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Mary Poppins Statue in Leicester Square

Mary Poppins Statue In Leicester Square

Photo By Gail

This bronze statue of Mary Poppins that graces Leicester Square in London is a delightful tribute to one of cinema’s most iconic characters. As I stood before this whimsical rendition of the beloved nanny, memories of my childhood flooded back. I vividly recall watching the 1964 Disney film, where Julie Andrews brought Mary Poppins to life with her enchanting portrayal. I remember thinking that she was so beautiful.

The statue’s attention to detail, from Mary’s outstretched umbrella to her poised stance as she rises into  the air, captures the essence of the character in a truly magical way. It’s a testament to the enduring charm of the Mary Poppins film that, even as an adult, I still recall most of the film’s songs in their entirety.

Capturing this moment was a spontaneous decision during my recent London vacation, as we hurriedly made our way to our next destination. In that split-second pause, I managed to snap a photo of  that I’m quite proud of. It’s a reminder of the joy and nostalgia that this character brings to people of all ages, and how a single image can transport you back to the enchanting world of a classic film. Leicester Square’s Mary Poppins statue stands as a timeless symbol of cinematic magic and the enduring impact of storytelling in our lives.

This post first appeared on The Worleygig | Pop Culture • Art • Music •, please read the originial post: here

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Mary Poppins Statue in Leicester Square
