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The Artist’s Notebook Blog

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Paul Watson’s notes on his ongoing artwork and related research, giving an insight into his creative process.
Moving To Hastings
It’s goodbye to living in my Hove garret amongst the rooftops, chimneys, and crows because last week I signed the tenancy agreement for a new flat in Hastings, and I’m moving in… Read More
Myth And Masks Offer
Some sample pages of Myth and MasksAs I prepare to move to a new rented property next month I keep looking at all my belongings and want to lighten the load. I’ve got a number of co… Read More
Departure Lounge
The Houses of Parliament, photograph by the authorWhen you’re planning to move home there’s suddenly a day when the place that you’ve called home stops being home in some i… Read More
AI Art: My Part In Its Downfall
Ubiquitous Office ’97 clip art, as found on bad presentations and photocopied fliers everywhere[Forenote: the title of this post references a volume of Spike Milligan’s memoirs… Read More
Criticismism Interview
Three weeks ago I met up with visual arts writer Mark Sheerin to talk about my artwork. I’m delighted to say that the resulting interview has now been published on his site: I don… Read More
Famous Painting Attacked By Protestors
A world-famous painting, worth millions of pounds, has been savagely attacked by activists earlier today. The activists have been arrested by police, who arrived swiftly on the scene to asse… Read More
About My Studio
My living area/home office/studio - photograph by the authorI’ve rented a couple of actual artist’s studios in my time. The first was when I was living in the Earlsdon area of Co… Read More
May Day 2024
Part of the Hastings Jack in the Green festival in 2023 - photograph by the authorFrom The Guardian in 2011: May Day is a conflation of three traditions. An ancient Celtic and Germanic… Read More
Saints & Martyrs
Detail from Saints & MartyrsThis image has been a long time coming. I wrote on here over six months ago about some of the early planning for this piece, and how a lot of the early ins… Read More
Life-Drawing, February 2024
In my post last month about life-drawing I mentioned that the amount of oil used in the Faber-Castell Pitt sanguine pencil meant that I couldn’t get the tonal variation from it that I… Read More
The Journal Of Psychick Albion
This is a quick blog post to let you all know that I have an article about my current Acid Renaissance series of artwork in the forthcoming issue of Undefined Boundary: The Journal of Psychi… Read More
Think Global, Act Localhost
View towards the Hope Valley, Derbyshire - photograph by the authorLinks from one page to another are so fundamental to the web that without them it simply would not exist. HyperText —… Read More
Life-drawing, January 2024
On Friday and Saturday I finally restarted the life-drawing thread of my artistic practice after a break since November. Rather than doing several drawings in each session as I have done… Read More
About The Web In 2024
A day may come, as Aragorn might have said, when I finally get back to blogging about my artistic practice — the entire raison d’être of this blog — but it is not thi… Read More
My Plans For 2024
Life-drawing from March 2023 by the authorI deliberately skipped the archetypal “round-up of 2023” blog post, I’m not entirely sure why. I think, for me personally, it m… Read More
Blogrolls (reprise)
Last week I posted The return of the blogroll (and more), and — typically! — almost immediately afterwards I found out that many people have already been discussing blogrolls ove… Read More
The Return Of The Blogroll (and More)
When I completely redesigned this site in September/October of this year I spent a lot of time thinking about this blog section - not just in terms of design and layout, but also about how i… Read More
The Duellist
Previously unpublished shot of The Duellist, part of the Acid Renaissance series, by the author.The Duellist — of which I’ve published two versions: The Duellist (1) and The Duel… Read More
Digital Worlds And Gardens
Photograph taken by the author.Back in August I wrote about a lot of online advice for artists is framed around the trappings of corporate capitalism, and my deep-felt aversion to the call t… Read More
Acid Renaissance And Surrealism
Previously unpublished shot from the series Study of a Figure in the Court of Queen Mab, part of the Acid Renaissance series, by the author.As I continue with the final preparation for my Sa… Read More
New Website (2023 Edition)
Some of the code behind this new siteAs you may have noticed (unless you’re reading this post in an RSS feed reader, more on which later) I’ve just re-launched this website with… Read More
Burning The Clocks 2022
Last night brought the welcome return of Brighton’s annual Burning the Clocks procession/event, after a break over the last two years due to Covid. It was loud and joyfu… Read More
Planning For Saints And Martyrs
No assembly instructions supplied, alasI’m currently planning an Acid Renaissance photographic piece — working title: Saints & Martyrs — which is heavily inspired by th… Read More
On Being A Serious Artist
My studio (which is also my living room)A lot of online advice for artists is framed around the trappings of corporate capitalism: building your brand, hitting self-imposed targets, maximisi… Read More
Artwork From The Previous Month
Detail from one of my test photographs taken on Friday 28th JulyJuly was starting to look very sparse of any artwork until, I’m happy to report, the final weekend. On the final Frid… Read More
A Haunting Of Roses
Detail from A Haunting of RosesA Haunting of Roses first appeared as a scribbled note in my notebooks sometime in early 2018. So the idea of a pale figure covered with dying roses and cob… Read More
May 2023 Life-drawing
Three of May’s life-drawingsFollowing on from April’s blog post on my life-drawing practice, I wanted to give a quick overview on what’s been happening in May (even though… Read More
Hastings Jack In The Green 2023
For the first time since I moved down to the south coast I managed to get myself over to Hastings to watch the Jack in the Green festival, coinciding with the fortieth anniversary of it bein… Read More
April 2023 Life-drawing
Details from two of April’s life-drawingsI did two sessions of life-drawing this month, trying to find the media and style that I want to employ, and I think I’m nearly there… Read More
Artwork For All
One of the Life Drawings available from a drawing session in March 2023I’ve decided to make three of my recent life-drawings, including the one illustrating this blog post, available t… Read More
Individualism Over Community
Detail from the 2021 drawing Lamentation, by the authorMuch has already been said about the championing of individualism over community by the likes of Thatcher and others from the 1980s onw… Read More
Pages From The 2023 Almanac - April
Saturday 1st April 2013 On this day it is 373 years since THE DIGGERS moved onto wasteland at St George’s Hill, Surrey, and began to dig over the land and plant crops. Sunday 2… Read More
Life-Drawing March 2023
Life-drawing, 30 minute poseI took the day off from my day job on Monday — part of my plan to make sure I use all my annual leave allowance before I lose any untaken leave at the end o… Read More
Anarchism In Speculative Fiction
One of my first Mastodon posts was a request: Looking for recommendations about speculative fiction (SF/F, pref. short stories, but novels are fine) set in anarchist communities or de… Read More
Pages From The 2023 Almanac - March
Wednesday 1st March 2023 On this day is ST DAVID’S DAY, as celebrated by the COMMON PEOPLE of WALES, and the first day of SPRING under the Meteorological calendar. Monday 6th M… Read More
The Snake Mask
I started working on the Snake Mask in January 2022, and it has sat partially made for a full year now. I think it’s time to finish it. I don’t know why it’s been such… Read More
Last night brought the welcome return of Brighton’s annual Burning the Clocks procession/event, after a break over the last two years due to Covid. It was loud and joyful, as the s… Read More
Artwork Plans For 2023
It’s been a difficult year and I didn’t get much artwork done in 2022. I managed only 3 finished photographic pieces - two Untitled “Moss” pieces (here and her… Read More
Decentralised Networks
The recent change of ownership of Twitter is making a small but growing number of people think about their future on social media, and on the internet in general. You’ve all seen mu… Read More
Life-Drawing October 2022
Life-drawing, 30 minute poseI have been inconsistent with my choice of medium in recent life-drawing practice - alternating between pencils and pastels. I don’t see this as inherently… Read More
Some Thoughts On AI Art Tools
First three results from Craiyon using the prompt a haunting of rosesPublicly-accessible AI art tools — Craiyon (formerly DALL-E mini), Midjourney, and the growing number of others &md… Read More
Life-Drawing September 2022
Life-drawing, 1 hour pose (pencil)My plan to re-introduce regular life-drawing into my artistic practice is still going ahead, even though it’s not as frequent as I’d hoped yet… Read More
Children Of Mab Opening Night
I’m delighted to say that the Opening Party for my Children of Mab exhibition at Treadwell’s Bookshop went very well, and seemed to be enjoyed by all - thank you to everyone… Read More

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The Artist’s Notebook
