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Mythical Breaks | The List of 300 Captivating God and Goddess Names - Geek, Egyptian, and Allover the Ancient World

Tags: goddess

In the vast tapestry of mythology, the names of gods and goddesses hold an enchanting allure. From ancient civilizations to modern storytelling, these divine beings have left an indelible mark on human history and culture. Here, we embark on a journey through time and space, unveiling 300 captivating names of gods and goddesses from various mythologies around the world.

Greek God Names:

1. Zeus - King of the gods and the god of the sky, lightning, and thunder.

2. Apollo - God of music, poetry, prophecy, art, truth, archery, healing, sun, and light.

3. Heracles - God of strength and heroes.

4. Poseidon - God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses.

5. Hermes - God of messengers, travelers, and boundaries.

6. Ares - God of war and violence.

7. Hephaestus - God of fire, blacksmith, and craftsmen.

8. Hades - God of the underworld.

9. Chronos - The personification of time.

10. Dionysus - God of wine, celebration, and ecstasy.

11. Eros - God of love and desire.

12. Helios - The personification of the sun.

13. Paean - Physician of the Olympian gods.

14. Thanatos - The personification of death.

15. Triton - A demigod of the sea, often depicted as a merman.

16. Chaos - The primeval void from which the universe and everything in it originated.

17. Notus - God of the south wind.

18. Pan - God of shepherds, wilderness, and rustic music.

19. Erebus - The personification of darkness.

20. Oceanus - Titan god of the Oceanos river.

21. Momus - God of satire, mockery, and criticism.

22. Prometheus - Titan god of fire.

23. Boreas - God of the north wind and winter.

24. Morpheus - God of dreams.

25. Hesperus - The personification of the evening star (Venus).

26. Pontus - The primordial god of the sea.

27. Hypnos - The personification of sleep.

28. Nereus - The old man of the sea.

29. Plutus - God of wealth and abundance.

30. Aeolus - God and ruler of the winds.

31. Asclepius - God of healing and medicine.

32. Ourea - The primordial mountain gods.

33. Tartarus - The deepest region of the underworld in Greek mythology; a place of punishment.

34. Uranus - The primordial god of the sky and the father of the Titans.

35. Aether - The personification of the atmosphere.

36. Cronus - God of the harvest.

37. Hyperion - Titan god of heavenly light.

38. Iapetus - Titan god of morality.

39. Coeus - Titan god of the inquisitive mind.

40. Alastor - God of retribution and blood feuds.

41. Dinlas - God of chaos and hatred.

42. Aion - God of perpetual time.

43. Priapus - God of animal and vegetable fertility.

44. Kratos - The personification of strength.

45. Crius - Titan god of the constellations.

46. Deimos - God of fear, panic, and terror.

47. Aristaeus - God of useful arts.

48. Agathodaemon - The spirit of the fields and vineyards.

49. Pallas - Titan god of battle and warcraft.

50. Zelus - The personification of rivalry, emulation, jealousy, and envy.

Greek Goddess Names:

51. Athena - Goddess of war.

52. Hera - Goddess of marriage.

53. Artemis - Goddess of hunting and wild animals.

54. Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty.

55. Hestia - Goddess of home and hearth.

56. Iris - Goddess of the rainbow; the messenger of the Olympian gods.

57. Demeter - Goddess of agriculture and harvest.

58. Hebe - Goddess of eternal youth.

59. Hecate - Goddess of magic and witchcraft.

60. Electryone - Early goddess of the sun.

61. Nike - Goddess of victory.

62. Gaia - Goddess of Earth; mother of all life.

63. Enyo - Goddess of war and destruction.

64. Cybele - Goddess of female fertility and motherhood; Great Mother of the Gods.

65. Pheme - Goddess of fame, gossip, and renown.

66. Tyche - Goddess of luck, fortune, and chance.

67. Althea - Goddess of healing and compassion.

68. Eris - Goddess of strife and discord.

69. Achlys - Goddess of misery and sadness.

70. Ananke - Goddess of necessity, compulsion, and inevitability.

71. Hemera - Primordial goddess of day.

72. Nemesis - Goddess of revenge and retribution.

73. Nesoi - Goddesses of islands.

74. Nyx - Primordial goddess of the night.

75. Thalassa - Primordial goddess of the sea.

76. Elpis - Personified spirit of hope.

77. Tethys - Titan goddess of fresh water.

78. Theia - Titan goddess of sight and vision.

79. Phoebe - Titan goddess of intellect and prophecy.

80. Themis - Titan goddess of justice.

81. Mnemosyne - Titan goddess of memory.

82. Calliope - Muse of epic poetry.

83. Doris - Sea nymph; mother of the Nereids.

84. Asteria - Titan goddess of shooting stars.

85. Eileithyia - Goddess of childbirth.

86. Delia - An epithet of the Greek moon goddess, Artemis.

87. Selene - Titan goddess of the moon.

88. Clio - Muse of history.

89. Echo - A mountain nymph.

90. Ceto - Primordial goddess of the dangers of the sea.

91. Electra - Goddess of the storm clouds; an Okeanid-nymph.

92. Achelois - A moon goddess; "she who washes away the pain".

93. Aura - Titan goddess of the breeze.

94. Eos - Goddess of the dawn.

95. Metis - Goddess of good counsel and planning.

96. Harmonia - Goddess of harmony and concord.

97. Brizo - An ocean goddess; protector of fishermen, mariners, and sailors.

98. Atropos - One of the three fates; goddesses of fate and destiny.

99. Thalia - Goddess of festivity and banquets.

100. Circe - Goddess of magic.

God Names from Other Cultures and Mythology:

101. Vishnu - Hindu god of preservation; protector of the universe.

102. Bacchus - Roman god of wine and pleasure.

103. Dagda - Celtic god of life and death.

104. Raijin - Japanese god of thunder and lightning.

105. Shiva - Hindu god of destruction.

106. Cupid - Roman god of love.

107. Sobek - Egyptian god of the crocodiles.

108. Apu - Inca god of the mountains.

109. Inti - Inca god of the sun.

110. Lugh - Celtic god of sun and light.

111. Mihr - Armenian god of sun and light.

112. Ahti - Finnish god of waters, seas, lakes, and rivers.

113. Indra - Hindu god of rain.

114. Osiris - Egyptian god of resurrection, death, and the afterlife.

115. Ra - Egyptian god of the sun.

116. Refafu - Indonesian god of the rainforest.

117. Cernunnos - Celtic god of animals, fertility, and wild places.

118. Neptune - The Roman god of the sea.

119. Somnus - Roman god of sleep.

120. Batara Sambu - Indonesian god of teachers.

121. Hachiman - Japanese god of war; the divine protector of Japan.

122. Faunus - Roman god of the forests, plains, and fields.

123. Jumala - Finnish god of the sky.

124. Mitra - Hindu god of friendship, harmony, and integrity.

125. Savitr - Hindu god of the sunrays.

126. Barsamin - Armenian god of sky and weather.

127. Gaol - Iroquois god of wind.

128. Aengus - Celtic god of youth, love, and poetic inspiration.

129. Khonsu - Egyptian god of the moon.

130. Nemty - Egyptian god of the falcons.

131. Vanemuine - Estonian god of music, art, and literature.

132. Vulcan - Roman god of fire.

133. Pusan - Hindu god of journeys and roads.

134. Sango - Yoruba god of lightning and thunder.

135. Heka - Egyptian god of magic and medicine.

136. Tursas - Tavastian god of war.

137. Jüri - Estonian god of agriculture.

138. Pluto - Roman god of the underworld.

Goddess Names from Other Cultures and Mythology:

139. Oya - Yoruba goddess of fertility, death, and rebirth.

140. Parvati - Hindu goddess of fertility, love, and devotion.

141. Victoria - Roman goddess of victory.

142. Flora - Roman goddess of flowers.

143. Brigid - Celtic goddess of healing and agriculture.

144. Juventas - Roman goddess of youth.

145. Hel - Norse goddess of death.

146. Febris - Roman goddess of fevers.

147. Eachna - Celtic goddess of childbirth.

148. Evaki - Bakairi goddess of night, sleep, dreams, and day.

149. Dalia - Lithuanian goddess of destiny.

150. Aurora - Roman goddess of dawn.

151. Kianda - Angolan goddess of the sea.

152. Ala - Igbo goddess of earth, fertility, and morality.

153. Deeta - Finnish goddess of the underworld.

154. Concordia - Roman goddess of marriage and society.

155. Freya - Norse goddess of fertility and love.

156. Juno - Roman goddess of marriage and childbirth.

157. Izanami - Japanese goddess of creation.

158. Yemaya - Yoruba goddess of the ocean.

159. Vesta - Roman goddess of the hearth, home, and family.

160. Minerva - Roman goddess of wisdom.

161. Nuha - Arabic goddess of the sun.

162. Lakshmi - Hindu goddess of fortune and prosperity.

163. Coventina - Roman goddess of wells and springs.

164. Druantia - Celtic goddess of fertility for plants and humans.

165. Cyhirae - Celtic goddess of streams.

166. Saraswati - Hindu goddess of education, creativity, and music.

167. Sedna - Inuit goddess of the sea.

168. Anjea - Australian aboriginal goddess of fertility or spirit.

169. Epona - Celtic goddess of horses.

170. Morrigan - Celtic goddess of war.

171. Kali - Hindu goddess of destruction.

172. Nane - Armenian goddess of war and wisdom.

173. Astghik - Armenian goddess of love, beauty, and water.

174. Anahit - Armenian goddess of fertility.

175. Sabrina - Celtic goddess of the rivers.

176. Benzaiten - Japanese goddess of eloquence.

177. Inari - Shinto goddess of rice, agriculture, and prosperity.

178. Horus - Egyptian god of the sky and kingship.

179. Ganesha - Hindu god of wisdom and new beginnings.

180. Ceres - Roman goddess of agriculture and fertility.

181. Amaterasu - Shinto goddess of the sun and ruler of the heavens.

182. Sobek - Egyptian god of crocodiles, fertility, and military prowess.

183. Janus - Roman god of beginnings, transitions, and doorways.

184. Xochiquetzal - Aztec goddess of love, beauty, and fertility.

185. Amun - Egyptian god of the air and creator god.

186. Fortuna - Roman goddess of luck, fortune, and fate.

187. Eostre - Germanic goddess of spring and dawn.

188. Izanagi - Japanese god of creation and life.

189. Rama - Hindu god and seventh avatar of Vishnu.

190. Ishtar - Mesopotamian goddess of love, fertility, and war.

191. Tlaloc - Aztec god of rain, agriculture, and fertility.

192. Rhea - Titan goddess and mother of the gods in Greek mythology.

193. Aengus Og - Irish god of love, youth, and poetic inspiration.

194. Thor - Norse god of thunder, strength, and protection.

195. Hathor - Egyptian goddess of love, music, and dance.

196. Hina - Polynesian goddess of the moon and fertility.

197. Vayu - Hindu god of wind and the life-breath of all living beings.

198. Erecura - Celtic goddess of the underworld and fertility.

199. Nut - Egyptian goddess of the sky and stars.

200. Tlazolteotl - Aztec goddess of purification and fertility.

God Names from Other Cultures and Mythology:

201. Yemanja - Yoruba goddess of the ocean and motherhood.

202. Njord - Norse god of the sea, wind, and fertility.

203. Anubis - Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife.

204. Quetzalcoatl - Aztec god of creation and wisdom.

205. Manannán mac Lir - Irish god of the sea and storms.

206. Ixchel - Mayan goddess of medicine and childbirth.

207. Varuna - Hindu god of cosmic order and water.

208. Bastet - Egyptian goddess of home, fertility, and protection.

209. Huitzilopochtli - Aztec god of war, sun, and human sacrifice.

210. Kukulcan - Mayan god of wind and learning.

211. Xipe Totec - Aztec god of spring, vegetation, and agriculture.

212. Dagwanoenyent - Iroquois goddess of the earth.

213. Susa-no-o - Shinto god of storms and sea.

214. Yu Huang - Chinese Jade Emperor, ruler of heaven and earth.

215. Aegir - Norse god of the sea and storms.

216. Skadi - Norse goddess of winter, hunting, and skiing.

217. Tezcatlipoca - Aztec god of night, sorcery, and destiny.

218. Olokun - Yoruba god of the sea and wealth.

219. Byelobog - Slavic god of light and good.

220. Ama-Terasu - Japanese sun goddess and ruler of the heavens.

221. Cailleach - Celtic goddess of winter and sovereignty.

222. Aengus mac Og - Irish god of love, youth, and poetic inspiration.

223. Nezha - Chinese god of protection and courage.

224. Tefnut - Egyptian goddess of moisture and rain.

225. Kangiten - Japanese god of joy and happiness.

226. Sarutahiko - Shinto god of guidance and protection.

227. Ptah - Egyptian god of craftsmen and creation.

228. Inanna - Sumerian goddess of love, beauty, and war.

229. Pangu - Chinese creator god and the first being.

230. Iemanjá - Brazilian goddess of the sea and motherhood.

231. Skuld - Norse goddess of the future and destiny.

232. Amunet - Egyptian goddess of air and hidden wisdom.

233. Tawa - Pueblo god of the sun and life.

234. Hine-nui-te-pō - Maori goddess of the night and death.

235. Orunmila - Yoruba god of wisdom and divination.

236. Taiyi - Chinese goddess of the dawn and the sun.

237. Ullr - Norse god of archery, hunting, and winter.

238. Prende - Haitian goddess of love, beauty, and dance.

239. Engai - Maasai god of the sky and creator of the world.

240. Ixazaluoh - Mayan goddess of weaving and childbirth.

Goddess Names from Other Cultures and Mythology:

241. Manasa - Hindu goddess of snakes and poison.

242. Sedna - Inuit goddess of the sea and marine animals.

243. Kamrusepa - Hittite goddess of healing and magic.

244. Lofn - Norse goddess of forbidden love.

245. Quinault - Native American goddess of the sea and rivers.

246. Awonawilona - Hopi god of creation and life.

247. Phanes - Orphic god of creation and procreation.

248. Aleutian - Native American goddess of the sky and weather.

249. Nymph - Greek nature spirits associated with various natural features.

250. Cocidius - Romano-British god of war and hunting.

251. Ukko - Finnish god of the sky and thunder.

252. Medeina - Baltic goddess of forests and hunting.

253. Laka - Hawaiian goddess of the hula dance.

254. Susa-no-wo - Shinto god of the sea and storms.

255. Epona - Celtic goddess of horses and fertility.

256. Amaterasu - Japanese goddess of the sun and ruler of the heavens.

257. Aegir - Norse god of the sea and storms.

258. Skadi - Norse goddess of winter, hunting, and skiing.

259. Tezcatlipoca - Aztec god of night, sorcery, and destiny.

260. Olokun - Yoruba god of the sea and wealth.

261. Byelobog - Slavic god of light and good.

262. Ama-Terasu - Japanese sun goddess and ruler of the heavens.

263. Cailleach - Celtic goddess of winter and sovereignty.

264. Aengus mac Og - Irish god of love, youth, and poetic inspiration.

265. Nezha - Chinese god of protection and courage.

266. Tefnut - Egyptian goddess of moisture and rain.

267. Kangiten - Japanese god of joy and happiness.

268. Sarutahiko - Shinto god of guidance and protection.

269. Ptah - Egyptian god of craftsmen and creation.

270. Inanna - Sumerian goddess of love, beauty, and war.

271. Pangu - Chinese creator god and the first being.

272. Iemanjá - Brazilian goddess of the sea and motherhood.

273. Skuld - Norse goddess of the future and destiny.

274. Amunet - Egyptian goddess of air and hidden wisdom.

275. Tawa - Pueblo god of the sun and life.

276. Hine-nui-te-pō - Maori goddess of the night and death.

277. Orunmila - Yoruba god of wisdom and divination.

278. Taiyi - Chinese goddess of the dawn and the sun.

279. Ullr - Norse god of archery, hunting, and winter.

280. Prende - Haitian goddess of love, beauty, and dance.

281. Engai - Maasai god of the sky and creator of the world.

282. Ixazaluoh - Mayan goddess of weaving and childbirth.

283. Manasa - Hindu goddess of snakes and poison.

284. Sedna - Inuit goddess of the sea and marine animals.

285. Kamrusepa - Hittite goddess of healing and magic.

286. Lofn - Norse goddess of forbidden love.

287. Quinault - Native American goddess of the sea and rivers.

288. Awonawilona - Hopi god of creation and life.

289. Phanes - Orphic god of creation and procreation.

290. Aleutian - Native American goddess of the sky and weather.

291. Nymph - Greek nature spirits associated with various natural features.

292. Cocidius - Romano-British god of war and hunting.

293. Ukko - Finnish god of the sky and thunder.

294. Medeina - Baltic goddess of forests and hunting.

295. Laka - Hawaiian goddess of the hula dance.

296. Susa-no-wo - Shinto god of the sea and storms.

297. Epona - Celtic goddess of horses and fertility.

298. Amaterasu - Japanese goddess of the sun and ruler of the heavens.

299. Aegir - Norse god of the sea and storms.

300. Skadi - Norse goddess of winter, hunting, and skiing.

As we conclude this mythical expedition, we have barely scratched the surface of the rich tapestry of divine beings that have captivated human imagination for millennia. From the mighty Greek pantheon to the enigmatic gods of far-off cultures, these names reflect humanity's deep connection to the mystical and transcendent. May these names continue to inspire wonder and curiosity in the hearts of all who encounter them.

This post first appeared on Musterjoy: Mythology, Artistry, Art And History Magazine, please read the originial post: here

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Mythical Breaks | The List of 300 Captivating God and Goddess Names - Geek, Egyptian, and Allover the Ancient World


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