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Ex-Tinder CEO Cancels UPenn Speech, Cites ‘Anti-Semitic’ Concerns


Former Tinder CEO Cancels University Speech Over Anti-Semitism Claims

Former Tinder CEO, Ellie Seidman, recently canceled a scheduled speech at the University of Pennsylvania and labeled the institution as an 'anti-Semitic cesspool.' Seidman expressed his concerns through a message posted on a social media platform.

In his message, Seidman emphasized the need for the university to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for Jewish students and called for a change in leadership. His decision to cancel the speech came in the wake of pro-Palestinian protests that took place at UPenn after the conflict involving Hamas and Israel, where he expressed concern over the safety and atmosphere for Jewish students.

This incident adds to a series of challenges faced by the university, including the loss of major donors, such as former Utah governor and presidential candidate Jon Huntsman. David Magerman, a Torah-observant Jew, criticized UPenn's leadership for not supporting Israel and withdrew his donations. Additionally, Marc Rowan, CEO of Apollo Global Management, called for the resignation of the university's president, Liz Magill, due to her response to recent events.

Ellie Seidman, a Penn alumnus, voiced his agreement with Rowan's demand for Magill's resignation. Seidman had not been active on the platform before October 7, but he has posted 12 times since. Before his time at Tinder, he served as the CEO of OKCupid and was involved with HQ Trivia. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1997 and is currently associated with Shine and serves as the CEO of

Magerman, in a letter to the university's president and chairman, expressed his deep disappointment with UPenn's stance on the conflict and dissociated himself from the institution. Rowan, a UPenn graduate, criticized the university's leadership and called for accountability.

UPenn's president, Liz Magill, released a statement affirming the university's commitment to combatting antisemitism and supporting the exchange of ideas while ensuring safety and security on campus. Other universities have also faced criticism for their responses to the conflict, with some struggling to strike a balance between acknowledging the suffering on both sides and condemning specific actions.

Columbia University witnessed dueling pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian rallies, resulting in the closure of the campus for safety reasons. Students expressed their desire for acknowledgment of Palestinian deaths. The situation remains complex, with universities navigating a path between academic freedom, security, and acknowledging the complexities of the ongoing conflict.

Stanford University Shifts Towards Neutrality Amidst Criticism

Stanford University has adjusted its position regarding the Israel-Gaza conflict as events unfolded. Initially expressing sadness and horror at the suffering in Israel and Gaza and emphasizing the importance of sharing knowledge, the university's stance drew criticism from faculty members who called for an 'unambiguous condemnation' of the Hamas attacks.

Subsequently, Stanford issued an 'update,' clarifying its position on neutrality. University officials stated that faculty and students should not expect frequent commentary in the future. They acknowledged an incident where a lecturer had targeted Jewish students in an undergraduate class, which was under investigation.

The incident at Columbia University also made headlines, with pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian rallies leading to the temporary closure of the campus. Many students called for acknowledgment of Palestinian deaths, expressing their concerns about the ongoing conflict.

This article highlights the complex challenges faced by universities in addressing the Israel-Gaza conflict, balancing academic freedom, security, and the sensitivities surrounding the issue.

L’article Ex-Tinder CEO Cancels UPenn Speech, Cites ‘Anti-Semitic’ Concerns est apparu en premier sur Le Hérisson News.

This post first appeared on Le Herisson News, please read the originial post: here

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Ex-Tinder CEO Cancels UPenn Speech, Cites ‘Anti-Semitic’ Concerns
