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Who was Timur Tamerlane

 Complete Biography of Timur Tamerlane 


I am Ali  Raza and we are showing you The story of Timur Tamerlane .About 800 years ago there was a huge empire in China and Central Asia called the Chagatai Empire.This kingdom was given by Genghis Khan to his son Chagatai Khan.A region of this kingdom was called Maural Nahar.Mavral Nahar was where the territories of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, southern Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan are today.It is also known as Trin Saxiana in English. The traditional capital of this region was Samarkand.The Mongol tribes who were not part of Genghis Khan's tribe lived in Maural Nahar,but they were known as Tatars because they spoke the Turkic language.These Turkic-speaking Mongol-Tatars had converted to Islam and mingled with the local people.Among these Tatars, one tribe was Barlas.This tribe lived some eighty-four kilometers away from Samarkand, the capital of Maural Nahar, ina place which was earlier called Qish and now called Shahr Sabz.700 years ago, the city of Sabz did not have any special security arrangements,only a moat was carved around the city and almost all the houses inside the city were made of wood and mud bricks. The reason for this was that according to the Barlas clan, strong buildings and forts are built by cowardsand then hidden behind them, and they obviously did not consider themselves cowards at all.So, in the middle of the same simple houses of the green city, a small garden in a house made it different from the rest.This house belonged to Taragai Barlas, chief of the Barlas tribe.In the same house, a child was born on April 9, 1336, who was named Shujauddin Taimur.Today the world knows this Shujauddin Timur as Amir Timur.When Shuja-ud-din Timur began to walk on foot, he was trained in horse riding and archery according to Mongol custom.He used to huntfoxes and quails as a child.Timur and his friends would build small forts out of stones and fight mock warsin which every time Timur would be the leader of his friends.Taimur was very serious from childhood, he did not know how to smile.He seemed lost in thought all the time.Timur's father Sardar Taragai was a dervish man.He lived in the company of Sufis all his life.Timur also inherited the love of Sufis and dervishes from his father.Timur also recognized a saint named Zainuddin as his follower.When Timur was young, onlookers envied his personality and strength.Timur was a powerful young man with a broad chest and long hands and feet.But even in his youth he kept away from laughter. It is  said that he did not even appreciate a joke all his life It is also known about Timur that his childhood and youth were spent in poverty.Even Timur was forced to steal sheep. To what extent this is true we cannot say.But even if it is accepted that Timur did not inherit much wealth from his father but was a poor man, still he got a breakthrough.This breakthrough was given to him by Sardar Kurgan.Who was this Sardar Kurgan?Sardar Kurgan was a Tatar chieftainappointed by the Chagatai Empire as the governor of Maural Nahar.But the Kurgan rebelled and freed Mawarlanhar.Ghazan Khan, the ruler of the Chagatai Empire, tried to crush the rebellion but was killed in a battle with the Kurgans.With the death of Ghazan Khan, the Chagatai Empire fell into pieces.And two large independent areas came into existence.A transcontinental river that was now independent and Kurgan was its chief.Another independent region or empire came into being called Mongolistan.This Mongol Empire was founded by a Mongol prince, Tughluq Timur Khan,who was himself a descendant of Genghis Khan. Theword Mongolia originally came from the word Mughal which was a corrupted form of Mongol.Accordingly, the Mongol rulers of Central Asia were called Mughals and then Mughals.Interestingly, the descendants of Amir Timur who was originally a Tatar were also called Mughals.But historically Amir Timur was not a Mughal but a Tatar because the word Mughal was usually used for the descendants of Genghis Khan.So in this sense, Amir Timur was a Mughal, nor did he ever try to be called a Mughal.Rather, his war with the Mughals continued.But despite this, the descendants of Amir Timur probably became famous as Mughalsbecause, on the one hand, they were related to the descendants of Genghis Khan.As Zahiruddin Babur, the first Mughal Emperor of India, was descended from Amir Timur on his father's side and Changir Khan on his mother's side. The second reason was probably that for the world outside Central Asia, whether they were Mughals or Tatars, they were both Mongols.Therefore, there was not much difference between these two groups and wherever the name was popular, it was adopted.So now the situation was that Mawral Nahar i.e. Timur's homeland was under the control of Sardar Kurgan. The sons of all the tribal chiefs of the area used to attend the court of Kurgan.According to the same constitution, Timur also had to attend.Amidst these attendances, Timur soon won the heart of the Kurgans by his ability.Later he married his granddaughter to Amir Taimur.But after this marriage Sardar Kurgan could not live long.One day in thirteen hundred and fifty-seven he went hunting but did not return alive.His two enemies put him away in the forest.But with the death of Sardar Kurgan, the problem of his succession arose.On the other hand, due to the death of Timur's father, the tribe had a conflict with his uncle [ __ ] Barlas over the issue of chieftaincy of Barlas.Now there were 3 powerful candidates in the fray for the control of Mawarlanhar.One was Amir Timur - who married the granddaughter of Sardar Kurgan. Thesecond person was Timur's paternal uncle, [ __ ] Barlas, whowas also a claimant to the chieftainship of the Barlas tribe after the death of Jotimur's father, and the third person was Amir Bayazid of the Jalair tribe.

[ __ ] Barlas and Bayezid had reached Samarkand and had started quarreling with each other for the rule.

But there was a fourth contender across the Mawral Nahar mountains who was quietly surveying the situation.

This claimant was the Mongol ruler Tughluq Timur Khan.

When Tughluq saw that after the death of Sardar Kurgan, the situation in Maural Nahar had become uncontrollable, he attacked this area.

Tughluq ordered Amir Timur, [ __ ] Barlas and Bayazid Jalair to submit to his service and accept obedience.

Amir Timur wrote a letter to his mentor asking what he should do.

Murshid wrote a letter to Timur in reply and quoted an exhortation of Hazrat Ali Karamullah Rabiyyah.

In this advice, it was said that when people are in trouble, they should run to God's mercy.

So the Murshid advised Timur that you should also go under the grace of Tughlaq Timur Khan and take the bow and arrow from his hand.

That is, stop the war.

So Amir Timur followed the advice of his mentor and decided to meet Tughlaq.

While the other two claimants to the throne of Samarkand, [ __ ] Barlas and Bayezid fled to Khorasan.

Amir Timur first contacted the chiefs of Tughluq's army and made them his friends by giving them gifts.

Then he appeared in the court of Tughluq.

Amir Timur's brilliant personality and words also impressed Tughluq.

He began to consider Amir Timur as his loyalist.

During this time, he got the news of rebellion in his kingdom i.e. Mongolia, so he left the Trans-Nahar campaign unfinished and went back. On his

way, he made Amir Timur the ruler of Maural Nahar and also wrote a royal decree in this regard.

This was a great success of Timur.

He had got the government of Mawarlanhar without a fight.

But this happiness of Timur could not last long.

Because as soon as Tughlaq crushed the rebellion in his territory, he returned to Mawar-ul-Nahr.

This time he re-conquered all the territories beyond the Nahr and removed Timur from the government and made his son Ilyas Khawaja the ruler.

To remove Timur, Tughluq Khan resorted to an old promise. What

happened was that since Amir Timur was not a descendant of Genghis Khan, he was prohibited from ever becoming a ruler.

Qajuli Khan, an elder of Timur, made a treaty with Qilb Khan, a member of Genghis Khan's family.

In this agreement, it was decided that the descendants of Qibal Khan would be the rulers and the descendants of Qajoli Khan would be his army chiefs.

This agreement was preserved by writing on a steel plate.

When Tughlaq Khan reminded Timur of the promise of his elders, Timur became silent

and left the government of Maural Nahar to become the minister of Shahzad Ilyas Khwaja.

But Ilyas Khawaja and Ameer Taimur could not live together for long.

Air Timur wrote in his biography "Tazak-i Timuri" that during the reign of Ilyas, the Uzbeks started looting.

He had imprisoned seventy Syeds and Syedzadis.

Ilyas could not stop the persecution of the Uzbeks.

mir Timur raised an army and intervened by sword to free the people of the Sayyid family.

This action of Timur against the Uzbeks was not tolerated by Ilyas.

Because this incident increased the fame and honor of Timur.

So Ilyas sent a complaint to his father Tughluq Khan that Timur had rebelled.

Tughluq Khan was furious at this news and ordered the killing of Timur.

Timur writes that this royal decree of killing fortunately came to Timur's hands.So Timur took sixty horsemen with him and fled to Khwarazm, the border region of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. On releiving the news of his escape, Ilyas wrote to Tikal Bahadur, ruler of Khayuk or Khiva, asking him to kill Amir Timur.

Now Timur's own account, which may be an exaggeration, is that Takal Bahadur attacked Amir Timur with a thousand cavalry.

But according to Amir Timur, his sixty horsemen killed nine hundred and fifty men of Takal Bahadur and won the battle.

Fifty of Timur's own men were also killed in the battle and only ten survived.

After this battle, Timur wandered for a long time.

His child-bearing colleagues also started cheating on him.

One night he was sleeping near a well when three of his companions escaped with three horses.

Then a robber named Ali Beg attacked Amir Timur and captured him alive.

He kept Amir Timur in a house infested with fleas.Here Timur was imprisoned for sixty-three days, but then he got an opportunity to snatch the sword of a guard. When thesword came into Timur's hand, the guards could not resist it and fled.then  he went straight in front of the robber Ali Baig.Ali Beg was so horrified by Amir Timur's bravery that he apologized to Timur and sent him away with some property.

Timur now reached a village where a band of Turkmans or Turks surrounded him.

When Amir Timur came out to fight him, a Turkish [ __ ] Muhammad recognized Timur. The

tales of Amir Timur's bravery had already become famous among the Turks.

Epecially the news of the victory of a thousand soldiers in the battle of Khayyuk was very popular.

So [ __ ] Muhammad and his Turkish group also joined Timur.

Then people kept coming and a caravan was formed.Soon a small army was gathered around Timur.Now Timur thought why not to suddenly attack Samarkand and declare his rule.

He hid his army in various places away from Samarkand and secretly reached Samarkand himself.

Here he hid for one and a half months in the house of his sister Katlag Turkan.

But he did not get a chance to signal the army or announce his government.

In Samarkand, his rebellion broke out and Timur fled the city.

But the army of supporters he had raised joined him again.

Rather, the number of this army started increasing day by day.

Timur now invaded the territories of Afghanistan with the help of his army.

He conquered Bactria and Kandahar.

Then he also fought against the ruler of the state of Sistan in 1363.

This battle took place in the Afghan region which is now known as Dasht-e-Margo or the Desert of Death.

In the same battle, Timur's arm and right foot were pierced by arrows.

But Timur won the battle despite being wounded. It issaid that it was this toe injury that caused Timur to walk with a limp for the rest of his life and was called Timur-Ling

and this word was corrupted to become Tamerlane in English.

But historians who accuse Timur of stealing sheep say that Timur's leg was not injured in any battle.

Rather, according to him, the real story is that Timur was once stealing sheep when a shepherd shot two arrows at him.One hit him on the right shoulder and the other on the hip above the right leg.

This arrow caused him to limp in his gait.Is this correct?Maybe not,but Edward Gibbon, a historian of the 18th century, writes that the nations that Timur conquered have distorted history to take revenge on Timur.Historians of these nations deliberately targeted Timur's birth, his character and personality, and even his name.There is also a scientific proof of Timur's lameness.In 1941, when Samarkand was part of Soviet Russia, the tomb of Amir Timur was opened.A Soviet expert examined Timur's body in a wooden coffin and confirmed that Timur had indeed had a leg problem that was visible in his gait. The Soviet expert said that Timur's right leg was shorter than the other leg.Based on this physical disability of Timur, it was estimated that walking on foot was no less than a punishment for Timur.He had to almost drag his right leg. The autopsy also revealed that Taimur's left shoulder was unnaturally higher than his right shoulder.While his right hand and elbow were also injured.But all these injuries and disabilities did not stop Amir Timur from becoming a great conqueror of the world.When he hoisted the flags of victory in Afghanistan, the desire to rule his homeland across the river again arose in his heart.So he proceeded towards Mavarlanhar. The Tatar tribes of Mavral Nahr did not like the Mongol government because it favored the Uzbeks.Therefore, these Tatar tribes started to join Timur's army.On the other hand, Ilyas Khwaja, the ruler of Maural Nahar and son of Tughluq Timur Khan, also came out in full force.Amir Timur made fortunes from the Qur'an before fighting Ilyas.Timur writes that the fortune was blessed, so he took an army and stood out against Ilyas Khawaja.In thirteen hundred and sixty-four there was a great clash between the two armies on the northern bank of the Sar Darya.But Amir Timur defeated Ilyas.But even after this defeat, Elijah's army was not completely destroyed.He then began to prepare for a contest with Timur, but in the meantime he received the news of the death of his father Tughlaq Timur Khan.So Ilyas Khwaja went to the Chinese province of Xinjiang to take the throne of Mongolia.Now the field was clear for Timur.Now Maural Nahar was again under the control of Timur.Then it happened that Timur's empire spread from Mavralanhar to the gates of Moscow.How was this success achieved?How did Timur defeat the superpower of his time? And who was this superpower?By 1360, Amir Timur had wrested the rule of Maural Nahar from the Mughals.

Whatever region Timur invaded, he left behind terrible tales of persecution. For

example, Timur piled

2,000 people alive on top of each other in mud and brick minarets in Isfazar, Iran.

He killed seventeen thousand people in Isfahan.

Twenty-eight minarets were built from the heads of those killed.

In 1411 he conquered Baghdad and killed ninety thousand people of the city and built one hundred and twenty minarets from their heads. At the

time when the massacre of innocent people was going on in Baghdad and the Tigris River was turning red with blood,

Timur was praying for himself by visiting the shrine of Imam Abu Hanifa.

Once at one place a tower of skulls could not reach the desired height, so Timur ordered

that soil be placed under each skull to raise it.

Timur defeated the Mamluk Empire of Egypt and wreaked havoc in Damascus and Aleppo.

He wiped out the rebel city of Gurganj in Uzbekistan. The

psychological pressure of this massacre was so great that the rulers of other kingdoms often surrendered to Timur without a fight.

Thus, in a very short period of time, Timur conquered large parts of Central Asia and many areas of Iran, Iraq and Syria besides Afghanistan.

Amir Timur was a cruel person

but one of his virtues was that he highly valued scholars, artists and artisans.

Therefore, during the conquests, he spared their lives and settled them in Samarkand.

Because of these people, Samarkand became the cradle of knowledge, literature and art. In the

territories that Timur conquered, there was an open license to kill people,

but not to damage buildings.

Even if the buildings were damaged by Timur's army, Timur would call the craftsmen to repair them.

Cities that surrendered without a fight were not killed.

Two examples of which are the Iranian cities of Tabriz and Shiraz which were not destroyed by Timur. It was

in Shiraz that Timur met the famous Iranian poet Hafiz Shirazi.

Hafiz Shirazi once said a poem which meant

that I can sacrifice Bukhara and Samarkand for the mole on my beloved's face.

These two cities namely Bukhara and Samarkand were very dear to Timur.

Timur took this poem as an insult and invited Hafiz Shirazi to his court.

When Shirazi came before him, Timur said,

"I have put a large part of the world to the sword and laid waste many regions in order to enrich Samarkand and Bukhara."

But you are ready to sacrifice these cities just for a mole, being a two-penny poet?

Hafiz Shirazi said to the present respondent,

O King, it is a pity that my wasteful spending has made me poor and you are seeing my condition.

Timur found Hafiz Shirazi's answer very interesting.

He not only spared Shirazi's life but also gave him a place in his court by giving him many valuable gifts.

Thus the mole of the beloved made Hafiz Shirazi rich overnight.

Hafiz Shirazi was happy with the rewards and honors of Timur and became loyal to him,

but there was also one person who turned out to be oblivious.

This man was the ruler of a Mongol empire in Russia. His name was Tokhtamish or Tokhtamish.

Tokhtamish escaped from his kingdom in 1376 and reached Timur's court in tatters.

His kingdom had fallen into the hands of enemies

and now he was seeking help from Timur.

Timur did not disappoint Tokhtamish but made him his son and sent his army to help him.

With the help of this army, Tokhtamish regained his kingdom and

even burnt the city of Moscow to ashes after the siege.

But after these successes, his intentions got worse.

He took up the sword against his patron Timur and started attacking Mawarlanhar.

Even Timur had to invade Russia to compete with him.

Amir Timur first invaded Russia in 1386 and again in 1399.

Both times he inflicted severe defeats on Tokhtamish.

Timur also destroyed Tana, the trading center of Tokhtamish's empire,

which stood on the site of the present-day Russian city of Ozov.

While Tokhtamish's capital, Sarai, which was located in the present-day Russian region of Astrakhan, was

also destroyed by Timur.

Some say that Timur conquered Moscow and plundered it.

While some believe that Timur did not attack Moscow considering it an unimportant city.

However, after this war action of Timur, Tokhtamish could not rise again for a long time.

During the military campaign against Tokhtamish, Timur also conquered Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia.

When King Bagrat Five of Georgia was arrested, Timur invited him to convert to Islam

and Bagrat accepted Islam. It is

said that he also gave Timur a suit of armor,

which was known to have been hand-crafted by Prophet Dawood (peace be upon him). After

completing the campaigns against Tokhtamish, Timur also defeated Khizr Khwaja, the ruler of the neighboring state of Mongolia,

and later closed this chapter of enmity by marrying his daughter Tukal Khanum. Having

dealt with all his enemies, Timur decided to invade India.

People named Timur are hated even today in India because of what he did in India.

Here is a famous couple of Indian film industry, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor.

And this is his son Taimur Ali Khan.

When Saif and Kareena decided to name their son Taimur, they started trolling on social media,

even saying that naming the baby Taimur is like naming children Hitler in Europe.

After all, why is there so much hatred against the name Timur in India?

This is because Amir Timur invaded India in 1398

and committed so many atrocities that his name became a symbol of cruelty in Indian history.

When Timur invaded India, Delhi was ruled by Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Tughluq.

Timur used the pretext for his invasion of India that the Tughluq rulers of Delhi were

treating their Hindu subjects too well.

But the fact was that Timur had heard a lot about the wealth of India. On

September 24, 1398, Timur crossed the Indus River and invaded India.

On the way, Timur's army ravaged several areas including the village of Spindi, Tughlaqpur, Samana and Kaithal.

Hindus were enslaved on such a large scale that by the time Timur reached Delhi, one hundred thousand Hindu prisoners had been collected.

Timur also captured the Rajputs of the city of Panipat near Delhi and the fort of Loni.

Now Delhi was in front of Timur.

But before attacking Delhi, Timur killed one hundred thousand Hindu prisoners.

He also ordered that if any soldier was afraid of killing innocent prisoners, he should also be killed.

Thus 100,000 innocent prisoners were killed in a single day. The

day after this massacre, on 17 December 1398, a pitched battle took place between the Timurid and Indian armies outside Delhi.

Mahmud Tughluq was commanding the Indian army.

Elephants were also included in his army.

But Timur had already made arrangements to deal with the elephants.

His soldiers tied bundles of wood on the camels and set them on fire.

Then these camels were turned towards elephants. The

elephants were frightened at the sight of the fire and ran backwards trampling their own soldiers.

This caused panic among the Indian army

and the Timurid army attacked with full force and defeated the Indians.

Nasiruddin Mahmud Tughlaq escaped from the battlefield and instead of going to Delhi, he went to the jungles.

Now Delhi was empty. The

people of the city believed that Timur would destroy Delhi if they did not surrender.

So all the elders of the city gathered and came to Timur and surrendered the city.

Timur assured them that Delhi would not be destroyed.

After that more than a hundred elephants which he had captured during the war were brought before Timur. The

handlers of these elephants bowed down to Timur and the elephants greeted Timur with hooting.

But this atmosphere of peace could not last long.

Timur's soldiers started misbehaving with common people and women in Delhi.

When the conflict escalated, the citizens took up arms against the Timurid army.

This incident is written in Tarikh-i-Ferishta as follows

: According to their custom, the Hindus first killed their wives and children by closing the doors of their houses

and then set fire to the houses and attacked the Tartars.

Seeing this situation, the entire Timurid army entered Delhi and massacre of citizens started.

It is also said that Timur himself ordered his army to kill all the Hindus of Delhi.

However, the carnage in Delhi continued for four days. The

city girl Kuchi Abadi escaped.

Thus Delhi was destroyed so badly that it took a hundred years to rebuild.

After Delhi, Timur attacked Meerut and massacred thirty thousand Hindus there.

After these operations, Timur returned to Samarkand.

Timur stayed in India for only three and a half months, of which fifteen days were spent in Delhi.

But in this period of three and a half months he had ruined India badly.

This is the reason why Amir Timur is hated even today in India.

But Timur did not only destroy India but also inflicted a crushing blow on the superpower of the Muslims, the Ottoman Empire. He

even arrested Sultan Bayezid I and put him in a cage and made him a prisoner. The

rivalry between Timur and Sultan Bayezid I of the Ottoman Empire began as both were supporting each other's enemies.

Once, Timur wrote a letter to Bayezid and threatened

that if you do not return the territories of my supporters, I will become the wrath of God and break down on you.

In response to this letter, Bayezid cut off the beards of Timur's messengers.

Correspondence between the two kings continued thereafter, but when neither of them was ready to yield, war broke out. On

July 20, 1422, a battle took place between Timur and Bayezid in the Turkish town of Chubuk near Ankara.

It was a very important battle in Islamic history

that attracted the attention of the whole world.

Because this battle was to decide the superpower status of the Ottomans and Timur.

Timur also brought thirty elephants from India into the battlefield.

When the war was in full swing, suddenly the Tatar soldiers in the Ottoman army revolted.

Timur had already secretly lured these people with wealth.

After the rebellion of the Tatars, the Ottoman army could not stand and fight in the field.

Sultan Bayezid I was captured alive.

Later, Bayezid died in the captivity of Timur.

We have shown you this whole story in detail in episode number four of History of Ottoman Empire.

After defeating the Ottoman Turks, there was only one challenge left for Timur

and that was the challenge of China.

Timur wanted to establish his rule over China by defeating the Ming dynasty of China.

In this frenzy he started military preparations.

Timur was advised by astrologers not to go on this expedition because his stars were in orbit

and something very bad was going to happen to him.

But Timur did not agree.

At the end of 1404, he took a large army to attack China. It was a bitter cold season.

Rains and snow continued.

Even the water of the rivers was frozen.

Another problem with the sixty-eight-year-old Timur was that he fell ill with a cold shortly before the start of his campaign in China.

He recovered from this disease, but the effects of the disease remained.

Therefore, during the campaign in China, Timur was not riding a horse, but he was covered with a blanket and sat in a palanquin so hat would not get cold.

But even this precaution did not help.

When he reached Ortar in present-day Kazakhstan, his health began to deteriorate due to severe cold.

He was lodged in a palace within the city.

Timur was given hot drinks mixed with medicines and spices.

Timur's physician Maulana Fazal thought of a unique treatment for Timur.

He put ice on Taimur's chest and stomach.

But this treatment worsened Taimur's illness and he soon developed a high fever.

When Timur was convinced that his final hour had arrived,

he gathered his wives and close associates.

Timur bequeathed that no one would weep over his death but pray for the forgiveness of his sins.

He appointed his grandson Pir Muhammad as his successor.

Then he said to his family that as long as there is agreement between you, no one will even look at you.

Timur swore to all his commanders and nobles that they would follow his will.

That is, they will recognize Pir Muhammad as their ruler.

After these events, Timur's fever became more intense. On February 18, 1455, Timur recited the word and breathed his last.

Amir Timur's body was embalmed and taken to Samarkand and placed in a precious wooden coffin and buried in this tomb.

According to his will, this tomb of Timur was built at the feet of an elderly Sheikh Syed Baraka,

from whom Timur had been taking guidance.

Timur's tomb is called Ghor-e-Amir, which means Tomb of the Amir.

But Timur's tomb has also become a legend with many amazing stories attached to it. It is said that the words were written on the stone on the tomb of Timur that when I come back to life, the world will tremble.

Anyone who desecrates my grave will be attacked by a more terrible attacker than me.

Then it happened that about three and a half hundred years after the death of Timur, when the emperor of Iran Nadir Shah attacked Samarkand, he removed the stone on Timur's grave.

But according to the legend, after removing this stone, Nadir Shah started suffering one after another.

So he tried to put this stone on Timur's grave again.

But when this stone was being taken to Samarkand, it accidentally broke on the way.

But this broken stone was re-planted on Timur's grave.

Two hundred years after Nadir Shah Irani, when Samarkand was under the control of Soviet Russia,

Russian dictator Stalin ordered the opening of Amir Timur's grave.

So a team of experts led by Soviet archaeologist Professor Mikhail Grismov excavated Timur's tomb. The local people also forbade them that opening the grave would not bring good results,

but the team did not obey and opened Timur's grave.

This happened on June 22, 1941,

and a few hours after this incident, Hitler attacked Soviet Russia.

Thus the legend of Timur became apparently true

that whoever desecrates my grave will be attacked by an assailant even more terrible than me.

Interestingly, the following year, Stalin ordered Timur's body to be reburied.

In November 1942, Timur's body was reburied with Islamic rites.

Just two months after this incident, Hitler was defeated at Stalingrad and the Soviet Union was heavily involved in the war.

We cannot say anything with certainty about the legend of Timur's tomb,

but one thing we can say with complete certainty isthat Amir Timur is still considered one of the great conquerors of the world

After his death, his descendants established the Mughal Empire in India, which lasted until eighteen hundred and fifty-seven.

This post first appeared on My Personal, please read the originial post: here

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Who was Timur Tamerlane


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