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New Procedure Offers Hope for People with Type 2 Diabetes

New Procedure Offers Hope For People With Type 2 Diabetes

New Procedure Offers Hope for People with Type 2 Diabetes

Recent advancements in medical science have hinted at a novel procedure for people with type 2 diabetes, which may decrease or even eradicate the need for regular blood sugar testing. Here, we delve deep into the findings and what this might mean for the diabetic community.

Procedure Overview

The innovative approach, though still in its research phase, offers the promise of enhancing the treatment regimen for those battling type 2 diabetes. This procedure modifies the lining of the small gut, specifically the duodenum, via electrical impulses.

How Does It Work?

By delivering electrical impulses to the duodenum in an hour-long outpatient procedure, the technology aims to rejuvenate the tissue lining. This potential breakthrough, owned by Endogenex, could herald a shift from the traditional management of diabetes.

Study Insights

While the procedure’s promise sounds promising, it’s important to note that the findings have not yet undergone peer review and remain unpublished. In the study:

  • Fourteen participants underwent the procedure.
  • Post-procedure, they shifted to a liquid diet for several weeks and then initiated on the weight-loss drug semaglutide, a drug approved by the FDA for weight management in specific patient categories.
  • Most participants maintained their glycemic control over a year with continued improvement attributed to semaglutide.
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The Underlying Theory

Researchers believe that a diet rich in sugar and calories may alter the duodenum lining. Such changes could cause the body to resist its diabetes medication. By revitalizing the tissue through the procedure, patients who still produce some insulin might observe significant benefits.

Medical Feedback

An independent doctor, not involved in the study, concurred with the hypothesis. He highlighted the potential damage a high-sugar, high-caloric diet could inflict on the small intestine. He advocated for dietary changes, emphasizing reduced sugar intake for optimal cellular health.

What Next?

As exciting as these findings might sound, the research community urges caution. There’s consensus on the need for randomized control studies to validate these preliminary results. Dr. Mir Ali, while recognizing the potential of the study, noted that drawing conclusions from a small sample size of 14 patients might be premature.

A Broader Perspective

While the surgery offers hope, it’s essential to address the root cause of the issue. Excess weight often plays a pivotal role in diabetes and its associated insulin resistance. Hence, maintaining an ideal weight remains the cornerstone of diabetes prevention and management.

Reducing the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Tips by Anne Danahy

Renowned health expert Anne Danahy provides invaluable advice on how to stave off type 2 diabetes:

  • Diet Focus: Prioritize carbohydrates as they influence glycemic control significantly. Incorporate whole fruits, vegetables, and grains into your diet.
  • Limit Sugary Intake: Avoid foods with added sugars. Opt for fresh fruits like berries or melons for a sweet fix. Avoid sugar-laden beverages.
  • Activity: Incorporate movement, like walking post meals, to regulate blood sugar. Regular standing breaks also help in maintaining healthy sugar levels.


While the new procedure for type 2 diabetes presents a promising avenue for treatment, it’s paramount to approach the findings with optimism, tempered with caution. Alongside medical advancements, lifestyle modifications like maintaining a balanced diet and regular physical activity remain vital in the fight against diabetes.

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New Procedure Offers Hope for People with Type 2 Diabetes
