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Meet Tom Hanks’ Truly Bizarre Family


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This greater exposure led to more roles on shows like Happy Days, Taxi and The Love Boat. Ron Howard, who was impressed by Hanks performance on Happy Days, cast him in his 1984 hit film Splash alongside Daryl Hannah.

Tom rose to fame starring in iconic films like Big, Forrest Gump, Castaway and Toy Story. In a 2013 Readers Digest poll, he was ranked as the number 1 most trusted person in America. He got to where he is today with his versatility as an actor and his undeniable charisma. He has been compared to other Hollywood legends such as Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant and Gary Cooper.

Hanks is a father of four. Two of his children were from his first marriage to actress Samantha Lewis. The two were wed in 1978 when Tom was just 21 and they had their first child, Colin, two years later. Samantha and Tom had one more child, Elizabeth, in 1982 before getting divorced in 1987.

Hanks married his next wife, Rita Wilson, in 1988 even though they met in 1981 while was on Bosom Buddies. He and Rita have two children together. Their oldest son Chet was born in 1990 and their youngest, Truman was born in 1995. Tom and Rita also have three grandchildren and they couldn’t be prouder to be grandparents.

This video is going to take a closer look at the Hanks family. At this point, they are practically Hollywood royalty. We’ll see what Tom’s kids are up to these days and we’ll even catch a glimpse of his adorable granddaughters.

Meet Tom Hanks’ Truly Bizarre Family
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Meet Tom Hanks’ Truly Bizarre Family
