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News24 | JUST IN | SCA dismisses ANC bid to challenge DA's 'cadre deployment' court ruling

The ANC's latest bid to challenge a ruling that forces it to hand over decade-long records of its Cadre Deployment to the DA was dismissed by the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) as having "no reasonable prospects of success".

Judge Wendy Hughes and Acting Judge Glenn Goosen also found there was "no other compelling reason why an appeal should be heard in the case".

Using the Promotion of Access to Information Act, the DA won a Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg ruling, which compels the ANC to hand over meeting minutes, WhatsApp conversations, email threads, CVs and all other records of the ANC deployment committee since 1 January 2013, when President Cyril Ramaphosa became the party's chairperson.

This is a developing story.

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This post first appeared on Viral News Africa | Africa Trending News, Celebs, Social Media News, please read the originial post: here

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News24 | JUST IN | SCA dismisses ANC bid to challenge DA's 'cadre deployment' court ruling


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