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News24 | WATCH | Fast cash: Bystanders rush cash heist scene to grab leftover loot

Moments after gunmen bombed an armoured Cash-in-transit truck on the N12 in Winchester Hills, south Johannesburg, people abandoned their cars and rushed toward the blast site to grab money left behind. 

Footage of the incident on Saturday shows a burning cash truck and scores of people running from their cars and down an embankment to the scene.

The armoured car is understood to have been forced to a halt by several vehicles. Once stationary, gunmen laid explosive charges and blew open safes. 

Johannesburg Metro Police spokesperson Xolani Fihla confirmed a Cash Heist had taken place. He said the freeway had been closed to allow police to examine the crime scene. No one was injured in the attack. 

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This post first appeared on Viral News Africa | Africa Trending News, Celebs, Social Media News, please read the originial post: here

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News24 | WATCH | Fast cash: Bystanders rush cash heist scene to grab leftover loot


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