcement officials to engage with protesters. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) plan to introduce legislation that would require federal agents to display identification on their uniforms. While this wouldn’t prevent Trump from using agents to police protests, it would impose a level of accountability that goes beyond shaking heads, furrowing brows, and making annoyed and forced public comments. 
It’s become clear that congressional Republicans are increasingly concerned about Trump’s reelection odds and want to get themselves on the record as being opposed to his extreme actions -- or, as was the case with many aspects of the pandemic, inaction -- so that further down the line they won’t be held accountable for things he did as president. This is about salvaging their own reputation and hedging their bets on Trump’s legacy, and it’s important that news outlets make this clear in their own reporting. This is Trump’s party now, and journalists have a responsibility to hammer that point home in the face of the GOP public relations onslaught.

Whenever Trump sticks to the script the media supports him and forgets ALL past actions and statements and patterns of behavior. Media is pro-GOP no matter how much they lie or fight science. There is no other way to see it.

Trump’s “New Tone” on Coronavirus? | The Daily Social Distancing Show
Trump’s got a message for people who thought he’d never come around on coronavirus… and for Ghislane Maxwell? #DailyShow #TrevorNoah #Coronavirus


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This post first appeared on Culture & Society, please read the originial post: here

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Media Ignore Trump's Well Wishes To Alleged Underage Sex Trafficker And Instead Try To Enhance His Image, A Common Theme When Media Has To Deal With Republicans


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