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My person blog about history
 Complete biography of JOHN JEYHi I Am Ali Raza And I Am Going To Tell You About John jay The man known to history as John Jay was born on the 23rd of December 1745, or the 12thDec… Read More
 Complete Biography of SocratesI am Ali Raza , I will tell you the tale of this great genius.Socrates as boy used to observe his father chiseling the stones with pointed and sharp… Read More
 Who was Bruce Lee Weight 63kgs, height 5.7ft, power of the punch equal to the punch of heavy weight boxing champ, Muhammad Ali. He was capable of breaking the wooden board just… Read More
Who Was Noor Jahan
 Complete Biography of Noor Jahan 2 armies clashed in Chausa area of Bihar, India, on June 15,1539 and factored a vital decision in Indian history.Moghal Emperor Humayun was defeat… Read More
 Complete Biography of Timur Tamerlane   I am Ali  Raza and we are showing you The story of Timur Tamerlane .About 800 years ago there was a huge empire in China and… Read More
Who Was Mohamed Morsi
 Complete Biography of Mohamed MorsiI am Ali Raza I will show you the story...of the first elected president of Egypt Mohamed Morsi, his political struggle and the last moments of life… Read More
Who Was Mehmood Ghaznavi
Complete Biography of Mehmood ghaznavi In the early days of Islam, it was during the Rashidah Caliphate that the King of Iran, after being defeated by the Muslims of Yazdgard, moved to… Read More
 COMPLETE BIOGRAPHY OF KARL MARXPrometheus is a deity in Greek mythology. The legend says he was very wise. He once stole fire from Zeus, the king of the gods, and taught mankind how to… Read More
Who Was Che Guevara
 Complete Documentary of CHE GUEVARA Look at this picture, youth all over the world are crazy about shirts with this picture. atOptions = { 'key' : 'a6335308dc9e8b4533ebee2d40… Read More
Who Was Abraham Lincoln
 Complete Biography of Abraham Lincoln  In 1828, a 19-year-old young villager visited the city of New Orleans for the first time in his life. It was his first experience watch… Read More
 Complete biography of World destroyer OppenheimerThe man known to history as Robert Oppenheimer was born on the 22nd of April 1904 as JuliusRobert Oppenheimer in New York City.He quick… Read More
OSAMA BIN LADEN THE MASTER MIND OF September 11DocumentaryHELLO I AM ALI RAZA AND TODAY IN GOING TO TELL YOU ABOUT OSAMA BIN LADENThe man known to history as Osama  bin Laden was… Read More

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