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UFO Facts: Debunking The Abydos UFO/Helicopter/Jet-Plane/Glider And A Look At The Possibility Of An Ancient Flying Machine

There is no verifiable evidence of UFOs/UAPs in ancient times. That said there is some evidence of flight that can be traced to Egypt and one of its possible colonies. This post goes over this evidence.

Abydos Helicopter, Jet, UFO and Glider: The modern internet - and possible "ancient alien" - myths surrounding a digitally cleaned image of re-carved and eroded hieroglyphs floating around have reached ridiculous levels (see list of UFO facts at the bottom of this post);

Note: What we seem to have here is a modern Apache helicopter and a couple of spaceships from the Jetsons. So are people imagining an Apache helicopter existed in the past along with cartoon spaceships that suddenly came to life from a sci-fi cartoon series?

The explanation is rather simple and concerns a common practice in Ancient Egypt of re-carving/re-using hieroglyphs;

Info for video below: The initial carving was made during the reign of Seti I, and the stone was later reused during the period of Ramesses II with one carving being on top of the other. This palimpsest effect coupled with erosion creates the carving in situ. Erosion of the stone surface is evident elsewhere in the temple. Some of the filling has fallen out in places where the older and the newer inscriptions overlap, which produces unique and odd-looking hieroglyphs. 

  Debunking The Abydos Helicopter Hieroglyphics 


Screenshots of the two different sets of hieroglyphics and the later effects;

First set of hieroglyphics;

Second set of hieroglyphics;

Overlaying the two sets of hieroglyphics;

The inscription overlay effect on the clay;

The image BEFORE being digitally cleaned up for the internet;

The best write up on this seems to be on the Rational Wiki on this topic, here is an extract;

Conspiracy nuts, UFO theorists, and Egyptologists

It's claimed the name of the temple "Temple of SETI" is a dead giveaway.[3]
It is also claimed that the inscription in question depicts various advanced technologies, such as jet aircraft, UFOs, helicopters, and even submarines, although no effort is ever made to explain the practical use the latter would have in the Nile, the most important waterway to the Egyptians, notable more for its shallow depth and sandbanks than its abyssal depths and submarine warfare raging beneath the papyrus skiffs of the commoners.[4][5]
The existence of these inscriptions is used to "prove" such technology was known to ancient civilizations, which is then often used as "proof" for alien or Atlantean involvement in the early development of ancient civilizations.[6]
Egyptologists dismiss such claims, and regard the Abydos inscription as a simple case of a filled and re-carved titulary, something which is commonly seen in Egyptian temples.[7]


Generally, only two or three photographs[8] of the inscription circulate to back up the "Abydos Helicopter" argument. One of them appears to have been digitally "cleaned" to make the inscription look much "tidier" than its actual state. This itself has raised several eyebrows in academia, and the low resolution of the images supplied as "proof" does nothing to sway those concerned with academic concerns over "creative" interpretations of Egyptian history. The inscription itself is actually in the dark recesses near the temple roof, and is in fact almost impossible to see with any degree of clarity from the ground.
The lack of any surviving examples of the craft that the advocates of the Abydos Helicopter claim the inscription depicts is no deterrent to the belief. Neither is the lack of any other inscription in any other Egyptian monument whatsoever, nor any mention of said craft in any Egyptian literature whatsoever.[note 1] Nor indeed, any mention of the Atlanteans/Little Green Men who brought such technology to them. The silence of the ancient Egyptians on this crushing and awe-inspiring degree of technology compared to their rivals is curious, given their unending enthusiasm for characteristically immodest statements of their own greatness and superiority over foreign rivals.
The case for re-carving is overwhelming. Not only are there innumerable examples of exactly the same practices being employed at other sites throughout Egypt, but reconstructions of the original and modified texts, prior the deterioration of the plaster layer, have also been prepared to make an entirely rational and plausible argument for the alteration of the titulary of Seti I to that of Ramesses II.
To summarize, therefore, we can conclude that the "Abydos helicopter" is, in fact, irrational bullshit.

Next, we discover that while the above carving is just mistaken and is interpreted, we actually do have a couple of strange objects that indicate someone or some culture at some time, for at least a short period, might have had attained flight. The path I'm following starts in Egypt with the Saqqara bird and then assumes some of the ancient Egyptians migrated to the Americas - before and after the invasion of the Asian hordes (with the gods Indra/Zeus) that ended the bronze age civilization and pushed us into a 1-2 thousand year dark age -  and continued there till there civilizational offshoot/colony also fell. Along the way, scientific advances, lost in library burning in the age of chaos that followed in the old world, may have continued in some far off colony. Here is the evidence;

Wikipedia: The Saqqara Bird is a bird-shaped artifact made of sycamore wood, discovered during the 1898 excavation of the Pa-di-Imen tomb in SaqqaraEgypt. It has been dated to approximately 200 BCE, and is now housed in the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo. The Saqqara Bird has a wingspan of 180 mm (7.1 in) and weighs 39.12 g (1.380 oz).[1] Its purpose is not understood because of a lack of period documentation. The Saqqarra Bird: An Ancient Glider Or Child's Plaything With Accidental Aerodynamic Properties?

Extract from an article on Cryptids: The Saqqara Bird
Mainstream researchers chalk the artifact up to nothing more than a carving of an actual bird that takes on some of the characteristics of a glider by coincidence, a child’s toy, a boomerang, or an early weather vane.
However, Dr. Khalil Messiha published a paper in 1991 called African Experimental Aeronautics: A 2,000-Year-Old Model Glider wherein he detailed the following:
“The wing is made of one piece of wood, and its span is exactly 18 cms. The part of the body is the thickest—8 millimeters. Then it tapers in thickness towards the tips. One can note also that there is a Dihedral angle which is slightly unequal on both sides due to slight distortion of the wood, caused by the passage of time.”
The “Dihedral angle” in this case refers to the same principle used in modern day aircraft to achieve lift. Here’s the diagram from Dr. Messiha’s paper.

Did an Ancient Egyptian colony in the Americas (or somewhere in that area) eventually attain flight? 

On a developing WIkipedia page on this matter you get to hear the full story on this artifact: The Quimbaya artifacts are several dozen golden objects, found in Colombia, made by the Quimbaya civilization culture, dated around 1000 CE, a few of which (the so-called Quimbaya airplanes) are supposed by ancient astronauts theorists[who?] to represent modern airplanes, and therefore to be out-of-place artifacts. The whole of the figurines, measuring 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm) each, are described in mainstream archaeology as depicting birds, lizards, amphibians and insects common in that region and period, some of them highly stylized, as in the Gold Museum, Bogotá.
In 1994, Germans Peter Belting and Conrad Lubbers created simplified radio-controlled scale models of these objects and showed that their models, which lack some convoluted features present in the real figurines, could fly.[1]

A 1500 year old pre-columbian artifact in the shape of a modern aircraft is tested for flight worthiness.

Full Show: CARS AND PLANES 44M 34S 2007 TV-PG CC Surprising archaeological finds lead historians to new conclusions about the underrated transportation technologies invented by ancient civilizations.

We know there was famine, disease and war in the old world. We also know there was an invasion on barbaric hordes in the ancient world, around 1177 BC, that destroyed bronze age civilization (probably the result of displaced peoples from areas turned to desert or from floods and other natural disasters or wars etc.). Maybe people from more developed cultures (with pottery, books, boats, ideas etc) fled east, west and over the ocean looking for a more peaceful life? When Persians fled the Greeks into India there was a flowering of sculpture and a new Golden Age in India, Why not somewhere else? We do know there have been many inventions throughout history that were lost and in some cases rediscovered and in some not. 

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It is unclear how advanced technology got in the ancient world, all we can be sure of is that all libraries have been burnt and the civilizations that may have flowered into something out of a sci-fi movie, if even for only a few decades or a few hundred years - is our 10s of thousands of years of history - are long gone and even its remains have turned to dust. All that remains are these stone monuments and a few pieces of knowledge and artifacts that have survived through the millenniums of war, migrations and just getting rid of trash.

How can anyone say one culture couldn't have made a plane at some point before falling as all human civilizations or cities have fallen before it. There is still alot more to learn and discover.

Note On Vimanas (Indian "Flying Machines"): To me most of the stories of the vimanas sounds like more sophisticated versions of Pegasus (the flying horse with wings) and Mount Olympus (Heavenly abode of the Gods). Instead of horse, chariots and boats and buildings become the flying things;

The Pushpaka vimana flying in the sky.

This is clearly a land based building VISUALIZED has having the ability to fly. Its like imagining a carpet can fly in the Arabian Nights. Its an easy enough leap for any human to make, all they have to do is extrapolate from seeing a bird fly.

Pushpaka vimana depicted three times, twice flying in the sky and once landed on the ground.

Boats that can fly. No concept of aricraft. i.e. even if the story refers to real events then the flying was made up or no one ever saw the flying ships passed down through legend.

Ravana rides his Vimana, Pushpaka.

Same as above.

This next one is obviously a con (its not even old!);

The Vaimānika Śāstra (वैमानिक शास्त्र, lit. "shastra on the topic of Vimanas"; or "science of aeronautics", sometimes also rendered Vimanika, Vymanika, Vyamanika) is an early 20th-century Sanskrit text on aerospace technology. It makes the claim that the vimānas mentioned in ancient Sanskrit epics were advanced aerodynamic flying vehicles.
The existence of the text was revealed in 1952 by G. R. Josyer who asserted that it was written by Pandit Subbaraya Shastry (1866–1940), who dictated it during the years 1918–1923. A Hindi translation was published in 1959, while the Sanskrit text with an English translation was published in 1973. It contains 3000 shlokas in 8 chapters which Shastry claimed was psychically delivered to him by the ancient Hindu sage Bharadvaja.[1] The text has gained favour among proponents of ancient astronaut theories.
A study by aeronautical and mechanical engineering researchers at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, in 1974 concluded that the aircraft described in the text were "poor concoctions" and that the author showed a complete lack of understanding of aeronautics. Regarding the "Rukma Vimana", the study noted, "If the craft is taken to mean what the drawing and the text say, it can be stated that the craft is a decided impossibility".[2]

An illustration of the Shakuna Vimana that is supposed to fly like a bird with hinged wings and tail.

i.e. A boat with the wings of a bird. Simply a ridiculous idea. But not something a child can't some up with. Its like imagining a horse with wings. Or a pig that can fly. Not hard thoughts for a person to think.

The test of a Vimana on the Ancient Aliens show conveniently leaves out which text the dimensions for the craft are taken from. What we seem to see here is an early 19th century balloon/blip; 

Ancient Aliens: Vimana Model Aircraft Experiment (Season 12, Episode 11) | History
An aerospace engineer at UC-Irvine tests an aircraft model that was built using measurements from ancient Hindu texts. Ancient astronaut theorists suggest the texts also contain information on how to build advanced spacecrafts in this clip from Season 12, Episode 11, "Voices of the Gods". #AncientAliens

Also, this doesn't look like the pictures of confirmed UFO/UAP sightings we got from the US military.

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This post first appeared on Culture & Society, please read the originial post: here

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UFO Facts: Debunking The Abydos UFO/Helicopter/Jet-Plane/Glider And A Look At The Possibility Of An Ancient Flying Machine


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