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Giuseppe Bonaccorso Blog

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Classical guitar, Poetry, and Philosophy. Bridging the gap between human intellect and creative works. A volcano continuously erupting!
I still wonder who is behind the mirror: Caravaggio planting nails to St. Peter Or the soul of a canary now accustomed to the bars? The sink no longer drips. Alone, finally, I’m sprea… Read More
Those reading these lines may be quiet. I don’t. I wallow in my restlessness like a fish in the most pristine open seas. Those reading these lines might seek comfort in words of hope… Read More
And I’m here, as I told you before, searching for traces among the virgin shelves Of this library. Pages never read, hard, inviolate, flow like stones Under my fingers. Pages of anoth… Read More
“When I say that war is the source of allthe arts, I also mean that it is the sourceOf all the great virtues and faculties of men.” (J. Ruskin) I didn’t go to war: Too you… Read More
Six years along a concrete river, Among cardboard people and chloroform thoughts,(Fragments held still like old canariesIn a colossal cage without bars). Six years of following the same evo… Read More
An ant walks alone In the desert of my wall. I watch it motionless. I feel immense. … The void drips with inhuman sweat. Deposited for legal protection with Patamu: certificate Brief… Read More
The vocabulary comforts me: obscenity offends the common sense of decency. Such an amusing definition happens a few times in hundreds of pages. Meanwhile, I begin by thinking about this &ldq… Read More
If the “quid pro quo” is undoubtedly a deplorable practice, some questions arise about the significance of giving and its consequences. First, something is given insofar as someo… Read More
It’s all about orgones… –“…Our nature is distinction. We do not distinguish ourselves enough if we are not faithful to this nature. Therefore, we have to mak… Read More
This photograph was taken in Paris during the summer of 1989. From right, my mother (Rosa Rizzo), my father (Raffaele), and me.Incompressible, like water in a press In memory of my father (1… Read More
Listening to the rebel song That your eyes bring to the world, restores me to an ancient, icy silence, To the endless, vibrant cares That only your name can arouse. In the chirping of a mad… Read More
Nature, with its expressive simplicity, has taught us that exchanges occur as a function of a potential difference between the giver and the acceptor. In more general terms, we might speak o… Read More
Warhol’s Campbell cans, by the thousands, Almost as if they were splinters of air, Are thronging all around me. And where I’d like to cackle, There is only the cold muffling of… Read More
Almost an ode. Sustained, at times severe, but always firm Each path leads to a destination. More accurately, we could say “to the destination” because, after all, the prefigured… Read More
The Wish Cage
I pose a question: admitting the validity of Lacan’s belief that man is “immersed” from the moment of his birth in language (a thesis I agree with wholeheartedly), how muc… Read More
Update: New Poem “Crowd”
I have just added a new poem titled “Crowd,” whose inspirational theme stems from observing the everyday life of an undistinguished mass of individuals who, in the grip of assim… Read More
Risk And Freedom
That risk and freedom had some degree of kinship is consciously or unconsciously known to most people. Risk and freedom were two sides of the same coin; however, it seems to result from con… Read More
The Non-freedom Of Being Free
Freedom is like a backpack given to the wanderer who sets out along an unknown path: it is filled with food and utensils, and this, together with the will to move forward, ensures that the… Read More
Montale’s Squaring Word
A formless soul, devoid of regularity, incapable of adapting to the rigid boundaries that quadrature imposes is what Eugenio Montale (1896 – 1981), in the incipit of his celebrated col… Read More
Update: New Poem: “Hydra”
I just added a new poem entitled “Hydra.” I hope you enjoy it, and I look forward to reading your comments! Fountain depicting the Hydra of Lerna Hydra Nine heads of the Hydra st… Read More
In Praise Of Silence
You speak. Nevertheless, those lips vibrate like the beating of a gnat’s wings. Speak. You speak when the sun screams, or the rain whiningly whispers its song. In the cracks in the wal… Read More
In Praise Of Doubt
Each day, I cross out a calendar box. Not to mark a day gone by or to be lulled by the melancholy of the past. I tick a box for each certainty that has gradually failed or, if you want to pu… Read More
Write about your first name: its meaning, significance, etymology, etc. My first name is “Giuseppe” (in English, it’s “Joseph”). It’s a relatively common… Read More
What’s your dream job?If you think I should write a short list like a dentist, taxi driver, or director of a panda nursery, well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I need to. I… Read More
What makes a good leader?I can make the example of a conductor. Is he a leader? Of course! He is a sort of borrowed head for an orchestra. All the musicians are professionals, with long expe… Read More
If you could un-invent something, what would it be? Unfortunately (or maybe luckily), un-inventing is impossible and wholly nonsensical. I could have written examples like atom bombs, rap mu… Read More
Can you share a positive example of where you’ve felt loved?I feel I’m in trouble trying to answer this question. The reason is simple: I’m not ashamed to say that, except… Read More
I Play At Work And Work By Playing
Do you play games in your daily life? What do the words “playing time” tell you? I must admit, though reluctant, that I never play. I am not caught up only in “serious&rd… Read More
Giochi nella tua vita quotidiana? Cosa ti dicono le parole “tempo di gioco”?Devo ammettere, anche se restio, che non gioco mai. Non sono una persona presa solo dagli impegni &ldq… Read More
Long Life Means A Baby’s Life
What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life? I believe it’s difficult for us to appreciate the value of each moment human minds face. We take for granted that we… Read More
The Sidereal Silence Of John Cage
I want to continue the unraveling of avant-garde and experimental music by analyzing some of its most iconic compositions. In this case, it is the famous (famous and, in a way, even “i… Read More
My Freeway Billboard
If you had a freeway billboard, what would it say? Nietzsche’s quote: “Without music, life would be a mistake.” Nothing else. I would write only a friendly remin… Read More
The Road Is Always Ahead
Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why? I spend much more time thinking about the future. Of course, it doesn’t mean that my past has no impact on my life… Read More

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Giuseppe Bonaccorso
